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Revision as of 07:47, 28 August 2023 by Tape (talk | contribs) (picture added)
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GappyV (pronounced Gappy 5), officially Guppy Lee and self-proclaimed "not an orbiter" is a well known member of DGG. Active in the community, Mr. Lee is acclaimed for his leadership in the r/place wars of 2022, raising the banner for DGG as well as impersonating an r/place India mod and convincing Mizkif and the Mizkids to join forces with DGG. GappyV continues to be an active member of DGG and streams on Twitch as a variety streamer under his name.


While claiming to be a big proponent of progressivism in his politics, GappyV is accused of attending a certain rally on January 6th. While he has not provided evidence disproving the accusation, accountings of the incident continues to grow.

In addition to his politics, GappyV has been known to change pants often. While not confirmed, it has been speculated that GappyV may at times defecate into his own apparel. Out of concern for their streamer, his community would often chat with the 7TV emote POOPOOS in solidarity with Gappy's apparent incontinence challenges.