Vegan Gains

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Richard 'VeganGains' Burgess

Richard Burgess, better known online as Vegan Gains, is a professional vegan activist, amateur bodybuilder, and lifelong psychopath[1]. Since 2021, Vegan Gains has advocated for a violent, vegan war of extermination against all carnivorous animals.[2]

Vegan Gains hates Breaking Bad[3].

External Links


  1. Mirko Matarazzo (2015, August 13). "My Grandfather's Heart Attack and Death - Vegan Gains" (Video). YouTube. Retrieved September 07, 2023.
  2. Vegan Gains. (2021, May 21). "Culling Carnivorous Animals Debate with Slightly Crazy Vegan" (Video). YouTube. Retrieved September 07, 2023.
  3. Destiny. boring late night stream (doing work, not even responding/reading to chat, I'm basically zombiemode). YouTube. Retrieved 20 May 2024. Conversation begins roughly 2:25:00 in the VOD.