Debate tactics

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See also: Strategy (Obsidian Notes)

As Destiny created more and more adversaries through the many debates he has had, many of them have accused Destiny of not winning debates on the merits of his arguments but instead through debate tactics.[citation needed ] Over time, the phrase "debate tactics" has become a meme and the mentioning of the phrase often results in DANKMEMES being spammed. The debate tactics meme has produced multiple sub-memes based on the type of debate tactic Destiny is accused of using.

Talking fast

One of the most common debate tactics that Destiny is accused of is talking fast, presumably, to Gish gallop the opponent.[1]

Piano tactics

Destiny often starts playing piano when his debate opponent rambles for a long time. The Saint and The Sinner has accused Destiny of using this as a debate tactic.[2]


Pizza tactics

Because Destiny often streams for as much as ten hours a day[3], he often eats during his streams. In a post-debate analysis of Destiny's debate with Michael Albert by Ben Burgis, Destiny is accused of distracting Albert by eating his pizza.[4]


On 24 May, 2024, Destiny attended a panel hosted by WhickTV and was accused of "not caring enough about the debate..." by JustinFREAKIN "...because he was eating spaghetti off to the side."[5] One of the other panelists points out that it's possible Destiny just hasn't eaten yet.

Some have suggested that the spaghetti was intentionally made by Lycan to make Israel's strongest soldier falter in the debate, since Destiny was talking about the Cookies as rocket fuel meme.
