Green Room

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A meme summarizing "The Green Room Drama" [1]

Several months after Destiny's appearance on Tim Pool's podcast, All That Remains singer Philip Labonte sent a tweet claiming Destiny was rude to him in the podcast's Green Room.[2] After a brief exchange between the two over twitter, Destiny would go on to send a several paragraph long response expressing his frustration with Phil's behavior(both in person and online).[3] Many members of Destiny's subreddit/community found the entire exchange quite entertaining, and were sympathetic to Destiny's position.[4][5] [6] While those with a disinclination towards Destiny, including content creators such as Anthony Fantano, were quick to deride Destiny for his "diva" like behavior.[7]


Initial Tweets and Destiny's response

February 13, 2024, 11:03 AM EST
Adam Friended tweeted out a statement deriding Destiny for categorizing all conservatives, including those with center-right views, as being incapable of distinguishing between different degrees of left-leaning ideologies. Adam goes on to point out that this generalization overlooks the diversity of thought within conservative circles and unnecessarily portrays center-right conservatives, who might be more open to dialogue or moderate positions, as extremists.[8]

Adam Friended
“Conservatives will hate you just as much if you’re center left or far left.” - Destiny
This seems wildly untrue. Sure it’s true for many hyper partisan conservatives. But why would you want to throw center right conservatives under the bus by framing them as insane haters?
11:03 AM · Feb 13, 2024

February 13, 2024, 11:25 AM EST
Labonte responds to Friended's tweet claiming Destiny was the only guest on Tim Pool's podcast who was not friendly when they met.[9]

Phil Labonte
Destiny is the only person that was a guest on Timcast that was not polite and friendly when I met them.
11:03 AM · Feb 13, 2024

February 13, 2024, 9:17 PM EST
Destiny takes issue with Labonte's tweet, and points to positive interactions he has had with individuals he had met through the show; such as playing basketball and performing a spontaneous show with Seamus Coughlin. [10]

LMAO WHAT??? Have I ever even met you before? I've been friendly with literally every single person I've met off that show, in person. I've shot hoops with people who were on the show, and I even did a spontaneous show with another guy (Seamus Coughlin) while I went one time.
9:17 PM · Feb 13, 2024

February 13, 2024, 10:06 PM EST
Labonte responds, stating that while Destiny was not overtly rude, he was fairly dismissive and unfriendly. He recounts the ordeal: describing how he approached Destiny in the green room, offered him a handshake, and Destiny responded by giving him a brief acknowledgment and a somewhat dismissive handshake before returning to his phone.[11]

Phil Labonte
Yeah, I wouldn’t expect you to remember. You weren’t overtly rude or anything. You were on the couch in the green room I came up, smiled, introduced myself, n put my hand out to shake your hand. You looked up from your phone n said “oh, hi” and shook my hand a little dismissively n looked back at your phone. I didn’t say you insulted me. Just you weren’t friendly. 🤷‍♂️
10:06 PM · Feb 13, 2024

February 13, 2024, 11:47 PM EST
Destiny sends out a several paragraph long Tweet in response to Labonte. In the tweet, Destiny explains his frustration with Labonte's seemingly unnecessary interaction with him in the green room,and goes on to explain that the purpose of a green is to create a private space for performers to prepare or relax. Destiny then criticizes Labonte for disrupting this environment(referring to him as a “talent terrorist and “attention rapist”),and demanding Destiny entertain him off-stage. Destiny then critiques Labonte for complaining about the interaction online, and goes on to outline the myriad of tasks he might be engaged in while in a green room(i.e. scheduling events, flights, researching). Destiny concludes the tweet by requesting that Labonte "fuck off".

This response actually pisses me off 1000000x more than if I were just randomly rude to you, holy shit.


For some industry lingo (for anything that involves "talent" with "fans" etc...) "green rooms" are usually places where talent can rest or chill in order to either get ready for an event (free from being encumbered by random interruptions) or relax after doing a show/event. In my industry, it's mostly to insulate you from fans who want pictures, or from random people who want to chat or solicit something from you.

If talent is in a green room, AND they're on their phone, "common courtesy" would not be to walk up to the person and start a conversation. If you weren't even on the show or working with the production crew for that episode, you shouldn't even really be in there at all. In fact, it's literally one of the most annoying fucking things to have to deal with. People are in green rooms there to insulate themselves from people like you. You are an actual talent terrorist, every single "performer's" nightmare: that some fucking rando would approach you in a green room, expect you to put on a fucking show for them and chat them up, and then have the AUDACITY to complain afterwards if they weren't happy with the interaction.

If someone complained to me that they approached talent in a green room and tried to introduce themselves and the talent completely blew them off, I'd probably tell them "hey dude, they are literally in that room so they can focus on the upcoming show or relaxing after a show they were just on. You are approaching them in the worst way possible. You are literally attention-raping them, stop."

If I was on my phone, I could have been managing social media (retweeting links for the show as per the host's requests or linking so my fans can find me), scheduling next-day events via email, scheduling same-day travel to catch a flight, researching or reading something for the upcoming show, or literally a million other things could be occupying my time.

The fact that you are complaining PUBLICLY about approaching me in a green room as a fucking fan, and I STILL shook your hand and said "hello" to you, is actually fucking INSANE to me. If you want pictures, find me outside of a green room after a show, otherwise, seriously, fuck off.
11:47 PM · Feb 13, 2024

February 14, 2024, 7:56 AM EST
Labonte responds to Destiny's tweet and explains that he is a regular on Tim Pool's podcast, would not notice Destiny if he passed him on a street, and considers Destiny to be "ten times worse" than he initially thought. [12]

Phil Labonte
Im not a fan of yours destiny. I was being polite to you can I’m on Timcast regularly. I promise, if I passed you on the street I would not notice. Holy fuck you’re ten times worse than I thought you were. 😂
10:06 PM · Feb 13, 2024

Later Tweets

February 15, 2024, 10:20 AM EST
Labonte criticizes Destiny for mixing up the concepts of "dressing room" and "green room," explaining that a dressing room provides personal privacy for tasks like changing clothes or showering, while a green room serves as a communal space for people to gather before a show or event. Labonte goes on to suggest that Destiny either lacks the understanding of this difference or is intentionally misrepresenting it for dramatic effect. Labone signs off the tweet stating that either scenario is embarrassing for Destiny. [13]

Phil Labonte
Destiny is conflating a “dressing room” where one gets personal privacy to change clothes, maybe shower, with a “green room” which is a place people congregate before a show or what have you. The difference is congregating is expected and normal in a “green room” but not in a “dressing room.” If he was as much of an old salt has he presents himself to be he would know this. Or maybe he does and he presented it the way he did for dramatic effect. Either way it’s embarrassing.
10:20 AM · February 15, 2024

February 15, 2024, 1:31 PM EST
Two days following the initial dispute, Destiny came across an article from right-wing news and opinion website, The Daily Caller, wherein the initial twitter dispute was retold from an incredibly favorably perspective towards Labonte. Destiny tweets out his frustration, expressing that "conservatives are literally the softest cupcakes on the planet". [14]

I am convinced that conservatives are literally the softest cupcakes on the planet, holy fuck.
1:31 PM · Feb 15, 2024

February 15, 2024, 2:15 PM EST
Labonte tweets out a video of himself in the room where he greeted Destiny. In the video, Labonte shows the location where he greeted Destiny and explains this as a location where everyone "chit-chats". He then concludes that this location was not a dressing room, where talent would expect privacy. [15]

Phil Labonte
This is actually more like “catering” than a “green room” or “dressing room”
2:15 PM · February 15, 2024

February 15, 2024, 2:21 PM EST
Destiny responds to Labonte's video, seemingly shocked that this debate is still occuring. He maintains that the location Labonte was showing is in fact a green room, and reiterates that Labonte's walking up to talent preparing for a show and expecting a conversation, is "unbelievably entitled." [16]

Bro I shook your hand and said "hi" what do you WANT from me LOOOOL
If someone is sitting on the couch working on something in a ROOM where they are PREPARING TO GO ON A SHOW, it is considered a GREEN ROOM (they don't actually have to be green!!!!) To walk up to someone sitting on a couch and preparing for a show and then expecting them to have a full conversation with you is unbelievably entitled.
2:21 PM · Feb 15, 2024


  2. "Destiny is the only person that was a guest on Timcast that was not polite and friendly when I met them.", Twitter, 13 Feb. 2024,
  3. “This Response Actually Pisses Me Off...” Twitter, Twitter, 14 Feb. 2024,
  7. "and people say I'M up my own ass." Twitter, 14 Feb. 2024,
  8. “Conservatives will hate you just as much if you're..." Twitter, 13 Feb. 2024,
  9. "Destiny is the only person that was a guest on Timcast that was..."Twitter, 14 Feb. 2024,
  10. "LMAO WHAT??? Have I ever even met you before..." Twitter, 14 Feb. 2024,
  11. "Yeah, I wouldn’t expect you to remember. You weren’t overtly..." Twitter, 14 Feb. 2024,
  12. "Im not a fan of yours destiny. I was being polite to you..." 14 Feb. 2024,
  13. "Destiny is conflating a “dressing room” where one gets personal privacy to change..." Twitter, 15 Feb. 2024,
  14. "I am convinced that conservatives are literally the softest cupcakes..." Twitter, 15 Feb. 2024,
  15. "This is actually more like “catering” than a “green room” or “dressing room”" Twitter, 15 Feb. 2024,
  16. "Bro I shook your hand and said "hi" what do you WANT..." Twitter, 15 Feb. 2024,