Retard magnet

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During a Starcraft 2 stream in 2011, Destiny devised a new strategy called the Retard Magnet. This strategy would utilise the Zerg's Overlord unit to draw out the enemy's army, and then ambush them from behind with your own forces.[1] At the time of streaming, Destiny was in a skype call with his good friend, Kyle. The clip is one of many still hosted on the remembertomorrow0 YouTube channel.

Destiny: "The Overlord will serve as a retard magnet, drawing out the Protoss army from his base...

Then, my lings will come in from behind to hold the army in place, while I thrust my mighty roach dick."

Kyle: "Is this really a retard magnet if this is a stupid plan?"

Destiny: "Well, if it drives anything out, then obviously the magnet has worked.

Yes...yes - no! He's got a big army!

Yes, it worked! Kyle, it's a retard magnet!"


  1. remembertomorrow0. (2011, January 7). "Starcraft 2 Tutorial - Destiny's Overlord Strategy (Retard Magnet)" (Video). YouTube. Retrieved August 24, 2023.