
From Destiny Wiki
Revision as of 19:08, 8 April 2024 by Devonnn (talk | contribs) (Expanded bio)
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CEO and Majority shareholder in Piss Co.
Political Alignment Progressive
Qualifications Political Science/Communications Degree
Occupation Lawyer, CEO of Piss Co.
Country of origin USA
Twitter PiscoLitty
Manifolds Market $PISS

Pisco, often reffered to in DGG chat as Pissco, is the nemesis of Ragepoop. CEO of the famous internet law firm, Piss Co. Known to piss.

He frequently comes onto stream to debate Destiny or other Orbiters, often, these debates are intense. During said debates, when Pisco is cooking, chatters will be known to type "LET HIM PISS" rather than "LET HIM COOK."

Pisco has generally polled around ~4% for the Destiny Award for Ally of the Year, however he has never won an award.

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