Lex Fridman

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Lex Fridman
  • First appearance in the DGG universe was him donating a Youtube superchat in a MrGirl's livestream. [1] Though he found MrGirl an interesting character, revealed by MrGirl's own subreddit post [2], Lex found MrGirl's antics and reputations surrounding the (alleged abusive) treatment of his partner, Shaelin, "a serious red flag about the character of a man." Ultimately, Lex took a rain check on the potential MrGirl interview, but hoped for an eventual conversation in the future. MrGirl being MrGirl, took Lex's hesitation as a big offense and burned the bridge in DMs.
  • Lex would stop by Destiny's stream from time to time and donate a superchat. Eventually setting up a conversation with Destiny himself in person, Lex posted on the subreddit imploring possible questions from r/Destiny users.[3] The interview aired 2 weeks later.[4]
  • After Destiny's well-received appearance on a Jubilee's episode of "Middle Ground," talks of Destiny being the "Ben Shapiro of the left" picked up, on top of Ben Shapiro himself mentioning Destiny in an Iced Coffee Hour podcast appearance [5], the writings were on the walls for the fabled blockbuster debate between the two. Jubilee even had Destiny record a promo challenging Ben Shapiro on one of their videos [6]. To the surprise of nobody, Lex immediately emerged as a more fitting moderator for a presumably highly intellectual conversation in a long form, generally with few cuts and edits, format. The debate was finally confirmed with Lex posting on r/Destiny, originally set to be around Thanksgiving [7]. However, as the months approached, Ben informed Lex of a postponement due to some "scheduling issues" [8]. The new expected date for the debate is mid January of 2024, with Destiny mentioning it being the 13th of January specifically on stream.

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