Moral Luck

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Streamer Drama ft. Hasanabi, Vaush, Marty & RemTheBathBoi

Moral Luck, refers to the concept that individuals are essentially a product of their environment, particularly with regards to Political beliefs.

The term was first brought to the forefront on Destiny's streams during a particular heated debate between Rem, Vaush, and Hasan, wherein the term was discussed in exceeding detail.[1] Rem being of the position that political pundits, especially those with large audiences, have a responsibility to ensure their arguments are philosophically grounded. Rem would go on to assert that individuals who do not do so, run the risk of "lucking" into their positions through life-experiences, and may not truly be advocating for the "most correct" positions.

The term became so pervasive within the broader DGG community, references to it can be seen to this day.
