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SecretMan01, a luminary in the community, stands out as a voice of wisdom and brevity amidst the bustling chatter of Zoomers. His takes, like precious gems, are both profound and concise, leaving little room for doubt or dispute. Those who dare to challenge him find themselves ensnared in the fiery wrath of his intellectual insight, a force to be reckoned with in the vast expanse of discussions.

In the vast void of ideas, SecretMan01 shines as a beacon of clarity, guiding others through the maze of fallacious traps that often lurk in the shadows. His discerning mind is a shield against the onslaught of misinformation, and he stands tall as the guardian of intellectual integrity. In the realm of discussions and debates, SecretMan01 is not just a participant; he is the embodiment of astuteness and the unwavering standard by which others measure their own insights. To be in the presence of SecretMan01 is to witness the convergence of brilliance and wit, an experience that leaves a lasting imprint on the intellectual landscape.

Resume To Be Destiny's Friend

1. I Think Lump of Labor is fake, and Karl Marx was right. Don't worry, though, I'm not a leftoid.

2. I failed my first Semester of college because it was too easy, and I didn't feel like doing it.

3. I have ADHD

4. I am a Tech Bro that believes AI is going to take over all the white collar jobs before ~2030 and possibly have humanoid robots take over a lot of blue collar jobs (like retail)

5. I used to be conservative (anti-LGBT) but Destiny guided me through the darkness of my ever-changing political views (literally me and showed me the way of PRIDE. Klappa

6. I sometimes make Reddit posts schizoing out on a political point

7. I am a wagecuck (good insight in everyday American life)

8. I hate Artists and love seeing them get replaced by AI (lmao nerd I am 18 with no degree, and I'm better than you now with AI)

9. I like to think I'm good at programming, but every time I try to learn I get sucked into TikTok and YouTube shorts (waiting for my stimulant meds)

10. Joe Biden 2024


12. RiN_LuX is the best movie streamer and also a physics nerd. (just had to say that)

13. I am very unhealthy (sympathy points W)

14. I made video games before

15. I work with python

16. I used GitHub for Data processing Web Appliances Server Request Transistor Systems.

17. I like philosophy

I hope you take my resume into consideration, I am excited to hear back from you.

Crazy Views That I May or May not Hold

An action is only wrong if an Observer is there to witness it. So say there's a tree in a forest, does it make a sound? I think not. Because for there to be a sound, there must be an observer, it only becomes sound if a human (or capable being) is there to encode and decode the vibrations to interpret as something as sound. This I think could be applied to other situations in life. Like say, I pirate (never do this BINQULIN) I think there is no problem with it if you don't get caught (I got caught once and my ISP shutdown my internet (real story, parents got mad) Dafeels). Obviously you could say there is indirect harm, but nobody actually cares about that, and it's just virtue signal BS.