Retard magnet

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During a Starcraft 2 stream in 2011, Destiny devised a new strategy called the "Retard Magnet." This strategy would utilise the Zerg's Overlord unit to draw out the enemy's army, and then ambush them from behind with your own forces. At the time of streaming, Destiny was in a skype call with his good friend, Kyle.[1]


Destiny: The Overlord will serve as a retard magnet, drawing out the protoss army from his base... Then, my lings will come in from behind to hold the army in place, while I thrust my mighty roach dick.

Kyle: Is this really a retard magnet if this is a stupid plan?

Destiny: Well, if it drives anything out, then obviously the magnet has worked. Yes...yes - no! He's got a big army! Yes, it worked! Kyle it's a retard magnet!


  1. remembertomorrow0. (2011, January 7). "Starcraft 2 Tutorial - Destiny's Overlord Strategy (Retard Magnet)" (Video). YouTube. Retrieved August 24, 2023.