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Jean 'Denims'

Denims aka Dennis, once a well known friend of the stream and destiny(for all of a year), is now a Hasan waiting room and onlyfans[1] content creator. Denims was the instigator of much turmoil and drama in the Dgg world, from the n-word drama where she leaked Destiny's private n-word use[2] to her attempts at getting Destiny to break up with Melina.[3][4]

On stream appearances with Destiny and dramas

First Appearance

On July 26, 2019 Destiny met Denims during a Reverse King of the Hill episode[citation needed ] hosted by Austin Show, featuring Knut, Esfand, and Destiny. Denims was voted out after a deciding vote by Esfand[5]. DGG and Destiny, were impressed by her ability to debate a trump supporter she was competing with on the call (Primrozetv[6]). She would go on to make an account in DGG a day later[7], most likely after DGGers migrated to her stream shortly after the episode ended.

Second Appearance

On August 3, 2019 Destiny, Denims, and Iman(AKA Littleefox) played a few rounds of Apex: Legends.[8]

Third Appearance

On August 13, 2019 Denims competed on an episode of the Rajjchelor hosted by Austin Show.[9] She finished sixth in the competition, and ended up choosing Destiny for her love option over Zherka. At this point Denims was a full blown orbiter/friend of the stream, and would regularly appear in chat for some time.

Fourth Appearance

On September 18, 2019 Destiny joined a Big Brain Podcast panel hosted by Mindwaves[10]. Unfortunately the vod has been deleted, and there is no clear indication what exactly had been discussed through chat logs.

"Beef" with MrMouton

On September 25, 2019 Denims(allegedly in a deleted vod[11]) had taken issue with some behavior by MrMouton. MrMouton offered to talk about it off stream[12][13], and the "beef" was supposedly resolved.[14]

TwitchCon Drama AKA the Coomer Saga Part 1 WIP

The TwitchCon drama, refers to the drama following Twitchcon involving Denims, Iman, a controversial chatter Atlasesque[15], and Melina. Destiny felt no ill-will towards any individuals involved in this drama, and chalked it up to a series of horrible misunderstandings.[16] Despite the name of the "saga", Destiny allegedly only had "one orgasm that entire weekend"[17], as he was very busy.

From September 27-29, 2019 TwitchCon North America took place in San Diego[18], Destiny was in LA at the time and decided to attend the event. Denims, and Iman were also present at this TwitchCon, and spent some time with Destiny for a week following the event.[19] Destiny informed the two that they would need to find other living arrangements for the week, since he did not want to host them. The plans were "up in the air" as Iman wanted to spend time with Destiny, Destiny was going to be busy that week, Melina needed to "find people to do things with", and Denims had her own work to take care of.

Destiny was quite busy during the first day of TwitchCon, he had just driven two hours out of LA, then back to LA after picking up Iman, Iman's mother, and Melina, and then drove an additional two hours to San Diego for TwitchCon. As soon as Destiny got to San Diego, he had a four hour podcast to record with PKA. In the middle of the podcast, a drunk Iman texted a very tired Destiny requesting to hang out, Destiny informed her he was unable to due to the podcast. Some time after the podcast had ended, Iman had texted Destiny saying she is at his hotel, to which Destiny responded he and Melina needed "to chill for like 10 minutes."[20] Shortly after this communication, a drunk Iman could be heard screaming in the hallway looking for Destiny and Melina. The two decide to get dressed and exit their apartment at that point to meet with the very drunk Iman and a slightly drunk Denims, to get dinner. Destiny was quick to forgive the "dramatic" Iman, however Melina had a "much harder time"[21] dealing with Iman's actions and was irked at her behavior, Denims was also upset at Iman's behavior. Destiny then told Melina that Iman's actions were likely just a result of her being drunk, and that the next day would be better.

Over the next 2-3 days, Iman and Melina went back and forth between making up and breaking up. Drama would occur with Iman, Melina would get exasperated at the drama and want nothing to do with Iman, and then the two would make up later. This allegedly happened 2-3 times, and by the end Melina hated Iman.[22] By the last day, Melina had decided she did not want to deal with the drama/Iman anymore, and wanted nothing to do with her. The "drama" with Iman included:

  • Needing a babysitter at TwitchCon for some days
  • flipping on that requirement other days and not wanting a babysitter
  • Iman wanting time alone with Destiny
  • Iman getting mad at Melina for going to the hotel to sleep instead of hanging out
  • Iman sending a very large text message to Melina stating she ruined this whole week.[23]

Following the Iman drama, more chaos ensued near the end of the week. Destiny, Melina and Denims realized that driving back to LA from San Diego would be fairly crowded. Denims offered to take a bus back, and Atlasesque offered to take Denims back to his apartment. Destiny was unsure what the relationship between the two exactly was, and offered Denims an "out" that his apartments was also open if she wanted to stay there a day before Destiny's return. Denims and Atlasesque do end up driving back to LA a day early, however they choose to stay at Destiny's apartment instead of Atlasesque's. Destiny, upon returning to his apartment and discovers the two on his couch, is very uncomfortable with the idea of a fan in his apartment for a full day, around his unlocked computer.[24] Destiny called this "the greatest info-sec mishap" he's ever had. Destiny then goes out to dinner with Katerino and Melina, and returns to discover that the two are still in his apartment, after which Denims and Atlasesque eventually left. Destiny is fairly annoyed at this point. He is unsure what Denims and Atlasesque were doing in his apartment while he was gone, and Denims had allegedly told Destiny and many others, multiple different stories about what had gone on in his apartment.[25] Destiny was convinced Denims was lying about a lot of the information she was sharing as a result of this. That night, Destiny and Melina slept in their bed and Katerino slept on the couch.

Notable Clips and videos


Denims Today


External Links

