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Dogwarts is a hypothetical proposed by Dan. In this scenario, you have a room in your house which holds a dog. The gender, breed, and size of this dog is up to the listener. The dog is also magic; each time you have intercourse with the dog, you are given a certain amount of money. The dog is willing and consenting. No one will know.

The question is: what is the minimum amount of money you would have sex with the dog for?


Dogwarts is a mixture of the word dog and the fictional school Hogwarts. This name was introduced after comparing the dog's room to the magical train station's walls from Harry Potter.

Known Answers

Proposed To Answered ($ per)
Destiny $1000 - $100
MrMouton $20,000
Lycan $5,000
DariusIRL $10,000
NotSoErudite $690,000
MrGirl Unknown * 10


Dogwarts was first dubbed Barklight