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Exskillsme was a chatter who frequently argued with Destiny on stream during the Conservative arc. Exskillsme would frequently be tasked to argue with Destiny as (as he puts it) 'the conservative,'[1] often having to argue against other prolific chatters, such as Vaush, who at the time of Exskillsme's presence in the community, was not yet a full-fledged streamer of his own. One of these arguments with Vaush lead to Vaush saying that he would kill exskillsme in his ideal world.[citation needed ] Some time after the stream, Exskillsme would announce he would be leaving the community citing the conversation with Vaush as a reason, as well as seeing "Destiny double and triple down on morally justifying violence against conservatives," as well as saying Destiny has inadvertently "cultivate[d] an extreme leftist audience."[1]

Months after leaving, the Lefty arc was ushered in, fulfilling Exskillsme's prophecy that there would be a "DGG Communist revolution."[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 imgur.com. Exskills me announces he is leaving DGG.