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GIGAcuckedVIRGIN (GCV) first joined dgg chat on 22nd of March 2023. Whilst he enjoyed chatting on his first day in dgg chat, he took an unusually long break immediately after his first day until 14th of April, presumably on this faithful day, he learnt that you could stroke to nsfw links and type with the other hand. His first message back was a homage to Rustlegate of 2013 [1] , where Destiny uses rather *foul* language towards reddit commentors regarding a thread destiny made himself to protect and guide other against DDoS attacks (whilst playing league of legends). GCV states in relation to the video: “old destiny was a fuckin g”. Destiny’s actions in Rustlegate 2013 largely symbolises the personality of GCV an obnoxious, loud chatter, who will do anything to utter disregard others, particularly fellow chatters within dgg.

On this day, GCV also uses his first ever green text on the 14th of March. He says the following “>no content REE REE REE”. This would be the single event that would cascade significantly, nowadays GCV’s message are almost always green text with all caps.

I first contacted GCV on the 19th of November regarding the biography I was going to write for him. His reply: “DONT WRITE IT UNTIL YOU CAN PUT IN THAT HOE THAT I FUCKED A BITCH” (Hoe referring to the biography). When asked for his backstory: “ITS VERY BORING. ONLY CHILD GREW UP VERY STRAIGHT AND NARROW. HAVE A DECENT JOB AND A LOT OF DESPOSABLE INCOME. NO GF AND SO FUCKING HORNY ALL DAY EVERY DAY”. This message clearly states the struggles of GCV that he is constantly horny. Despite his complete utter coomer obsessed brain. Somewhat contradictory, GCV also portrays himself as a virgin (hence the name). These traits of GCV show a completely different meaning, when he reflects on this soberly (he uses lowercase) fact on the 5th of September when talking CipoMatator. GCV: “CipoMatador my orignal point was about sex though. for me I’m not lonely at all. but not having such a key experience at life is starting to affect me”. This shows, GCV may appear as your average horny young male, but deep down the lack of sex has a negative effect on his life, he is quite depressed at the fact that he is still a virgin behind the masks he hides behind in dgg chat.

Here is a list of GCV’s other notable behaviours:

  • Whilst GCV’s love for women is rather intense, he hates Kelly Jean
  • Fetishes Incest
  • Admits to having no friends, “>WELL YAH I DONT FEEL LONELY AT ALL. YT AND TINY ARE ALL I NEED” (private dms)
  • His most used emote is REE with 122 uses and COOMER in second with 79
  • He does not watch porn but prefers the sight of Instagram pictures.

Written by OjFO