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==== Kelly is accused of holding up the party while they are on a tight schedule ====
==== Kelly is accused of holding up the party while they are on a tight schedule ====
The penultimate conflict occurred following Kelly's decision to interact with an npc to the chagrin of much of the party. <ref> [ 1:33:03 in this stream, the Baldur's gate party disbands] </ref> Kelly and Ahrelevant engage in a heated discussion regarding who is truly "holding the party up", during which time Jstlk notes they've had this same discussion several times throughout their campaign. Following further deliberation, Ahrelevant states Kelly is in "professional victim mode", to which Kelly calls him a cunt. Ahrelevant proceeds to berate Kelly for seemingly holding up the party repeatedly while they are on a short window to play, and describes her as "one of the most inconsiderate people he has ever met in his entire life. Kelly becomes irate at this accusation, informs the party they agreed to "10 minutes of roleplay time" during every rest, places blame on Ahrelevant for attempting to inhibit her playstyle. Jstlk and Ahrelevant state they did not in fact agree to the "10 minutes of roleplay time rule", and that they were merely trying to speed through as Wolfgand had to depart in forty-minutes.
The penultimate conflict occurred following Kelly's decision to interact with an npc to the chagrin of much of the party. <ref> [ 1:33:03 in this stream, the Baldur's gate party disbands] </ref> Kelly and Ahrelevant engage in a heated discussion regarding who is truly "holding the party up", during which time Jstlk notes they've had this same discussion several times throughout their campaign. Following further deliberation, Ahrelevant states Kelly is in "professional victim mode", to which Kelly calls him a cunt. Ahrelevant proceeds to berate Kelly for seemingly holding up the party repeatedly while they are on a short window to play, and describes her as "one of the most inconsiderate people he has ever met in his entire life". Kelly becomes irate at this accusation, informs the party they agreed to "10 minutes of roleplay time" during every rest, and places blame on Ahrelevant for attempting to inhibit her playstyle. Jstlk and Ahrelevant state they did not agree to the "10 minutes of roleplay time rule", and that they were merely trying to speed through as Wolfgand had to depart in forty-minutes.

As the party attempts to continue on with the campaign, Kelly takes the opportunity to respond to messages in chat disparaging her. The party attempts to ignore Kelly as she does this, but following her decision to stop moving her character, they are forced to confront her. Jstlk suggests Kelly should leave the party, to which Kelly refuses and eventually continues her debate regarding "roleplaying-time" once more. Jstlk reemphasizes he simply wanted to speed through this particular session until a stopping point was reached, given the short time available for certain party members to play. He explains that Kelly has repeatedly ignored this wish, and is being inconsiderate. Kelly then explains she interacted with the npc in order to aid them in their next fight, and Jstlk is going against the aforementioned "10-minutes of roleplay time" rule. Jstlk reiterates they never agreed to such a rule, Ahrelevant accuses Kelly of lying, and Kelly slams her mouse repeatedly in response.  
As the party attempts to continue on with the campaign, Kelly takes the opportunity to respond to messages in chat disparaging her. The party attempts to ignore Kelly as she does this, but following her decision to stop moving her character, they are forced to confront her. Jstlk suggests Kelly should leave the party, to which Kelly refuses and eventually continues her debate regarding "roleplaying-time" once more. Jstlk reemphasizes he simply wanted to speed through this particular session until a stopping point was reached, given the short time available for certain party members to play. He explains that Kelly has repeatedly ignored this wish, and is being inconsiderate. Kelly then explains she interacted with the npc in order to aid them in their next fight, and Jstlk is going against the aforementioned "10-minutes of roleplay time" rule. Jstlk reiterates they never agreed to such a rule, Ahrelevant accuses Kelly of lying, and Kelly slams her mouse repeatedly in response.  

Revision as of 13:19, 21 June 2024

Kelly Jean

Kelly Jean, known as "Kelly_Jean" on, is a cosplayer, former producer of the Kick or Keep show, and former admin of the jstlk Discord. She was once a frequent guest on Jstlk's stream and was partially responsible for nearly bringing down Tom Foolery's Youtube channel.



The Baldur's gate incident WIP

On June 5, 2024, Kelly, Ahrelevant, Wolfgand, and Jstlk participated in a permadeath Baldur's Gate 3 campaign. Due to the disparate priorities apparent throughout much of the campaign(Kelly being keen to roleplay, while other party members prioritized the combat/hardcore aspect of the playthrough), the run was rife with internal party-conflict.[1]

The full recounting of much of the party's heated exchanges can be found in the table below:

Baldur's gate campaign arguments

Kelly damages a party member

Kelly mistakenly damages Jstlk's character during her combat turn, forcing Jstlk to utilize a defensive ability. Kelly argues she was "tabbed-out" to fix her discord to the chagrin of the other party members.

The party refuses to Long Rest, Kelly takes issue

Ahrelevant explains to Kelly that she must long rest to remove a particularly harmful condition, to which Jstlk argues that they do not have enough time to rest and will likely have to go into battle. Kelly argues she is not in a fit state to go into battle, explaining she has "-1" to all stats presently. Wolfgand and Ahrelevant then respond by berating Kelly for seemingly letting a vampire bite her character, despite warning her several times against it. Kelly retorts, arguing she had not played before and was engaging in "character interactions", and therefore did not feel the need to ask. Ahrelevant counters, explaining to Kelly that she was in fact engaging in "bum" activity. Following the party leaving camp and deciding not to long-rest, Kelly expresses her annoyance with regards to her dimminshed stats once more. Kelly proceeds to disparage the party for seemingly refusing to roleplay, to which Ahrelevant responds he would never roleplay in a party with an elf attempting to become a vampire. Kelly then suggests that Ahrelevant should leave the party, and Ahrelevant responds he simply will not roleplay with her.

Kelly has difficulty entering an area

Following her fellow party members entering a new area, Kelly questions verbally questions where the rest of her group went, explaining she was once more tabbed out. Jstlk suggests to Kelly she could simply look for the "blue dots" on her minimap, to which Kelly responds she does not see anybody on it. Jstlk then explains to Kelly that she must "zoom out" her minimap. Kelly responds she can now see the blue dots, however everyone is too far away from her as they have entered another area.

Following several party members also having trouble entering the new area, Ahrelevant chimes in, suggesting everyone could simply teleport to the area through the game's map. Kelly then panics as several of her party members have seemingly disappeared from the map, to which Ahrelevant questions if Kelly was even listening to what he just stated. Kelly counters, arguing that she did not think Ahrelevant was speaking to her. Ahrelevant proceeds to reemphasize his prior use of the word everyone, and reexplains to Kelly what she must do.

Owlbear fight

During the party's fight with an optional boss, the Owlbears, Kelly's combat turn comes up. Her other party members explain that she must simply attack the "baby bear" next to her, and Kelly proceeds to utilize her Burning hands ability in empty space adjacent to herself, hitting nothing. Following much laughter, Ahrelevant instructs Kelly to walk up to one of the larger Owlbears, and perform an attack. The party eventually wiped on this boss.

Kelly isn't sure if she wants to play with Ahrelevant again

In a conversation between Chaiery, Jstlk, Kelly, and Wolfgand, Kelly expresses her uncertainty with regards to playing with Ahrelevant again. Jstlk explains that Ahrelevant is the most experienced member of the party, and kicking him would be to the detriment of the group.

Shortly following this clip, Kelly floats the idea to Chaiery that she could potentially replace Ahrelevant in their campaign. Wolfgand takes issue, arguing that Ahrelevant is fun to play with. Kelly counters, arguing that Ahrelevant's dislike for her is at the detriment to the campaign.

Ahrelevant kills the brain dog, Kelly threatens to leave the party

Following the Owlbear wipe, Ahrelevant, Jstlk, and Kelly begin a new campaign. During the introduction to the new campaign, Kelly eventually finds out that Ahrelevant has seemingly murdered an optional pet. Ahrelevant retorts "I want to remind everybody what happened the last time Kelly tried to befriend an animal". To which Kelly responds she does not wish to play anymore, nor deal with Ahrelevant's "bad attitude". Kelly leaves the party for a short while, but eventually returns.

Kelly attempts to attack an enemy out of range, later sets the group on fire

During a fight wherein Kelly was seemingly far out of the reach of an enemy, Kelly wasted a combat resource in futility attempting to damage it(despite party members warning her otherwise). Kelly explains that the enemy outline was red, which she construed as an indication for a potential attack, to which Wolfgand expresses his desire to kill himself.

Shortly following the aforementioned range incident, Kelly inadvertently sets the entire party ablaze after striking a particular enemy. Ahrelevant then reminds Kelly that Wolfgand warned her against doing so earlier.

The spider incident

The tipping point occurred upon the party reaching the Phase Spider Matriarch boss.[2] Following the party deliberating a proper course of action with regards to the boss for some time, Kelly repeatedly expresses her desire to begin the fight as they've "spent too long" discussing what to do and should simply shoot the spider or her eggs. Jstlk points to the irony of the situation, arguing the party had to sit through Kelly spending "thirty-minutes" engaging in dialogue with npcs the rest of the party members were indifferent about. Kelly counters, arguing there are a limited amount of routes the party can take in this particular fight, to which Wolfgand and Jstlk reemphasize their desire not to wipe the party once more and have a plan worked out. Jstlk and Wolfgand then explain the mirriad of routes available for the party to explore, to which Kelly responds by shooting a spider egg at the first available opportunity. Ahrelevant then expresses his frustration with Kelly:

"Kelly just so you know how frustrating you get with other people not being cooperative, i'm ten-times more frustrated with you right now... We're trying to figure out exactly when we want to shoot the eggs, which eggs we want to shoot."

Kelly is accused of holding up the party while they are on a tight schedule

The penultimate conflict occurred following Kelly's decision to interact with an npc to the chagrin of much of the party. [3] Kelly and Ahrelevant engage in a heated discussion regarding who is truly "holding the party up", during which time Jstlk notes they've had this same discussion several times throughout their campaign. Following further deliberation, Ahrelevant states Kelly is in "professional victim mode", to which Kelly calls him a cunt. Ahrelevant proceeds to berate Kelly for seemingly holding up the party repeatedly while they are on a short window to play, and describes her as "one of the most inconsiderate people he has ever met in his entire life". Kelly becomes irate at this accusation, informs the party they agreed to "10 minutes of roleplay time" during every rest, and places blame on Ahrelevant for attempting to inhibit her playstyle. Jstlk and Ahrelevant state they did not agree to the "10 minutes of roleplay time rule", and that they were merely trying to speed through as Wolfgand had to depart in forty-minutes.

As the party attempts to continue on with the campaign, Kelly takes the opportunity to respond to messages in chat disparaging her. The party attempts to ignore Kelly as she does this, but following her decision to stop moving her character, they are forced to confront her. Jstlk suggests Kelly should leave the party, to which Kelly refuses and eventually continues her debate regarding "roleplaying-time" once more. Jstlk reemphasizes he simply wanted to speed through this particular session until a stopping point was reached, given the short time available for certain party members to play. He explains that Kelly has repeatedly ignored this wish, and is being inconsiderate. Kelly then explains she interacted with the npc in order to aid them in their next fight, and Jstlk is going against the aforementioned "10-minutes of roleplay time" rule. Jstlk reiterates they never agreed to such a rule, Ahrelevant accuses Kelly of lying, and Kelly slams her mouse repeatedly in response.

Kelly becomes quite emotional, arguing that her fellow party members have repeatedly insulted and mocked her in front of hundreds of other people whenever she stepped out of line. Wolfgand then explains the concept of establishing boundaries and communication, and informs Kelly that he and Jstlk will handle any harsh messages from the chatroom. Wolfgand then explains despite the prior conflict, he and Jstlk do indeed want to play with Kelly, and offer to set aside some time prior to their next session to discuss each party member's boundaries further. Jstlk chimes in, explaining to Kelly that they are friends, and the only reason he is in this campaign still despite the aforementioned misgivings, is because of that. As the discussion on boundaries continues, Kelly eventually calms down, agrees to have a discussion on session boundaries later, and moves her character once more.

Chaiery Drama, Baldur's gate campaign ends

Kelly accusing Chaiery of saying she makes up health issues and is narcissistic.

On June 4, 2024 Chaiery and Kelly engaged in a heated discussion over Jstlk's discord general chat. While the conflict was initially contained within the chatroom, it eventually migrated to Jstlk's stream following Chaiery claim that "narcissistic white women(referring to Kelly) always tend to have health issues as soon as they are held accountable for something or criticized". Kelly joined following this claim, and engaged in a very heated discussion for fifty minutes.[4]

Highlights from this debate include:

Ahrelevant joins the call following Chaiery's departure, further extending the debate on Kelly's behavior. During their discussion, Ahrelevant claims Kelly treated Chaiery unjustly, is narcissistic, and was racist towards Chaiery. Kelly responds, maintaining she was justified in all her aforementioned statements given Chaiery's disparaging remarks towards her personal health and personality. [5]

One day following this conversation, Jstlk has a conversation with Wolfgand and Chaiery, wherein Wolfgand discusses his disgust with Kelly's behavior during their Baldur's Gate campaign, and the conversation with Chaiery. Wolfgand proceeds to describe how Kelly has been rouintely messaging her regarding this drama despite his best continued dismissal of her.[6]

Kelly leaves Jstlk's server, attempts to blackmail Jstlk

Kelly's final message in Jstlk's discord.

Following her argument with Kelly, Jstlk attempted to resolve the situation by instituting a restriction preventing Kelly and Chaiery from appearing on stream together. While Chaiery was amicable to the resolution, Kelly was not. After several heated exchanges with Jstlk's discord community, Kelly eventually left the server. [7]

Kelly's final message in Jstlk's discord.

Shortly after her departure from Jstlk's server, Kelly sent direct messages to Jstlk threatening to "drop all information [she] know[s] that [he has] told [her]" if Jstlk were to continue to "shit talk or allow shit talk about [her]," and suggest "cleaning up the discord." Jstlk responds, suggesting Kelly "just leak everything", and proceeds to block her.

Destiny reacts to the drama WIP

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