Hasan and Destiny Break Up Over Kamala Misinformation

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Hasanabi And Destiny BREAK UP Over Kamala Misinformation

On July 9, 2019 Destiny and Hasan had a very heated discussion regarding American politician Kamala Harris, leading to their first major fallout. [1] Following their onstream "breakup", both streamers created reddit threads regarding their takeaways from the discussion, and ultimately cut ties with one another for some time.

Destiny discusses Hasan's "You don't want Kopmala Harris" video.

DGG's Favorability of Kamala before and after viewing Hasan's "You don't want Kopmala Harris" video.[2]
Before After
Kamala is cool: 16%
Lukewarm on Kamala: 60%
Hate Kamala: 24%
Kamala is cool: 9%
Lukewarm on Kamala: 43%
Hate Kamala: 48%

This discussion arose following Destiny's viewing of "You Don't Want Cop-Mala Harris" on Hasan's channel. Prior to and after viewing the video, Destiny polled his audience(see right) to determine their favorability towards Harris. Following the poll's completion, Destiny found that his audience held a more disfavorable view towards Harris after viewing the video. Upon seeing the results, Destiny explains that he fact-checked every claim by Hasan made in the video, and ultimately concluded that Hasan was wrong in several instances and may have even created the video in bad faith. Destiny went on to chide Hasan for erroneously spreading disinformation about a potential democratic candidate during an election year.

I went through the claims on the video, because I was curious how much of it was maybe exaggerated a little bit, how much of it was completely correct, and then "was there anything in here that was wrong". When I started to go through the claims in this video about Kamala Harris, almost every single thing Hasan says in this video is either dead wrong or horribly stretched out of what's actually happening... Almost every single point, and it actually was like really frustrating to listen to.

-Destiny on Hasan's "You Don't want Kopmala Harris" video.

Destiny provides the following examples of bad faith critiques made by Hasan throughout the video:

Hasan's criticisms of Kamala Harris and Destiny's counterarguments.
Topic Hasan's claim Destiny's critique
ICE 2:53 Hasan claims that Kamala supported a law in 2008 that forced schools to turn over undocumented students to ICE. Destiny explains that while he could find no information regarding the specific law Hasan is referring to, he was able to find information regarding a law established in that same year which allowed for illegal immigrants charged with a crime to be referred to ICE. Destiny goes on to explain that the law originated following an illegal immigrant being charged with the murder of three individuals, and that Kamala has recently stated that she regrets supporting the law. A chatter later asks if Destiny thinks this video is worse than any others critiquing Harris, given that Kamala is one of the "weirdest" areas of left-wing extreme bias. Destiny replies that it's not weird at all if one takes into account that people on the left hate cops, and that Hasan's video could be boiled down to "I really hate cops".
Truancy policy 9:02 Hasan claims that Harris instituted a harsh, punitive, and dehumanizing truancy policy towards low income and single-parent families which involved "Lock[ing] innocent black mothers up for truancy". Hasan goes on to claim that Harris incarcerated a single, homeless mother of three working two jobs because her children were truants, and then touted it as a success story. Hasan went on to critique Harris for sending a "gestapo force" of intimidating officers(like homicide and gang detectives) to "scare the shit out of a homeless mother of three" into ensuring her children attended school. 10:34 Destiny argues that while he remains unsure whether Harris' policy was a net good or bad, Hasan's framing of the policy(that Kamala was sending a "gestapo force" to bully homeless women into sending their children to school) was overtly negative, unfairly framed, and did not accurately represent the intent or outcomes of the policy. Destiny pointed out that Harris's policy was intended to address a real issue—truancy—which is linked to higher rates of criminal behavior and poor life outcomes for children. He argued that Harris's use of legal pressure was a way to compel parents to take their children's education seriously and to connect them with resources that could help improve school attendance. Destiny maintains that this is a positive, albeit potentially harsh, intervention, rather than a "draconian" measure as Hasan described.
How Kamala could have bolstered individuals.

17:22 Hasan argues that Harris should have sought other ways to bolster individuals in her district that did not involve criminal prosecution.

Destiny argues that as a District Attorney, Harris's primary responsibilities included law enforcement and public safety, and therefore, it was natural for her to use those tools to address issues like truancy. Destiny further argued that Harris did not have the the power to create social programs, allocate financial incentives, or directly address broader socio-economic issues. Destiny maintains that Harris's role was limited to enforcing the law and using legal measures to address problems within her jurisdiction. Destiny felt that Hasan's criticism did not fully account for these limitations, and unfairly blamed Harris for not pursuing solutions that were beyond her control as a DA.

Destiny spends the next hour of his stream fielding questions from his chat and expressing his overall disappointment with individuals in DGG defending Hasan's seemingly unfair position towards Harris, as well as Hasan himself for disseminating such misinformation.

Hasan joins the stream

Destiny and Hasan create reddit threads following the debate WIP




Hasanabi And Destiny BREAK UP Aftermath, Hasan types in dgg chat while Destiny discusses their breakup WIP

Hasanabi And Destiny BREAK UP Aftermath
Hasan's logs in dgg chat as Destiny addresses their falling out.
