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During the DnD campaign Tombs of Scoria, Mrmouton becomes very confused when he hears the words "not" and "father" being spoken after each other. Mrmouton ends up combining the words in his head and becomes very distressed when he cant figure out what "Notfather" means. Nick "Greenzerg" Provoust ends up clarifying that Koibu meant for the words to be separate and not together.[1]

Mrmouton: "Hello. I am here to see the Velthara Tempel or the Velthara portion. Do you mind taking me over there? What is your name?"

Koibu: "Of course not, Father. I am Miriam."

Mrmouton: "Uhhh, what does Notfather mean?"

5 second silence

Nick "Greenzerg" Prouvost: "Of course not comma Father."


  1. DGG4LYFE. (2021, December 21). "Mr. Mouton meets the Notfather" (Video). YouTube. Retrieved August 24, 2023.