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Bluetea, an ancient stream orbiter dating back to the early days of StarCraft, was a fair-haired woman with an appealing physique but unfortunately an unattractive facial appearance. Actively participating in various in-real-life StarCraft events, Bluetea established connections with professional players, including Destiny. [1]

As their friendship or casual involvement progressed, Destiny, in a moment of indiscretion, disparagingly commented on Bluetea's facial features during a private conversation on Teamspeak. This incident deeply offended Bluetea, prompting her to retaliate by leaking an explicit image of Destiny. Consequently, this action sparked hostilities with Destiny and his girlfriend, Erisann. [2]

The aftermath of this incident gave rise to the "dicks out for destiny" movement, becoming a significant milestone in the early stages of Destiny's streaming career. The repercussions of this event have reverberated into the future, shaping the trajectory of Destiny's online presence. [3]
