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Ragepoop, nemesis of Pissco

Known for being consistently smug with no thought out opinions outside of his narrow area of expertise. Will barge into conversations claiming things with 100% certainty, and will inevitably be proven incorrect in a subreddit post following the stream.

Examples include(but are not limited to):

  1. Barging into a conversation about fundamental moralities despite admittingly hating philosophy[1], and proceeding to steamroll the conversation with anecdotes such as "a collage isn't art".
  2. Suddenly becoming a wokescold to deride Nick(Erudite's boyfriend) for using the phrase "new f*g"[2].
  3. Claimed the Petrochemical industry was "self regulated" [3].
  4. Claimed Mexico was a "fallen and corrupt state just like Somalia" and claimed we "need to bring some freedom" [4].

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