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(more ai filler data for interations with destiny)
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=== Age of Consent ===  
=== Age of Consent ===  
== Interactions with Destiny ==
== Interactions with Destiny ==
=== Destiny Goes On The Defense In An Intensely Heated Debate ft. Sneako===
=== Destiny Goes On The Defense In An Intensely Heated Debate ft. Sneako===
{{#ev:youtube||300px|right| '''Destiny Goes On The Defense In An Intensely Heated Debate ft. Sneako'''}}
{{#ev:youtube||300px|right| '''Destiny Goes On The Defense In An Intensely Heated Debate ft. Sneako'''}}
Date: 12 Jul, 2022
Date: 12 Jul, 2022
The debate between Destiny and Sneako primarily revolves around differing perspectives on government trust, freedom of speech, voting, and gender dynamics. Here is an objective summary of their key arguments:
Government Trust and Surveillance
Sneako's Position:
    Sneako argues that the government extensively spies on citizens, including monitoring phone activities and social media.
    He expresses a fundamental distrust in government actions and believes that the government exercises control in a manipulative manner .
Destiny's Position:
    Destiny counters that while there may be some level of surveillance, the idea that the government has the capability to monitor every individual constantly is unrealistic due to the computational power required.
    He believes that the issues around freedom of speech are more tied to private companies than government censorship, pointing to actions like Trump's administration trying to regulate social media companies .
Freedom of Speech
Sneako's Position:
    Sneako contends that freedom of speech is essentially dead, citing how companies and platforms censor content, particularly around sensitive topics like COVID-19 and political figures like Hunter Biden.
    He also criticizes how influential figures can be banned from platforms, seeing it as a suppression of free speech .
Destiny's Position:
    Destiny acknowledges that freedom of speech is under threat but attributes much of this to private sector policies rather than government mandates.
    He argues that actions taken by platforms to remove certain types of content are consistent with their policies and not necessarily indicative of a broader governmental conspiracy .
Voting and Democracy
Sneako's Position:
    Sneako believes that voting is essentially pointless, arguing that the outcomes are predetermined by a small elite who manipulate the process.
    He expresses skepticism about the effectiveness and integrity of the electoral system, suggesting that real power lies with a few influential individuals rather than the general populace .
Destiny's Position:
    Destiny defends the importance of voting, emphasizing that electoral outcomes do have significant impacts on policy and governance.
    He points out that the system, while flawed, allows for public participation and influence over critical decisions, including the appointment of Supreme Court justices .
Gender Dynamics and Red Pill Philosophy
Sneako's Position:
    Sneako embraces aspects of the Red Pill philosophy, asserting that men and women have different desires and behaviors when it comes to sex and relationships.
    He views men as naturally inclined to seek multiple partners, while he believes women prefer loyalty to one man .
Destiny's Position:
    Destiny acknowledges some realities in gender dynamics but criticizes the toxic aspects of the Red Pill ideology.
    He argues for a more nuanced understanding of relationships and rejects overly negative generalizations about women promoted by Red Pill advocates .
Overall, the debate highlights significant ideological differences between Destiny and Sneako, particularly in their views on governmental power, the integrity of democratic processes, and gender relations.

===  YOU'RE TRIGGERED! Aba Steps In To Moderate HEATED Sneako Debate ===
===  YOU'RE TRIGGERED! Aba Steps In To Moderate HEATED Sneako Debate ===
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{{#ev:youtube||300px|right|'''"WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT JEWS?" Sneako Meets Fuentes, Makes Big Mistake... '''}}
{{#ev:youtube||300px|right|'''"WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT JEWS?" Sneako Meets Fuentes, Makes Big Mistake... '''}}
Date: 5 Aug, 2022  
Date: 5 Aug, 2022  
Conspiracy Theories and Societal Control
    Sneako discusses his beliefs about societal control, mentioning how elites are involved in child exploitation and satanic rituals, referencing Jeffrey Epstein as a key example. He argues that COVID-19 measures, such as lockdowns and mask mandates, are part of a broader plan to control the population.
    Nick supports these views, emphasizing that many societal leaders and influencers are involved in these conspiracies. He mentions that Epstein’s girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, has connections to Israeli intelligence, suggesting deeper layers of corruption and control.
Political and Media Influence
    Nick argues that Jewish people have significant influence over politics and media, citing their representation in the Biden administration, big tech, and Hollywood. He describes Jews as highly organized and politically active.
    Destiny is skeptical of the extent of these claims, questioning the logic and consistency behind some conspiracy theories. He finds it plausible that Epstein committed suicide given his circumstances, but he remains open to investigating further.
Cultural and Social Commentary
    The conversation touches on various social issues, including the role of cryptocurrencies, where Destiny expresses disdain for the hype and misinformation spread by those who got rich from them.
    There is also a brief, controversial discussion on average IQ differences among races, with Nick asserting that such differences exist, while Sneako asks for studies to back up these claims.
Debate Dynamics
    Destiny often takes a contrarian stance, challenging the more extreme views presented by Sneako and Nick. He emphasizes a need for logical consistency and evidence in their arguments.
    Sneako and Nick align more closely in their perspectives, with Sneako showing increasing interest in deeper conspiracy theories and Nick providing more specific examples and broader context.
The debate is marked by sharp contrasts in viewpoints, particularly between Destiny’s demand for evidence and logical consistency versus Sneako and Nick’s embrace of conspiracy theories and broader societal criticisms. Each participant’s stance reflects broader ideological divides, with Destiny representing skepticism and rational inquiry, while Sneako and Nick delve into more speculative and controversial topics.

=== Sneako and Destiny Debate Redpill Truths IRL ===
=== Sneako and Destiny Debate Redpill Truths IRL ===
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{{#ev:youtube||300px|right| '''Destiny Debates Andrew Tate, Nick and Sneako!'''}}
{{#ev:youtube||300px|right| '''Destiny Debates Andrew Tate, Nick and Sneako!'''}}
Date: 5 May, 2024
Date: 5 May, 2024
The debate featuring Destiny, Andrew Tate, Nick, and Sneako revolved around several key issues, including censorship, freedom of speech, and ideological bias. Here's an objective summary of the main points discussed:
    Censorship and Platforming:
        Nick's Perspective: Nick Fuentes argued that he faces disproportionate censorship compared to others. He mentioned being banned from multiple platforms for years and claimed that organizations like the ADL and SPLC specifically target him, leading to his de-platforming. He emphasized that despite his controversial views, he should be allowed to express them freely without being censored​
Destiny's Response: Destiny countered by highlighting his own experiences with bans and emphasized that he has also faced significant censorship. He argued that the reasons behind the bans often differ and that ideological biases do play a role but are not the sole factor​
Double Standards in Free Speech:
    Claims of Bias: Nick and others pointed out what they see as a double standard in how different ideological perspectives are treated. They argued that left-wing individuals or those with certain protected viewpoints face less scrutiny and are less likely to be censored compared to those with right-wing or controversial views like Nick's​
Specific Examples: The debate included specific examples, such as Destiny's statements about Islam, which were not met with the same level of backlash as Nick's comments on race and Christianity. This, according to Nick, showcases an inherent bias in how speech is regulated and censored on various platforms​
Impact of External Organizations:
    Role of ADL and SPLC: The discussion highlighted the influence of organizations like the ADL and SPLC in monitoring and reporting content. Nick and his supporters believe that these organizations disproportionately target right-wing figures, leading to their increased censorship and de-platforming. This was contrasted with left-wing figures who, according to Nick, do not face the same level of organized efforts against them​
Defense of Free Speech:
    Broad Consensus: Despite the heated exchanges, there was a broad consensus on the importance of free speech. The debate touched on the need for platforms to allow a diversity of viewpoints and the dangers of ideological echo chambers. Each participant, while differing in their views on what constitutes acceptable speech, underscored the principle that open discourse should be protected and encouraged​
In summary, the debate highlighted the contentious issues surrounding censorship, the role of external organizations in content moderation, and the perceived double standards in the enforcement of free speech on digital platforms. Each participant brought their perspective on how these issues impact the broader discourse and the balance between maintaining open dialogue and preventing harm.

== Notable Clips, Videos, Logs, Tweets, and Reddit Threads ==  
== Notable Clips, Videos, Logs, Tweets, and Reddit Threads ==  

Revision as of 08:30, 23 July 2024


Political Alignment Redpill
Occupation Live Streamer
Age 26
Country of origin USA
Twitter sneako
Youtube Banned
Twitch sneakolive
Rumble Sneako
Manifolds Market Sneako Stock

Nicolas "Nico" Kenn De Balinthazy, more commonly known as Sneako, is a content creator currently located on Rumble who is known for his redpill and conservative political views. Prior to the 15th of July 2023[1], Sneako would make occasional appearances on Destiny's stream for debates and discussions.

Early Life and Education


Stand up





Personal Life



Sydney (rumblewifey) 

Sydney (more commonly known as Rumble Wifey in Sneako's community (and adjacent communities)) was one of Sneako's girlfriends. The two broke up around July 2023.


Xena and Sneako presumably met when she worked for Fresh&Fit acquiring guests for several of the shows.[citation needed ]

Xena would run Sneako's Love Speech Discord Wikipedia as one of the head moderators until their breakup.

Around Jul 18, 2023, Sneako and Xena would break up, with Xena stating that she and Sneako were in fact dating (privately, as she was afraid of the negative association that she would give him)[2]—while Sneako would say they never dated at all.[citation needed ] Some of the claims included that she had several threesomes Wikipedia with herself and others that he would have her organize, saying that he was vaccinated[3] (despite him being generally anti-vaccine,) that he was not sober (presumably speaking of him drinking alcohol—considered Haram Wikipedia in the Islamic Wikipedia faith,) as well as her leaking images of Sneako asking her to buy him MDMA, Wikipedia[4] though she would go on in a later tweet to clarify that she had never seen take drugs, and that they could have possibly been for a friend of his.

Shortly after their breakup, DariusIRL would begin to message Xena, eventually Dating on and off for about a year.



Political Views





Open Relationship

Praise of Cuties


America First


Age of Consent

Interactions with Destiny


Destiny Goes On The Defense In An Intensely Heated Debate ft. Sneako

Destiny Goes On The Defense In An Intensely Heated Debate ft. Sneako

Date: 12 Jul, 2022

The debate between Destiny and Sneako primarily revolves around differing perspectives on government trust, freedom of speech, voting, and gender dynamics. Here is an objective summary of their key arguments: Government Trust and Surveillance

Sneako's Position:

   Sneako argues that the government extensively spies on citizens, including monitoring phone activities and social media.
   He expresses a fundamental distrust in government actions and believes that the government exercises control in a manipulative manner .

Destiny's Position:

   Destiny counters that while there may be some level of surveillance, the idea that the government has the capability to monitor every individual constantly is unrealistic due to the computational power required.
   He believes that the issues around freedom of speech are more tied to private companies than government censorship, pointing to actions like Trump's administration trying to regulate social media companies .

Freedom of Speech

Sneako's Position:

   Sneako contends that freedom of speech is essentially dead, citing how companies and platforms censor content, particularly around sensitive topics like COVID-19 and political figures like Hunter Biden.
   He also criticizes how influential figures can be banned from platforms, seeing it as a suppression of free speech .

Destiny's Position:

   Destiny acknowledges that freedom of speech is under threat but attributes much of this to private sector policies rather than government mandates.
   He argues that actions taken by platforms to remove certain types of content are consistent with their policies and not necessarily indicative of a broader governmental conspiracy .

Voting and Democracy

Sneako's Position:

   Sneako believes that voting is essentially pointless, arguing that the outcomes are predetermined by a small elite who manipulate the process.
   He expresses skepticism about the effectiveness and integrity of the electoral system, suggesting that real power lies with a few influential individuals rather than the general populace .

Destiny's Position:

   Destiny defends the importance of voting, emphasizing that electoral outcomes do have significant impacts on policy and governance.
   He points out that the system, while flawed, allows for public participation and influence over critical decisions, including the appointment of Supreme Court justices .

Gender Dynamics and Red Pill Philosophy

Sneako's Position:

   Sneako embraces aspects of the Red Pill philosophy, asserting that men and women have different desires and behaviors when it comes to sex and relationships.
   He views men as naturally inclined to seek multiple partners, while he believes women prefer loyalty to one man .

Destiny's Position:

   Destiny acknowledges some realities in gender dynamics but criticizes the toxic aspects of the Red Pill ideology.
   He argues for a more nuanced understanding of relationships and rejects overly negative generalizations about women promoted by Red Pill advocates .

Overall, the debate highlights significant ideological differences between Destiny and Sneako, particularly in their views on governmental power, the integrity of democratic processes, and gender relations.

YOU'RE TRIGGERED! Aba Steps In To Moderate HEATED Sneako Debate

YOU'RE TRIGGERED! Aba Steps In To Moderate HEATED Sneako Debate

Date: 4 Aug, 2022

The debate between Sneako and Destiny centers around several key topics including censorship, masculinity, societal programming, and personal responsibility. Here's an objective summary of the main points discussed:

   Censorship and Free Speech:
       Sneako's Position: Sneako argues that censorship on platforms like YouTube stifles free speech and suppresses dissenting voices. He mentions his own experiences with strikes and bans on his content, which he believes are unfair and indicative of a larger issue with the establishment trying to control the narrative .
       Destiny's Position: Destiny acknowledges that while platform moderation can be flawed, there are often reasons for content strikes, such as misinformation or policy violations. He challenges Sneako's belief that censorship equates to truth suppression, suggesting that there are legitimate grounds for content moderation .
   Masculinity and Societal Programming:
       Sneako's Position: Sneako emphasizes the need to wake up young men to the dangers of societal programming that he believes undermines masculinity and freedom of speech. He argues that traditional masculine values are being attacked by modern societal norms and that men need to be aware of this and resist it .
       Destiny's Position: Destiny questions the validity of Sneako's views on masculinity and societal programming. He suggests that Sneako's focus on materialistic and superficial achievements, such as wealth and status, contributes to a spiritual void rather than addressing genuine issues of personal development and fulfillment .
   Critical Thinking and Belief Systems:
       Sneako's Position: Sneako holds that if the establishment or mainstream media discredits or hides information, it is likely to be true. He uses this logic to justify his skepticism towards widely accepted narratives and encourages others to do the same .
       Destiny's Position: Destiny challenges this approach by pointing out that rejecting mainstream views simply because they are mainstream is not a reliable method of discerning truth. He advocates for a more critical and evidence-based approach to forming beliefs, stressing the importance of verifying facts and not just relying on contrarian thinking .
   Personal Responsibility and Impact:
       Sneako's Position: Sneako believes in taking a stand against what he perceives as societal injustices and encourages his audience to be vocal and resist conforming to mainstream expectations. He argues that being controversial is sometimes necessary to highlight important issues .
       Destiny's Position: Destiny argues that while it's important to question and critique societal norms, it should be done responsibly and thoughtfully. He suggests that Sneako's approach can sometimes be counterproductive, leading to more confusion and division rather than constructive dialogue .

Overall, the debate highlights a clash of perspectives on how to navigate and respond to societal changes and challenges, with Sneako advocating for a more rebellious stance and Destiny emphasizing critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT JEWS?" Sneako Meets Fuentes, Makes Big Mistake...

"WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT JEWS?" Sneako Meets Fuentes, Makes Big Mistake...

Date: 5 Aug, 2022


Conspiracy Theories and Societal Control

   Sneako discusses his beliefs about societal control, mentioning how elites are involved in child exploitation and satanic rituals, referencing Jeffrey Epstein as a key example. He argues that COVID-19 measures, such as lockdowns and mask mandates, are part of a broader plan to control the population.
   Nick supports these views, emphasizing that many societal leaders and influencers are involved in these conspiracies. He mentions that Epstein’s girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, has connections to Israeli intelligence, suggesting deeper layers of corruption and control.

Political and Media Influence

   Nick argues that Jewish people have significant influence over politics and media, citing their representation in the Biden administration, big tech, and Hollywood. He describes Jews as highly organized and politically active.
   Destiny is skeptical of the extent of these claims, questioning the logic and consistency behind some conspiracy theories. He finds it plausible that Epstein committed suicide given his circumstances, but he remains open to investigating further.

Cultural and Social Commentary

   The conversation touches on various social issues, including the role of cryptocurrencies, where Destiny expresses disdain for the hype and misinformation spread by those who got rich from them.
   There is also a brief, controversial discussion on average IQ differences among races, with Nick asserting that such differences exist, while Sneako asks for studies to back up these claims.

Debate Dynamics

   Destiny often takes a contrarian stance, challenging the more extreme views presented by Sneako and Nick. He emphasizes a need for logical consistency and evidence in their arguments.
   Sneako and Nick align more closely in their perspectives, with Sneako showing increasing interest in deeper conspiracy theories and Nick providing more specific examples and broader context.


The debate is marked by sharp contrasts in viewpoints, particularly between Destiny’s demand for evidence and logical consistency versus Sneako and Nick’s embrace of conspiracy theories and broader societal criticisms. Each participant’s stance reflects broader ideological divides, with Destiny representing skepticism and rational inquiry, while Sneako and Nick delve into more speculative and controversial topics.

Sneako and Destiny Debate Redpill Truths IRL

Date: 9 Aug, 2022 THIS IS AI FILLER DATA

if you would like to rewatch video and contribute to discussion and wiki feel free

   Happiness and Wealth:
       People can lead hollow lives despite having wealth.
       Questioning if public figures like Hassan and Andrew Tate are genuinely happy.
   Life Goals and Relationships:
       The importance of finding a life partner to share the journey with, including thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
       The debate on whether having one life partner is a natural desire or a result of societal programming.
       The significance of deep, meaningful relationships over numerous shallow ones.
   Close Friendships vs. Acquaintances:
       Discussion on the number of close friends one can maintain and the quality of those relationships.
   Self-Improvement and Challenges:
       Encouragement to challenge oneself to be a better friend, family member, and individual.
       Emphasis on personal growth and physical well-being.
   Emotional Connections:
       The role of vulnerability and emotional sharing in building strong relationships.
       Differentiation between fulfilling and empty relationships.
   Fulfillment in Relationships:
       The notion that some women can bring happiness and fulfillment more than others.
       Critique of Andrew Tate’s approach to relationships and his alleged misconduct.
   Personal Contentment:
       The idea that true happiness comes from within, not from external validation or material wealth.
       Fulfillment through meaningful connections and personal achievements rather than public displays of power and success.
  • 00:00 Teasers / Intro
  • 0:55 Sneako on Fresh N Fit
  • 06:33 Life is better w/ money BUT...
  • 09:02 We only remember the crazy ppl that were right
  • 12:02 Is Hasan happy despite making so much money?
  • 12:57 Why not multiple wives?
  • 16:25 Being vulnerable takes trust and crying
  • 19:16 H3H3 became a virtue signaling SJW
  • 21:49 What kind of women are ppl like Sneako attracting?
  • 23:45 Crypto and e-commerce...
  • 27:18 Income more important than net worth
  • 30:31 The number 1 way to fail is...
  • 35:27 Destiny tests Sneako
  • 41:22 Funniest thing about redpillers



Date: 17 Aug, 2022

Fresh And Fit Host Joins HEATED Sneako Debate, Gives Details

Fresh And Fit Host Joins HEATED Sneako Debate, Gives Details

Date: 21 Aug, 2022

Wild Conspiracy Debate Turns Into Even Crazier IQ Debate ft. SNEAKO

Wild Conspiracy Debate Turns Into Even Crazier IQ Debate ft. SNEAKO

Date: 22 Aug, 2022

"DO YOUR JOB!" - Andrew Tate Debates Sneako

"DO YOUR JOB!" - Andrew Tate Debates Sneako

Date: 8 Sep, 2022

US Senate Committee Watches Sneako Debate w/ Destiny

US Senate Committee Watches Sneako Debate w/ Destiny

Date: 17 Sep, 2022

"HE MAD" - Sneako Confronts Aba, Then Ragequits Call ft. JiDion

"HE MAD" - Sneako Confronts Aba, Then Ragequits Call ft. JiDion

Date: 22 October, 2022

Sneako Wins Debate Vs Nick In Politics, SHOCKS And IMPRESSES Destiny

Sneako Wins Debate Vs Nick In Politics, SHOCKS And IMPRESSES Destiny

Date: 16 Nov, 2022

Sneako Surprises Destiny And Joins The Stream To Talk

Sneako Surprises Destiny And Joins The Stream To Talk

Date: 15 Dec, 2022

Sneako Gets Into A Huge Fight w/ Destiny On Christmas

'Sneako Gets Into A Huge Fight w/ Destiny On Christmas

Date: 25 Dec, 2022

Destiny Directly Confronts Sneako

Destiny Directly Confronts Sneako

Date: 25 Dec, 2022

Sneako Shocks Destiny And Restores The Bridge...

Sneako Shocks Destiny And Restores The Bridge...

Date: 24 Apr, 2023

Destiny Defends Tristan Tate Against Sneako

Destiny Defends Tristan Tate Against Sneako

Date: 4 July, 2023

YOU'RE A DEADBEAT DAD! Sneako Attacks Destiny And Gets Extremely Personal

YOU'RE A DEADBEAT DAD! Sneako Attacks Destiny And Gets Extremely Personal

Date: 16 July, 2023

Sneako And Adin Ross Get TRIGGERED By Destiny And Turn Into Snowflakes

Sneako And Adin Ross Get TRIGGERED By Destiny And Turn Into Snowflakes

Date: 18 Dec, 2023

Sneako AMBUSHES Destiny And Gets COOKED In Heated Confrontation

Sneako AMBUSHES Destiny And Gets COOKED In Heated Confrontation

Date: 23 Apr, 2024

Destiny Debates Andrew Tate, Nick and Sneako!

Destiny Debates Andrew Tate, Nick and Sneako!

Date: 5 May, 2024

The debate featuring Destiny, Andrew Tate, Nick, and Sneako revolved around several key issues, including censorship, freedom of speech, and ideological bias. Here's an objective summary of the main points discussed:

   Censorship and Platforming:
       Nick's Perspective: Nick Fuentes argued that he faces disproportionate censorship compared to others. He mentioned being banned from multiple platforms for years and claimed that organizations like the ADL and SPLC specifically target him, leading to his de-platforming. He emphasized that despite his controversial views, he should be allowed to express them freely without being censored​

​. Destiny's Response: Destiny countered by highlighting his own experiences with bans and emphasized that he has also faced significant censorship. He argued that the reasons behind the bans often differ and that ideological biases do play a role but are not the sole factor​


Double Standards in Free Speech:

   Claims of Bias: Nick and others pointed out what they see as a double standard in how different ideological perspectives are treated. They argued that left-wing individuals or those with certain protected viewpoints face less scrutiny and are less likely to be censored compared to those with right-wing or controversial views like Nick's​

​. Specific Examples: The debate included specific examples, such as Destiny's statements about Islam, which were not met with the same level of backlash as Nick's comments on race and Christianity. This, according to Nick, showcases an inherent bias in how speech is regulated and censored on various platforms​


Impact of External Organizations:

   Role of ADL and SPLC: The discussion highlighted the influence of organizations like the ADL and SPLC in monitoring and reporting content. Nick and his supporters believe that these organizations disproportionately target right-wing figures, leading to their increased censorship and de-platforming. This was contrasted with left-wing figures who, according to Nick, do not face the same level of organized efforts against them​

Defense of Free Speech:

   Broad Consensus: Despite the heated exchanges, there was a broad consensus on the importance of free speech. The debate touched on the need for platforms to allow a diversity of viewpoints and the dangers of ideological echo chambers. Each participant, while differing in their views on what constitutes acceptable speech, underscored the principle that open discourse should be protected and encouraged​

In summary, the debate highlighted the contentious issues surrounding censorship, the role of external organizations in content moderation, and the perceived double standards in the enforcement of free speech on digital platforms. Each participant brought their perspective on how these issues impact the broader discourse and the balance between maintaining open dialogue and preventing harm.

Notable Clips, Videos, Logs, Tweets, and Reddit Threads

= Sneako Tries To Bait Dr K Into A Debate And Gets Shut Down Instantly

Sneako Tries To Bait Dr K Into A Debate And Gets Shut Down Instantly

Date: 14 Dec, 2023

notability check

External Links
