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(2022 images update)
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[[File:RPlace.jpg|thumb|'''Dgg art from r/place''']]
[[File:RPlace.jpg|thumb|'''Dgg art from r/place 2023''']]
(description needed)
"There is An empty canvas.
  You may place a pixel upon it, but you must wait to place another.
   Individually you can create something.
  Together you can create something more." -[https://www.reddit.com/r/place r/place]
[[Destiny]], along with other community members, participated in the r/place event, creating multiple artworks.
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1emmqaxBkEshCjP_AanB_H9LigolH8l8JhJztLawhUQA/edit?usp=drivesdk DGG r/place 2022]
== Commanders ==
[https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton '''MrMouton''']
[https://www.twitch.tv/dancantstream '''Dan''']
[https://www.twitch.tv/gappyv '''GappyV''' ]
[https://www.twitch.tv/willkill4ever '''WillKill4Ever''']
[https://www.twitch.tv/mrwarlockk '''MrWarlockk''']
== Atlas ==
'''Art we Built'''
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right;"
! style="background: ;"|2022 Art
*Home Base
::Mouton sheep
::Mouton logo
::OOOO fish
*First Colony
::dgg 4 lyfe YEE vs PEPE
::Koibu K
== History/2022 Timeline ==
*[https://www.reddit.com/user/DubbelDo/ u/DubbelDo] proposes plans to build a [https://preview.redd.it/s093a6wja7181.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=c38d74112249fb193c6d7f45fff736792e16ad43 dggL] at  477 (d-g-g),120 (L..but with a 0)
*[https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/tsxjsl/first_attempt_at_a_plan_for_rplace/ First attempt]
-Day 1
;Commander Mouton
*After briefly fighting over the same area, we allied with Norway and the nordic union.
*They offer to help us move dggl to 350, 110 in exchange for mutual protection.
*Hasan attacks
*someone else attacked, then gave up saying we were botted
*Mr Mouton sheep is built on top of dggL
;Commander Willkill4ever
*3-28 gets overtaken by dean
*Raid on vaush ([https://www.twitch.tv/willkill4ever/clip/MistyStylishSalamanderANELE-F8NSMhf09aL-GJWJ Clip]) and their reaction ([https://www.twitch.tv/willkill4ever/clip/RenownedAliveTroutCoolStoryBro-RxknodvHEe1qkewA?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Clip])
*Defense against haz ([https://www.twitch.tv/willkill4ever/clip/MiniatureCautiousAyeayeBrainSlug-QpP7qoSdGPgjddvI Clip])
;Commander Gappyv
*Gappyv’s psy-op to convince Mizkif he's from r/India ([https://clips.twitch.tv/SeductivePlumpSeahorseANELE-obQT6L0GSRWo7dTj Clip])
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZAGmDyL6lA i tricked Mizkif into giving me 40,000 viewers (r/place)]
*[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1448259045?t=00h30m09s Mizkif’s reaction when he found out]
-Day 2
;Commander MrMouton
*We help the nordic union build the scream painting
*We decide to build MrMouton’s logo ([https://clips.twitch.tv/AssiduousBeautifulSparrowNotATK-8yP2t7SV8K0wpIkD Clip])
*The Void approaches the Nordic Union ([https://clips.twitch.tv/RoughYummyPidgeonRitzMitz-s_bPEr98qJRVZ5Kq Clip]) so we defend and redirect the void down ([https://clips.twitch.tv/PolishedGentleFinchJebaited-OjSzORUiDOzVMXwz Clip])
*We build the OOOO fish
*Quinn69 attacks dggL ([https://www.twitch.tv/quin69/clip/AwkwardTawdryApeBloodTrail-E1xeyGR5nhnCsXmq?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Clip]), but eventually gives up and moves on to create some art of his own ([https://www.twitch.tv/quin69/clip/HedonisticLightDeerKeepo-I2l3WY4rsALb21hf Quin] | [https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton/clip/FrailSplendidBadgerOpieOP-6e7QT3ndTmIAo5tt?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time DGG]).
*DGG attacks this art ([https://www.twitch.tv/quin69/clip/RepleteCloudyMooseStinkyCheese-z9ssMNv1KWRpaxmn?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Quin] | [https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton/clip/HedonisticShinyMelonSeemsGood-FyfEM71koggcVFnO?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time DGG]), lets Quinn finish his art ([https://www.twitch.tv/quin69/clip/SquareCrazyPeanutOSfrog-jvEimuJdeywNUk3O?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Quin] | [https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton/clip/RamshackleArtsyCheddarLeeroyJenkins-15hbBqbVPD6HtOK4?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time DGG]) and then attacks a second time ([https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton/clip/WildCrepuscularRutabagaDxAbomb-nC0QXfJv4T7kMftr?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Clip]).
*Finally, DGG shows mercy with a peace offering ([https://www.twitch.tv/quin69/clip/HonorableLivelyLardAMPTropPunch--wEWx1IHaJgKNbRV?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Quin] | [https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton/clip/InnocentGleamingAmazonBigBrother-3MCZTMKhwG54iHR5?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time DGG])
*The canvas expands for the first time and we build a pepe and yee ([https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton/clip/ZanyAcceptableDoveResidentSleeper-TJbjEPjqtqQ4haGN?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Clip]), one of the first completed images on the new canvas
*We ally with one piece below ([https://clips.twitch.tv/CleanBlushingChickpeaAMPEnergyCherry-oJkcDnTm7bB1ZAyk Clip])
*Mr mouton takes stock of our art ([https://clips.twitch.tv/AltruisticRacyArugulaDogFace-i31X4Has9BDUepIw Clip])
;Commander MrWarlockk
*We add DGG 4 LYFE below the PEPE and YEE, and help one piece ([https://www.twitch.tv/mrwarlockk/clip/MoistMoistGalagoSuperVinlin-8OYfKsFHD6GQdxZj?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time Clip])
;Commander Dan
*We build Koibu’s K over a light bulb from the BFDI community
*We attack Vaush’s art, turning his face into a poppy heart, and the word ‘Vaush’ into ‘Ctrl + v’
*We launch attacks on league, omori false flag
*r/destiny2 is changed to  r/destiny
*Dan extorts the members of those communities, saying he will stop the attack if he gets subs
-Day 3
;Commander MrMouton
*Feeling bad about destroying BFDI light bulb, MrMouton offers to help rebuild it with one condition: we give the light bulb an AK-47 ([https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton/clip/PlainSaltyClintBrainSlug-d5KLB-mHA9d_ylwB?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Clip])
*he worries it might get him in trouble ([https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton/clip/TastyGiftedSwallowHassanChop-WSG1oKPPAu_bP8eu?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Clip]).
*Both DGG and BFDI make fanart ([https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton/clip/AliveRefinedHamburgerResidentSleeper-sA2AFBjZXXM-Kn1v?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Clip]) ([https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/959915785508233258/960708827987181578/unknown.png BFDI’s Art])
*We take inventory of our creations ([https://www.twitch.tv/mrmouton/clip/HardClumsyGnatPrimeMe-00BCIX3FzPephbvW?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Clip])
;Commander Willkill4ever
*The canvas expands and we build a Gigachad([https://www.twitch.tv/willkill4ever/clip/VainRelievedCobblerSpicyBoy-AJ9yHaEf7ZMfXHad Clip])
*We add DGG in the background and the Destiny logo below, completing our final permanent piece, and take stock. ([https://www.twitch.tv/willkill4ever/clip/SparklingDreamyBeef4Head-NjXgfKQJZu3wLMPX Clip])
*We make alliances with Monster Hunter and streamer shisheyu_mayamoto, moving their art down to make space for the Destiny logo
*We also ally with One Punch Man, allowing their art to overlap the bottom right corner.
*The DGG slowly turns to amongus, becoming one of the [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/959550776332656691/960562106569199656/unknown.png top 5 largest collection of amogus at that point]
*We ally with the art around the Gigachad: Omori, watch dominion vegans, demon dice, aternos, trash taste, and overcast
*The streamer BazzaRazza offers an alliance if we turn our border red, but we don’t accept
-Day 4
*We raid Vaush again, turning his logo into a D
*We ally with DBZ, community
*We try to build a [[LilyPichu]] lily in some free territory
;Commander Destiny
*We remove the amongus from the gigachad background
*We find art that Vaush is creating, build it for them, then destroy
*We build the lily flower on gigachad
*We attack dean’s art, replacing it with with Trans flag
*Miskif defends dean, so we turn his Donkey Kong’s tie blue
*Mizkif agrees to a truce ([https://www.twitch.tv/mizkif/clip/RenownedFitMoonTooSpicy-Q7i-KfJpVzYBXuE1?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Clip])
*Mizkif makes good on his deal ([https://clips.twitch.tv/LuckySuspiciousKaleBatChest-ex4x13-ZzrdAsJr9 Clip])
*K9/11: We replaced Hasan's dog with a Hungarian flag with a D
*At one point, [https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twbi1w/this_is_honestly_a_crime_against_nature/ the top post on r/place] was condemning the attack
*Destiny takes a nap, but continues streaming and people in his discord call take over
-The End
*We defend our art until the end of r/place
*We notice that Gigachads nose is turning white, then that the only color of pixel that can be placed is white
*We write DGG in white
*And, finally, are serenaded by Lycan as we watch the art fade
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1avm_PSg7M&t=20661s Lycan narrates the destruction of /r/place to the tune of Simple Man]
[https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/twg9df/lycan_narrates_the_destruction_of_rplace_to_the/ (From this reddit post)]
== Video summaries ==
;Destiny [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B1mikBCKS8 DESTINY DECLARES WAR | 2022 R Place Drama, Memes And Aftermath]
;MrMouton [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ6nlieLY28 The Entire Daliban r/place Saga | ft. Destiny]
;Felklmao [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20-DGWMMTMM The Destiny.gg conquest in /r/place]
;Ludwig [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h3mPGaQrDQ the entire history of r/place, i guess]
;2kliksphilip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fdBKCDAuPs PLACE 2022]
;Penguinz0 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl9jS8r5mjQ r/place is Wild]
== Allies ==
:The nordic union
:One Piece
:One Punch Man
:Monster Hunter
:Demon Dice, Trash Taste, Overcast Alliance
:Dragon Ball Z
== Other streamers reactions ==
Lilypichu- [https://www.twitch.tv/lilypichu/clip/MoralAcceptableEagleWutFace-l8GPal3C6ZbkT8vP They’re gonna build a flower for me]
Pokimaine- [https://streamable.com/p69j6i OMG lily's flower]  [https://clips.twitch.tv/WonderfulDullWatermelonDAESuppy-YmPCa2IaPq6NBafN Destiny’s real estate]
Asmongold- [https://clips.twitch.tv/BoringToughMangoNotATK-V7fIGzff6NP8yiWo Some random bearded guy]
Papa Gut Leftovers-[https://youtu.be/5LjN4uW840s?t=196 Destiny Removes Hasan's Dead Dog on r/place | Angry Hasan Viewer Calls Me A Destiny Simp]
Ahrelevant- [https://www.twitch.tv/ahrelevant/clip/NaivePopularAardvarkJKanStyle-6hFIfuR5VviWAhd2 You guys realize this is a lose lose]
Richard Lewis- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1s_3lUNgfA&t=2007s You have to hand it to the Daliban]
xQcOW- [https://clips.twitch.tv/WealthyShortBeanTheThing-e10NNEj-zX__Xjj1 He has art everywhere]
Mizkif- [https://clips.twitch.tv/MistyGentleAntelopeDBstyle-620OUljOqUYGtnf3 Last time destiny messaged me I got canceled] [https://clips.twitch.tv/ExpensiveNeighborlyCobraCeilingCat-u9eiN9wHngY-lXFs That is low]
Amouranth- [https://streamable.com/73pt8g That looks nothing like Destiny]
Pezzzy- [https://clips.twitch.tv/ExuberantBreakableJaguarKappaRoss-fwNcpyEeOE9Vs_DG Right under the gigachad]
Vaush  - “destiny fans are better”{{citation needed}}
Hasan - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1avm_PSg7M&t=11290s it's pixels]

== External Links ==
[https://www.reddit.com/r/place/ r/place]


Latest revision as of 21:14, 12 February 2024

Dgg art from r/place 2023
"There is An empty canvas. 
 You may place a pixel upon it, but you must wait to place another.
 Individually you can create something. 
 Together you can create something more." -r/place

Destiny, along with other community members, participated in the r/place event, creating multiple artworks.

DGG r/place 2022








Art we Built

2022 Art
  • Home Base
Mouton sheep
Mouton logo
OOOO fish
  • First Colony
dgg 4 lyfe YEE vs PEPE
Koibu K
  • Gigachad

History/2022 Timeline


  • u/DubbelDo proposes plans to build a dggL at 477 (d-g-g),120 (L..but with a 0)

-Day 1

Commander Mouton
  • After briefly fighting over the same area, we allied with Norway and the nordic union.
  • They offer to help us move dggl to 350, 110 in exchange for mutual protection.
  • Hasan attacks
  • someone else attacked, then gave up saying we were botted
  • Mr Mouton sheep is built on top of dggL
Commander Willkill4ever
  • 3-28 gets overtaken by dean
  • Raid on vaush (Clip) and their reaction (Clip)
  • Defense against haz (Clip)
Commander Gappyv

-Day 2

Commander MrMouton
  • We help the nordic union build the scream painting
  • We decide to build MrMouton’s logo (Clip)
  • The Void approaches the Nordic Union (Clip) so we defend and redirect the void down (Clip)
  • We build the OOOO fish
  • Quinn69 attacks dggL (Clip), but eventually gives up and moves on to create some art of his own (Quin | DGG).
  • DGG attacks this art (Quin | DGG), lets Quinn finish his art (Quin | DGG) and then attacks a second time (Clip).
  • Finally, DGG shows mercy with a peace offering (Quin | DGG)
  • The canvas expands for the first time and we build a pepe and yee (Clip), one of the first completed images on the new canvas
  • We ally with one piece below (Clip)
  • Mr mouton takes stock of our art (Clip)
Commander MrWarlockk
  • We add DGG 4 LYFE below the PEPE and YEE, and help one piece (Clip)
Commander Dan
  • We build Koibu’s K over a light bulb from the BFDI community
  • We attack Vaush’s art, turning his face into a poppy heart, and the word ‘Vaush’ into ‘Ctrl + v’
  • We launch attacks on league, omori false flag
  • r/destiny2 is changed to r/destiny
  • Dan extorts the members of those communities, saying he will stop the attack if he gets subs

-Day 3

Commander MrMouton
  • Feeling bad about destroying BFDI light bulb, MrMouton offers to help rebuild it with one condition: we give the light bulb an AK-47 (Clip)
  • he worries it might get him in trouble (Clip).
  • We take inventory of our creations (Clip)
Commander Willkill4ever
  • The canvas expands and we build a Gigachad(Clip)
  • We add DGG in the background and the Destiny logo below, completing our final permanent piece, and take stock. (Clip)
  • We make alliances with Monster Hunter and streamer shisheyu_mayamoto, moving their art down to make space for the Destiny logo
  • We also ally with One Punch Man, allowing their art to overlap the bottom right corner.
  • We ally with the art around the Gigachad: Omori, watch dominion vegans, demon dice, aternos, trash taste, and overcast
  • The streamer BazzaRazza offers an alliance if we turn our border red, but we don’t accept

-Day 4

  • We raid Vaush again, turning his logo into a D
  • We ally with DBZ, community
  • We try to build a LilyPichu lily in some free territory
Commander Destiny
  • We remove the amongus from the gigachad background
  • We find art that Vaush is creating, build it for them, then destroy
  • We build the lily flower on gigachad
  • We attack dean’s art, replacing it with with Trans flag
  • Miskif defends dean, so we turn his Donkey Kong’s tie blue
  • Mizkif agrees to a truce (Clip)
  • Mizkif makes good on his deal (Clip)
  • K9/11: We replaced Hasan's dog with a Hungarian flag with a D
  • At one point, the top post on r/place was condemning the attack
  • Destiny takes a nap, but continues streaming and people in his discord call take over

-The End

  • We defend our art until the end of r/place
  • We notice that Gigachads nose is turning white, then that the only color of pixel that can be placed is white
  • We write DGG in white
  • And, finally, are serenaded by Lycan as we watch the art fade

Lycan narrates the destruction of /r/place to the tune of Simple Man (From this reddit post)

Video summaries


Destiny DESTINY DECLARES WAR | 2022 R Place Drama, Memes And Aftermath
MrMouton The Entire Daliban r/place Saga | ft. Destiny
Felklmao The Destiny.gg conquest in /r/place


Ludwig the entire history of r/place, i guess
2kliksphilip PLACE 2022
Penguinz0 r/place is Wild


The nordic union
One Piece
One Punch Man
Monster Hunter
Demon Dice, Trash Taste, Overcast Alliance
Dragon Ball Z

Other streamers reactions

Lilypichu- They’re gonna build a flower for me

Pokimaine- OMG lily's flower Destiny’s real estate

Asmongold- Some random bearded guy

Papa Gut Leftovers-Destiny Removes Hasan's Dead Dog on r/place | Angry Hasan Viewer Calls Me A Destiny Simp

Ahrelevant- You guys realize this is a lose lose

Richard Lewis- You have to hand it to the Daliban

xQcOW- He has art everywhere

Mizkif- Last time destiny messaged me I got canceled That is low

Amouranth- That looks nothing like Destiny

Pezzzy- Right under the gigachad

Vaush - “destiny fans are better”[citation needed ]

Hasan - it's pixels