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You won't let me get banned? 🥺
Status Unknown
Political Alignment Socialist
Country of origin USA [1]

Trickman185, better known as Awooga (stylized AWOOGA) in the context of DGG, was a chatter who is characterized by his energetic behavior often described as being tsundere-like. Wikipedia In the summer of 2023, Awooga would frequently chat with Destiny via viewer call-ins. Reportedly, Awooga had paid for a Tier V subscription so that he could more readily speak with Destiny.[2] Awooga was generally seen within DGG as someone who was possibly a troll, Wikipedia with many DGGers speculating that he was a Groyper Wikipedia plant to make progressives look stupid, as well as generally having mixed reactions, with some expressing adoration[3][4] and others expressing he provided a good foil to Destiny[5] succinctly put by a redditor, "I love to hate this guy."[6]

Awooga recieved 8th place (6.23%) for the 2023 Neurodivergent of the Year Award. His Discord Wikipedia avatar would frequently rotate between different anime Wikipedia and video-game characters.

An X (formerly known as Twitter) Wikipedia account attributed (1| 2) to him (@jonathanother1) no longer exists. Awooga also stated he had a twitch accounter under the name Trickman185 that is similarly inactive.

Appearances with Destiny

Feb 2, 2023 · Destiny Runs Into Surprise Rittenhouse Debate

Destiny is cornered by Awooga in the Discord-call in channel, and confronted on his Kyle Rittenhouse stance. Awooga states that he thinks Kyle Rittenhouse deserved the scorn he received as he killed 2 people, Wikipedia but concedes that Rittenhouse was at the least legally justified as he was given a not guilty verdict in the case. Destiny and Awooga clash on the details of the case, but Awooga ultimately states that he wants to re-approach the topic at a later date as he hasn't read much of the case.

Awooga asks Destiny if he actually thinks he is autistic (he cites an earlier conversation with Aella in which Destiny self-identifies as most likely being autistic). Destiny states that he thinks he is and 4THOT comments that he has been playing Factorio Wikipedia on stream non-stop). Awooga points out that he never had difficulties with socialization as a child, and says Destiny should take a test, however Destiny says he wont as he thinks he could receive a diagnosis by purposefully answering in a way that would secure a diagnosis.

Apr 21, 2023 · Leftist Demands Destiny To Condemn Conservatives

Awooga talks to Destiny about Destiny's stance on deplatforming Wikipedia on social media, Awooga saying he thinks Destiny's engagement with far-right normalizes their rhetoric and that deplatforming is an appropriate step to take to mitigate the public's exposure to far-right rhetoric. Destiny argues that the deplatforming strengthens the rhetoric of conservatives and doesn't allow the public to be exposed to far-right ideas that they might otherwise need to confront, as well as having a "principled attachment to the idea of freedom of speech."

Jun 9, 2023 · Confronting And Starting A Fight w/ Destiny After Getting Unbanned

Awooga says he wouldn't call Destiny left-wing. Nearing the end of the conversation, Awooga requests that Destiny add him on Discord in this highly clippable moment as he is afraid that he will get banned again by the "super unhinged" DGG Discord moderators.

Jun 22, 2023 · Demanding Destiny Apologize To Hasan

July 17th, 2023 · Awooga purity tests Destiny

Awooga speaks with Destiny, and immediately starts running down the list of most controversial memes, including the DDoS kid, Nick Fuentes (specifically the chicken and waffles incident), as well as him abandoning his son, and calling him a cuck.

Jul 21, 2023 · Far Leftist Confronts Destiny For Being Racist


  1. Awooga states he is American.
  2. RTBA bans AWOOGA in the discord and indicates he paid for a Tier V sub.
  3. Why is Awooga so based?
  4. AWOOGA Appreciation Thread.
  6. u/miserandvm "I love to hate this guy".