
From Destiny Wiki
Revision as of 17:12, 15 May 2024 by RiN LuX (talk | contribs) (Reworked the sections, i think 1% is a good differential between conductors rather than current people who would constantly have to be reevaluated and be needlessly subjective. Also added brief descriptions of some of the conductors.)
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Conductors are chatters who are sometimes allowed to stream to DGG chat. These chatters are glorified DVD players who stream movies and occasionally drop a pipe noise on stream at hilarious moments. Like jannies, they do it for free.

Notable Conductors

These conductors have conducted one percent or more of the movies watched in chat:

  • cantclosevim - Currently banned
  • Fancysloth - Known for his style of conducting that is more akin to a typical stream than a movie stream, the sloth is one of very few who dares use their webcam. He is known for being one of the last remaining conductors from the wild west of conducting. Currently too hated to conduct without issue.
  • gay_sheriff - Noteworthy for playing ostensibly gay films, as the name suggests, gay_sheriff often would put on movies that the basement dwelling heteronormative culture of D.GG would typically never vote for.
  • ivx - Though he has announced a soft retirement as of early 2024, ivx was a breakthrough conductor in his minimal style, no microphone, no memes, and short wait times. This style would be desired by many with the rise of new-age fancysloth streamers in the form of crisp_lettuce, or rin_lux.
  • picklesnathan - Another D.GGer who dared to stream with a cam, they would often show off their cat during streams, and flaunt many of the rules established by the CCC that were slowly being forgotten and in their place an old form of conducting was being remembered. In the old times movies weren't polled and chat held less power, and picklesnathan embraces such values by actively trying to choose movies for chat instead of relying on the status quo of strawpolls.
  • Pizza - The quintessential *new-age* conductor, they employ memes, pipes, and even a soundboard to entertain chat during movies. Embracing a mixture of the old and the new, Pizza rejects a status quo built on norms and peace, opting instead to split whoever dares draw upon chat's ire by not polling or disregarding a poll. Known for their minimal polling scene inspired by the likes of ivx, they opt to keep the memes to a minimum outside the film, while embracing the _emote-spam_ that some have criticized movie streams of farming. Currently the most active conductor.
  • Rin_Lux - Attention whore.
  • ThatLuckyCamper - Retired, but not forgotten. Legend has it that his beauty was revealed in one IRL stream, only to be forgotten, like tears in the rain. Known best for playing entertaining kino, albeit often in foreign languages.
  • TommyK - A conductor that needs no introduction, the creator of the CCC, vanquisher of both barret and cantclosevim, he stands tall amongst all as the most well known and liked conductor that possess a microphone. Though he has faded into the shadows, he emerges semi-regularity to debate any number of things in cha or read a book on stream, or perhaps even impersonate a jew-stalker.
  • zlxb - Retired, one of the most beloved conductors.

Other Noteworthy Conductors

  • Crisp_Lettuce
  • DariusIRL - Started out as a movie conductor, lead to his never ending downward spiral

Relevant memes

Guide to Conducting

A flowchart of permissible streaming content. Created by Rin_Lux.

If you have like 2 hours to kill, movies are allowed by our great leader, and you have an insatiable desire for attention from chat YOU can be a conductor!


You will want at least 3 scenes. You probably want to screen capture as little as possible, you probably have personal things on your desktop, in folders etc. and thus most of the guide will bracket out as much unnecessary stuff as possible.


You want this scene to be for showing trailers, straw polls, or the raffle wheel.

  • Browser - Window Capture
  • Polling Text - Text
  • Background - Image
  • Conductor - Text

Capture a browser you want to view stuff for chat, make sure that you do *not* capture DGG chat in this window because that should be in a separate window. This separate window allows for you to filter links from chat before you show them on stream (chat like to link ass shaving videos).

Since you are capturing a browser, it will appear in a sea of black if you are cropping anything from said browser. Just to make things look nice its good to have a fullscreen background image that is always up on your screen.

Having your chat name on screen isn't just for feeding your attention addiction, it allows people in chat to stop asking "who is conducting" every 5 minutes and they can spam you when things go wrong or whatever.


You want this scene to be for watching the kino, when you have a file to be played.

  • Video Player - Window Capture - Media Player Classic
  • Time - Window Capture - Media Player Classic
  • Movie Title - Text
  • Conductor - Text

I use Media Player Classic for 2 main reasons, for the ease of use to capture the time remaining and it can easily shut off my computer (and the stream) when the movie ends if I'm asleep. Capturing the time based on the actual media being played instead of using an external OBS plugin is useful because it is instant once setup, always correct, shows time elapsed and total time, and doesn't need to be reset if something goes wrong with the movie.

To setup MPC, have one screen capture for the whole of MPC personally I prefer to keep MPC windowed and thus you can mess with the player with no viewer seeing anything (you can right click the player, add subtitles etc.). Simply crop out the top and bottom menus and stretch the movie a bit until it fits nicely on the display.

Next to setup the timer, you want to again screen capture MPC and specifically crop out the player until you only see the progress meter at the bottom right. Next apply a color correction filter to the scene capture, simply remove the saturation from the timer as it only makes the time look blurry. Add a color key filter and select black (or the background color of the timer) and it should remove the black background of the timer which should make it blend in more if the images reach the top of the window.

Optionally you can add some rotating gif image source in the corner of the screen, this gives viewers something to look to to see if the movie/stream is frozen. If the spinning YEE is still going, then you know that the stream is not frozen.

Movie In Browser

Sometimes chat decides to watch a video on YouTube, and this requires you to capture the browser in place of a media player.

  • Browser - Window Capture
  • Movie Title - Text
  • Conductor - Text
  • Time - Text

Make sure the video is fullscreen and thus not cropped. In this case its also impossible to capture the time directly, so add a text source and manually set the time left with the countdown timer plugin for OBS


Channel Stuff

Don't stream on an account that you like, it will probably get banned. Don't conduct on an account that is an affiliate, twitch runs ads on those accounts.


You can isolate your media players audio but from my experience it does seem to degrade the audio (plus you cant play pipe drops if you do this). Audio is really only noticeably better up to 320 kbps so no need to go higher. If you have a mic, put it on push to talk to cut out the background noise as much as possible.


Most films are shot at around 24 FPS so you probably don't need to stream at a higher frame rate. Four thousand kbps is a good bitrate for 1080p streams, three thousand is probably the bare minimum.


Don't stream during Destiny stuff, that's dumb. Don't spend too much time streaming, the main point is to conduct which means you should get the movie up as soon as you can. Reach out to a member of the CCC if your are confused about something, they probably can help. Listen to the bear.


The following scripts can be used with userscript browser extensions such as Violentmonkey.

  • This script adds a search box to bigscreen. Entering the name of a chatter will add all chatters (in your local chat history) that have mentioned them to your clipboard.
  • This script adds a select list to the results page on Strawpoll. Selecting a number, n, will add the top n results to your clipboard for quicker runoff setup.
  • This script adds an auto-complete feature with an info box showing the "last played" date attached from the DGG Movie List. This is useful to quickly determine if/when a movie has been played. Kredit to Kyruna!

See also