Bridges Podcast

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Bridges Podcast, announced around September 2023,[1] is currently a work in progress behind the scenes of Destiny's streams.

-Here is a short summary(written by NotsoErudite) of what they hope to present as the shows content:

"...Bridges Podcast, where Destiny's dynamic discussions meet the insightful perspectives of both notable figures (politicians, streamers, Hollywood writers, experts, etc) and everyday voices (normie and non-grass touching alike).Each episode promises to ignite robust conversations around politics and current events. Imagine the energy of Destiny's streams, enriched by a wider array of voices, live in podcast format. I am looking for people who are open to coming to Miami and want to talk about ideas to apply to be on the show. I will be pairing panelists with high-octane guests based on similar interests in the topic." 

NotsoErudite, often shortened to Erudite, NSE or Kyla, has been chosen to co-host and recruit other people to be on the show.
She has been Livestreaming audition interviews for prospective guests on her Kick channel. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Kyla also has a patreon that has a few behind the scenes shots of the probable show location. links to the Bridges guest application form which is currently paused/closed for submissions. is the questionnaire when it was available.
Bridges Podcast Talent Application

Thank you for your interest in being a guest on Bridges Podcast!

Before we proceed, please fill out the following application to help us better understand your background and what you can bring to our audience. We'll review all applications and get back to you if we feel you're a good fit for an upcoming episode. Expect to be interviewed once before being invited onto the show!

*Indicates required question

Email *

-Your Email-

Demographic Information

We'd really appreciate it if you could fill out all the necessary details. And if you feel comfortable, sharing the additional information would be great. If you think there's a key question we missed, or if anything feels a touch too personal, please give us a shout. Your feedback means a lot!

First and Last Name *

-Your Answer-

Email Address *

-Your Answer-

Age *

-Your Answer-


-Your Answer-

Social Media Handles or Links *

-Your Answer-

Social Media Handles or Links

-Your Answer-

Social Media Handles or Links

-Your Answer-


-Your Answer-

Sexual Orientation

-Your Answer-

Relationship Status

Ο Single

Ο Married

Ο In a Relationship

Ο Divorced

Ο Widowed

Ο Polyamours (including open, ethical non-monogamy, etc.)

Ο Other:________________________

Are you local to Miami? *

Ο Yes

Ο No

Ο No but I am willing to fly in.

Occupation *

Please be specific, so if you're self-employed, list the industry you're self-employed within.

-Your Answer-

Where you live? *

State/Province and Country.

-Your Answer-

Personal and Political Opinions

While some of the questions are required, many are up to you. If you could take a moment to fill out as many as you feel comfortable with, it'd really give us a clearer picture of your perspectives and passions. Our goal is to align you with show themes that genuinely resonate with your interests. We're genuinely grateful you're considering joining our conversation. Thank you!

How would you describe your political orientation? *

-Your Answer-

What are the main mediums where you typically hear about current events or news from? *

-Your Answer-

Describe to me the current events you're most interested in. Are you passionate about certain topics or themes? What do you enjoy discussing in-depth and at-length?

-Your Answer-

Can you provide an example of a recent event or issue where you felt strongly about a topic?

Tell us about what the topic was and what your opinion was.
If relevant, tell us about how your position differed from how you felt the broader culture was engaging with the topic.

-Your Answer-

If you could challenge the mainstream narrative on one topic, what would it be and why?

-Your Answer-

What's a lesser-known fact or story from your field or area of expertise that you believe more people should be aware of?

-Your Answer-

What's a question you wish more people would ask you, or a topic you feel you have a unique perspective on but rarely get to discuss?

-Your Answer-

Though categories are imperfect, which political category broadly best fits you? *

Ο Far Left

Ο Liberal Left

Ο Moderate/Centrist

Ο Conservative/Right

Ο Far Right

Are there any topics or issues you feel strongly against or would prefer not to discuss? Please list all relevant below.

-Your Answer-


Please ensure all required information is filled out. The remaining questions are optional.

Have you ever been on Bridges Podcast previously? *

Ο Yes

Ο No

How did you hear about Bridges Podcast? *

-Your Answer-



Immediately after the Bridges Podcast logo was posted, people noticed vague design similarities with other organizations.
This led to Destiny posting this controversial meme to Twitter.
