Subscriber Debate

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Revision as of 21:31, 24 August 2023 by Mojavve (talk | contribs) (Reformatted Teams section)
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On the 25th of July 2015 Destiny held the first and only subsriber debates. The topic of the debate was "Should incest be considered a moral wrong?". The subsribers were divided into two teams, team GUAC and team YEE.[1]


Team #GUAC

  1. Brosal
  2. NewSalsa
  3. MrMouton
  4. Xtphty
  5. RiceCraker
  6. Kierke

Team #YEE

  1. Bombjin
  2. Alyssa
  3. Pacjax
  4. Gertle
  5. PineConeKing
  6. IntegralsRulz


  1. Destiny. (2015, July 25). "Subscriber Debate #1" (Video). YouTube. Retrieved August 24, 2023.