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What is the best way to document episodes that are poorly stored need to watch video to determine if august appropriately included all notable moments (or was even allowed, he could have been limited to only posting part of entire podcast episode). for example destiny vs nick on destiny's youtube channel is 45 minutes. however entire episode is 5 hours and only on rumble. other cases include these partial vids 1 2

You probably only need to have whatever's relevant. If you think there is a conversation that happens on F&F where their livestream is better suited, you can opt for that, but I would imagine that most of the livestreams are going to end up being about minor redpill talking points repeated ad nauseam. It's mostly going to come down to discretion and balancing as well as:
  1. This is a wiki for Destiny and not necessarily FnF, so while things about them can be written about, if it's not critical or supports an over-arching explanation for something else, it's probably best left out.
  2. If someone who has never heard of FnF wants to learn more, they will be less amenable to watching 8 5-hour streams rather than 8 45 minute debate videos.
  3. The appetite for covering these sorts of things, i.e. whether or not you think feasibly you can cover all the material within any source you are providing to the reader.
There isn't any explicit rules on these things (as far as I'm aware) so it's all really vibe-based. Do what you think is appropriate, ultimately. But, if you want a good reference, I would check out the Hasan Piker and Lav pages; these are two really well fleshed out complete (Hasan's page is like 90% complete) articles on a person. With FnF, I would probably also treat it like a person since Myron does most of the talking while Walter sits there.
Devonnn (talk) 13:53, 14 July 2024 (UTC)