Destiny ART

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Based on the the art style of political cartoonist Thomas Nast
The Image that inspired this reddit compilation
Anti-Destiny propaganda at its finest.
•Drawn by artist known as [redacted]
People make art from interactions with Destiny.
many end up on Twitter, Reddit and/or Discord.
List of known DGG artists
*info needed*


-hosts DGG memes and clips.


-hosts a compilation of Destiny related art.
The following sections link to this Reddit page,
Organized by type of art medium/process used.

Anti-Fans ←

•Artistic perspectives of individuals who, despite their growing disillusionment 
-can't quite sever their ties to Destiny. 
A fascinating blend of admiration and criticism, adoration and disdain.
•Themes of justice, redemption, and reclaiming self esteem are recurrent.
While some pieces may be intense we aim to foster an inclusive community that encourages 
constructive dialogue and open-mindedness through art & humor. 

Artificial Intelligence ←

•AI art supports an environment for artists of varying skill levels. 
Encouraging feedback, collaborations, and discussions about the creative process,
while discovering new artistic paths with Artificial Intelligence tools.  

•Research and development in the field of AI and machine learning are leading to the 
creation of more powerful algorithms and architectures grasping complex patterns, textures, 
and context, leading to more accurate and visually appealing creations. 

Avatar ←

•Avatar designs created/relevant to the Destiny community. 
Outfits change with Stevens real fashion,
debate topics, game played..etc

•Reddit avatars offer a range of hats, outfits, and holdable items that users can stylize. Blue hair, cup of hot chocy, keyboard... Personalized accessories add to each Destiny inspired avatar. 

DggL♥ ←

•Destiny's mascot takes on a few different forms.
Distinctive features are the classic Agua blue hair, light blue face & pink or red hearts.
Recent interactions with Spanish streamer Rubius' community -during the 2023 r/place event, dubbed "El Gato Inmortal"

•Art with this cute character may fit into other art categories on the subreddit
but if El gato is the main subject you should find it here. 

Digital Art ←

•Including a diverse range of art categories and various ways to create but related by their digital aspects and references to Destiny. Fan art handmade and digitized will find its way in this tab. Sketches, character design, comics, memes and many more 
-using your favorite digital drawing tools.

MS Paint ←

•Despite the limitations of the software, 
mspaint art thrives on the ingenuity, prowess...
-or laziness of its creators, 

•Transforming simple copy-pasted art into masterpieces
of Destiny fan art or sometimes unincredible lackluster memes.
Don't take this section too serious, we do a lil' trolling. 

Handmade ←

•Whether it's a intricate painting, notebook doodle or carved into your desk... 
This is the spot to find Handmade art! 
While yes, most art is made with your hands, almost all of the Destiny art found online is Digital
 -Let's give our mixed medium Destiny artists a welcoming category.

Photography ←

•Destiny isn't know for being the most photogenic but when the right moment happens, spotlight is on him.
-Recent changes to his hair color show through-out his photos, an easy timeframe marker along with beard progression/changes

•Tab is dedicated to still photography but you may find an editted image here if it isn't noticeable.

Photoshop ←

•Photoshop may be the largest category on this page.
-Since its release in 1990 Adobe Photoshop has been a staple in most editing communities. 
Known for its layering capabilities and many creative tools to use.

•Until AI programs fully take the work out of edits
Photoshop will continue to help artists as the leader in photo-manipulation software. 

Thumbnail ←

•This category is for the Video Thumbnail editors out there.
Sometimes quite chaotic in layout, art for thumbnails
usually are vibrant screencaptures collaged into images.
-Meant to capture attention of potential viewers, often these include "clickbait" text across the picture. 

Video/GIF ←

•Here you can find edited clips, GIFs, amusing animations and 'afk' screensavers of Destiny. 
-Wholesome, funny, happy, sad and other moods are  pieced together by many creative Dggers 

•Notable AI trends such as Balengiaga Celebrities and Voice swapping Destiny into famous songs have their place here as well. 
Drop a meme or just enjoy browsing through, Art goes on!

[...see also r/place, Emotes]