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[[File:mikepa.jpg|thumb|'''Michael 'Mike from PA' Beyer''']]
{{Infobox Person
Prolific couch-beater Michael from Penn State is a well-known beta male in the [[Twitch]] streaming space. In recent years, Mike has resigned himself to life as an extra testicle for [[Hasan Piker]], streaming strictly to gobble up Hasan's viewers whenever he is offline. Much like the socialists he idolizes, Mike is a parasite. He briefly attended law school, after which he never passed the bar.
| person_name        = Mike from PA
| image              = MikePA.jpg
| caption            = Not my lawyer.
| person_status      =
| political_alignment = Progressive Left/Socialist
| person_age          = 40
| qualifications      = Political Science/Communications Degree
| occupation          = Twitch Streamer/Political Commentator
| country            = USA
| website            =
| twitter            = mike_from_pa
| instagram          =
| youtube            = @mikefrompa
| stock              =
| awards              = 
'''Michael from Penn State''' is an American [[Twitch]] political streamer. Mike spent some time on Destiny’s stream debating a wide array of political topics from the electability of individuals such as Bernie Sanders to hot-button political issues at the time such as Stock Buybacks. Over time, the manner in which Mike chose to approach said debates with Destiny, coupled with his boisterous behavior both before and after most debates, resulted in the bridge between the two content creators to collapse.  

[https://youtu.be/_M_pk5FAzpA?si=Gc86JNyMfSJDx-D5 nathanYikes]
As of late, Mike’s streams would best be characterized as a “waiting room” for [[Hasan Piker]] (whom Mike has become increasingly politically aligned with) in that he streams strictly to absorb Hasan's viewers whenever he is offline.
Mike currently livestreams under the username '''Central_Committee'''.
== On stream appearances with Destiny ==
=== First Appearance ===
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0z6X8Yn7gE|200px|right| '''What you're saying is supporting my argument... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA'''}}
Mike's first [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0z6X8Yn7gE conversation]<ref>Destiny (2019, August 9).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0z6X8Yn7gE "What you're saying is supporting my argument... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 6, 2023</ref>with [https://wiki.destiny.gg/view/Destiny Destiny] occurred on August 6, 2019. Over the course of the conversation Destiny and Mike engaged in a deep discussion covering electoral politics, policy and the healthcare system. The response to Mike's first appearance was generally positive<ref>https://i.imgur.com/QoiP57Q.png</ref> as he managed to have a thoughtful discussion over polling and the American healthcare system.
=== Second Appearance ===
Mike's second [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13FYybwBFiA conversation]<ref>Destiny (2019, August 11).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13FYybwBFiA "This isn't a debated claim... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA - Round 2"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 6, 2023</ref>with Destiny occurred on August 7, 2019. This conversation was much more contentious compared to Mike and Destiny's initial discussion.
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13FYybwBFiA |200px|right| '''"This isn't a debated claim... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA - Round 2'''}}
The debate centered on economic and environmental regulations and their impact on developing countries. Destiny argued that first-world countries often impose stringent regulations on developing nations, which he sees as hypocritical since developed nations historically polluted heavily during their industrialization phase. Mike contended that this is a nuanced issue, suggesting that merely placing environmental restrictions on developing countries isn't sufficient. He argued for more comprehensive measures, such as substantial financial transfers and development subsidies, to help these countries adhere to environmental standards without compromising their growth.
The discussion also delved into the topic of multilateral trade agreements, specifically focusing on how these agreements can unfairly benefit corporations at the expense of labor and environmental standards. Destiny brings up that economic shifts from manufacturing to service-based jobs in the U.S. generally have a positive impact. Mike argued that this shift has led to growing income inequality and is not inherently beneficial.
Both seemed to agree, at least in part, that trade agreements could play a role in enforcing labor and environmental standards. However, they differed in how effective or ethical this role was, with Destiny being more open to the utility of these agreements and Mike more critical of their real-world impacts.
=== Third Appearance ===
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKrqNp3fbhI |200px|right| '''"This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA'''}}
Mike's third [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKrqNp3fbhI conversation]<ref>Destiny (2019, August 19).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKrqNp3fbhI "This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 6, 2023</ref>with Destiny occurred on August 18, 2019. This conversation was even more contentious than the prior two debates.
The debate centered on the topic of stock buybacks, particularly questioning whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is economically illiterate for criticizing them. Destiny argued that AOC's comparisons between stock buybacks and R&D expenditures are not directly related, while Mike defended the point that both come from the same pool of money. Destiny contended that companies won't buy back stock if there are profitable investments to be made in R&D, suggesting that doing so doesn't necessarily detract from innovation. Mike argued that this behavior could be influenced by the self-interest of executives rather than the company's well-being.
A historical discussion then arose, with Mike pointing out that stock buybacks were not common until the Reagan era, linking the practice to increased income inequality and imbalances between executive and worker pay. Destiny countered that multiple factors contributed to the economic growth post-World War II, and attributing it solely to the absence of stock buybacks is misleading.
Eventually, both debaters acknowledged the need for increased minimum wages and stronger unions but still disagreed on the role stock buybacks play in economic inequality. Destiny argued that they are merely a symptom, not a cause, of broader issues.
=== Fourth Appearance ===
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvFQJUziE7M |200px|right| '''"EXCLUSIVE SECRET MIKE FROM PA vs. DESTINY DEBATE PART 3 Continues...'''}}
Mike's fourth [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvFQJUziE7M conversation]<ref>Mike From PA (2019, August 20).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKrqNp3fbhI "EXCLUSIVE SECRET MIKE FROM PA vs. DESTINY DEBATE PART 3 Continues..."]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 7, 2023</ref> with Destiny occurred on August 18, 2019. The cracks in the foundation of Destiny and Mike's relationship begin to show at this point, with Destiny ending the conversation by stating "I'm on the fence about whether or not you're a tankie". The conversation occurred on Mike's channel.
Mike and Destiny discussed stock buybacks once again, political institutions, and democratic socialism. Mike argued that addressing issues like stock buybacks is part of a larger effort to reduce inequality. Destiny questioned if stock buybacks would be bad in an ideal world where workers are well-compensated. The two also discussed the influence of political appointees on institutions like the EPA and the FBI, with Destiny warning against undermining these institutions. Mike insisted they are not entirely independent and can be influenced by political appointments. They also debated the merits and drawbacks of the electoral college versus popular vote systems. Mike argued for a more democratic system, while Destiny suggested that the electoral college serves a purpose. Both touched on issues like gerrymandering, the role of the Supreme Court, and the potential dangers of populism. Mike leaned toward technocratic solutions, while Destiny remained adamant in cautioning against undermining existing, essential, institutions.
=== Fifth Appearance ===
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5w4Hi7vQh0 |200px|right| '''"Is AOC Economically Illiterate? - Destiny Debates Mike from PA'''}}
Mike's fifth [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5w4Hi7vQh0 conversation]<ref>Destiny (2019, August 26).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKrqNp3fbhI "Is AOC Economically Illiterate? - Destiny Debates Mike from PA"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 7, 2023</ref>with Destiny occurred on August 19, 2019.
The debate centered on the economic literacy of AOC, specifically her opinions on stock buybacks and research & development (R&D) spending by companies. Destiny suggested that economic rationality doesn't mean actors have perfect information but that they make what they believe to be optimal choices based on the information available to them. Destiny also emphasized the need for more empirical evidence to definitively say whether stock buybacks have a long-term negative impact on companies and their level of investment in R&D. Mike was critical of the practice of stock buybacks, agreeing with AOC's viewpoint. He argued that stock buybacks serve to inflate stock prices, primarily benefiting CEOs whose pay is often tied to stock performance. He suggested that this focus on stock buybacks diverts funds from other important areas like R&D. Mike challenged the notion that the current economic system is optimal or rational, pointing to how CEOs may have interests that don't align with the long-term health of their companies.
Of note, the broader [[DGG]] community was rather unhappy<ref>https://i.imgur.com/XVqiKg0.png</ref><ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/cw8sq6/please_never_let_mike_from_pa_back_on_the_stream/</ref> with his treatment toward an undergraduate student who sat in on the call, and his general rudeness during the conversation.
=== Mike calls Destiny a "useful idiot" for the Right ===
On September 6, 2019 Mike, seemingly unhappy with Destiny's treatment of the "far left", states in a twitch clip<ref>https://clips.twitch.tv/TamePatientDurianAsianGlow</ref> that Destiny's actions have made him a "useful idiot" for the right.
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOQs9cA_PrE |200px|right| '''"You have no idea WTF you're talking about..." - Destiny Debates Mike from PA, Actual Jake & More'''}}
=== Sixth Appearance ===
Mike's Sixth [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOQs9cA_PrE conversation]<ref>Destiny (2019, October 16).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKrqNp3fbhI "You have no idea WTF you're talking about..." - Destiny Debates Mike from PA, Actual Jake & More"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 9, 2023</ref>with Destiny occurred on October 16, 2019(Mike also became a partnered streamer the same day). The conversation was hosted on the [[Big Brain Podcast]]. Notable participants in the conversation included Destiny, Mike, [[Actual Jake]], MindWaves, and [[Bastiat]].
Notable moments from the podcast include:
*The first topic was regarding a pro Hearthstone player being fired and having his award money taken by Blizzard, because he(and two broadcasters) had come out in support of the Hong Kong protests. Destiny stated this was fairly standard for Blizzard, but acknowledged they were in a very tough position. He went on to say while we would like to see the company take the side of Hong Kong, it would be at the cost of their Chinese market, so their actions are not too surprising. Mike started off his position by stating that we "should not succumb to pundit brain", and that making observations about the economic interest of Blizzard and "leaving it at that" is not the correct position to take. Mike went on to say that allowing China to take such actions would create a scary precedent, and went on to push his critique to capitalism and neoliberalism for forcing the company into this position. He concluded by saying it is "our responsibility as consumers to put the pain to Blizzard." Despite this impassioned speech, Mike still said he was "on the fence" about who is right or wrong during the protests.<ref>https://youtu.be/zOQs9cA_PrE?t=1828</ref>
*Mike states "I support the right to protest, and any time I see an authoritarian government stepping on the right to protest, I don't need to know what the protest is about to defend them..."<ref>https://youtu.be/zOQs9cA_PrE?t=1854</ref> Destiny then asks Mike if he would defend against James Damore's firing for his memo "about how women are biologically inferior to men." Mike refused to acknowledge this as a form of protest, nor the parallel between an individual exercising their free speech in both cases. Destiny is infuriated at this, and points out the irony in Mike willing to "shit hardcore on Blizzard for buckling to China over financial interests", yet is too scared to take a position on the protests. After further pushing, Destiny claims that Mike is only taking this position to take a "cheap shot at capitalism".
*The second topic was Trump's impeachment. Mike was adamant that "neolibs" and moderate democrats were at fault for being so hesitant to want to impeach Trump despite all his corrupt actions. He also claimed that the only reason Destiny was now on board for impeachment was because Nancy Pelosi signaled to other Democrats that it may be a good idea. Destiny stated that Mike was being fantastical, stating that Pelosi would never do something that the electorate didn't want, to which Mike responded Pelosi was clueless and agreed that she was a "dumb old women."<ref>https://youtu.be/zOQs9cA_PrE?t=4672</ref>
*Mike claimed that "Bernie and Warren are doing great, the progressives are going to win the nomination"(they did not).
*Mike claimed that the Democrats "rolled over" and allowed(i.e. didn't filibuster or oppose the nomination) David Baer to be appointed. Destiny took issue with this claim and responded that it would have been near impossible for the Democrats to filibuster when the nuclear option had been triggered in the Senate, and asked Mike how they could have opposed it. Despite Mike "gish galloping a million points", Destiny managed to ask Mike multiple times again how he thinks the Democrats could have stopped the nomination, when they didn't have a majority in the Senate. Mike responds they could have stopped all legislative business, to which destiny was incredulous<ref>https://youtu.be/zOQs9cA_PrE?t=4853</ref>  and began shouting at Mike to explain how. It is at this point that Destiny is certain Mike does not know what the Nuclear option is, and calmly<ref>https://youtu.be/zOQs9cA_PrE?t=4867</ref> explains to Mike it means "the filibuster does not work anymore." Mike eventually comes to the conclusion(likely in real time) that the Democrats should have filibustered the budget in order to stop the attorney general nomination.
=== Seventh Appearance ===
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKrqNp3fbhI |200px|right| '''I LOVE THE PIVOTING" - Destiny debates Mike from PA (Central Committee)'''}}
Mike's Seventh [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxJP8LBQMM8 conversation]<ref>Destiny (2019, November 21).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKrqNp3fbhI "I LOVE THE PIVOTING" - Destiny debates Mike from PA (Central Committee)"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 10, 2023</ref>with Destiny occurred on November 21, 2019. This was a three hour long conversation which ultimately cemented the two streamer's disdain towards one another.
The video begins with Destiny reacting to Mike's response to a conversation between Destiny and [[David Pakman]] regarding the coupe in Bolivia. It was at around this time that the lefty arc was in full swing, and Destiny's patience for those he perceived to be a "commie" or "chapo poster" was worn thin(in fact he bans one of those individuals 3 minutes into the video).
Destiny begins the call by saying he'd like to go over Mike's conversation with [[MindWaves]], a conversation that Destiny had prepared extensive notes for. The conversation starts off cordial enough, with Destiny positing the question to Mike: "Is it possible for an individual to not be racist/sexist, but still partake in a racist/sexist system?" Mike states it is certainly possible, and goes on to say "while personal racism is objectionable, it is not as important as structural racism". Destiny then asks Mike to expand on his take that "all cops are racist". Mike denies that he ever said this, at which point Destiny cites a quote taken directly from Mike's conversation with MindWaves in which he stated "Police officers are racist, just by virtue of being a police officer you are partaking in a racist system." Mike then walks back his statement, hesitantly<ref>https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=518</ref>, and agrees with Destiny that "not all cops are racist".
The conversation continues, and eventually Destiny points out that Mike's chat seems to think that "every single cop is participatory in a horrendous criminal justice system, that is necessarily racist, and that all of them should quit."<ref>https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=909</ref> Destiny then points out to Mike that this seems contradictory with his previously stated position all cops are not racist. Destiny then describes a hypothetical of a non-racist cop who works in a non-racist precinct, and asks Mike if that individual should quit. Mike  does not answer the hypothetical initially, and instead attempts to critique it as unrealistic. When Mike does eventually answer the hypothetical he states that the officer should quit the force, even if it would be to the detriment to his wife and children.
Mike then makes the point that if a black motorist broke down in any 100% white precinct/one with no historical racism in the United States, that they would almost definitely experience some form of racism. Destiny points out that this position is contradictory to his earlier claim that not all cops are racist. Again, Mike does not directly answer the question(if all cops are racist), and instead begins to explain "the talk" black parents give to their children regarding police officers. Destiny cuts Mike off, and points out that Mike's responses have been tepid/lukewarm compared to the responses he is seeing in Mike's own chat. Mike once again does not respond directly to the question, and instead goes on the recite Martin Luther King's "riot's are the language of the unheard" quote.
Destiny tells Mike that "almost every single answer you've given me has been contradictory to what you said in the MindWaves conversation."<ref>https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=1926</ref>At this point, Destiny and Mike run through the list of timestamped notes Destiny had made from the MindWaves/Mike conversation, and even go on to discuss a few hot button issues at the time including the N-Word drama, and Bolivia. Destiny's preparation of timestamped links to pin Mike down on, coupled with Mike's general slipperiness and tendency to contradict himself in the topics that followed, solidified his appearance as a "dishonest fucking snake<ref>https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=12886</ref>" in the eyes of Destiny and the broader DGG community.
Notable moments from the conversation include:
*"If someone critiques you (MindWaves) for being sexist, it doesn't mean that you have to take it personally."<ref>https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=2099</ref> Mike goes on to claim he never called MindWaves sexist. Destiny then pulls a timestamped link to Mike's conversation with MindWaves, in which MindWaves asks "Am I Sexist?" and Mike states "Well if you look at your body of work, there's a gender balance problem..."<ref>https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=2320</ref> Mike maintained this was not an accusation of sexism. It is worthwhile to note that Mike was only defending this position in an attempt to stan [[KiraChats|Badbunny]], because MindWaves refused to invite her onto his podcast due to her abrasive behavior.
*When Destiny brought up the point that the best way to apply pressure to China was through multilateral trade agreements. Mike was skeptical of the efficacy of this tactic, implied that allowing China to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) was a mistake (despite the fact that in order to bring WTO suits against China, they need to be a member of the organization), and then pivoted to some point about "Neoliberals thought opening markets to China 10 years ago would lead to social and political freedom..." Destiny noticed this pivot in real time, and questioned what any of those statements had to do with multilateral trade agreements.
*Framed the N-Word Debate as a normal conversation that devolved into "a bunch of white people yelling about how it's okay to use the n-word in private"<ref>https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=6396</ref>, when it was in fact Destiny getting ambushed by two black people who were very excited to have that particular conversation.
*Claimed that fascism doesn't work because it "always ends up in ruins, and makes a lot of enemies", to which Destiny replied: "That's strange; you could apply that same definition to a lot of socialist countries." Shortly afterwards, Mike claimed that Destiny stated "Ultimately, you're saying that socialism never works, as if that's an argument against the platform I'm arguing for..."
*Claimed that the 9 million people that die every year under capitalism is the same as some of the famines that occurred under the USSR.<ref>https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=12473</ref>. He then claimed this was not tankie propaganda.
=== Eighth Appearance ===
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyj7lmlqW_4 |200px|right| '''Confronting Mike From PA - Destiny debates'''}}
Mike's Eighth [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyj7lmlqW_4 conversation]<ref>Destiny (2020, March 10).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKrqNp3fbhI "Confronting Mike From PA - Destiny debates"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 12, 2023</ref>with Destiny occurred on March 10, 2020 in Mike's discord. The conversation was primarily centered around the electability of Joe Biden vs Bernie Sanders, and Medicare for All. Mike was quite worried at this time as the next day would be the last day of Bernie's campaign. This was the last direct conversation Destiny and Mike had on stream with one another. While the conversation initially started between Mike and Destiny, many other individuals felt the need to voice their opinion during the talk, primarily from Mike's discord.
Notable moments from the conversation include:
*Destiny stated he "didn't believe the American population was anywhere near as progressive as all of your little funny polls and graphs tried to demonstrate."<ref>https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=371</ref> To which Mike responded "the people said they support Medicare for all in majorities of states even that Biden won..." Destiny then cited a poll that claimed "55% of people didn't even know what Medicare for all meant."
*Mike claimed that any votes going to Elizabeth Warren would have overwhelmingly gone to Bernie if she had dropped out.<ref>https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=507</ref>. Mike then went on to claim that "Democrat party officials were looking for Elizabeth Warren to stay in so that Bernie Sanders didn't consolidate the electorate."<ref>https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=617</ref>
*Mike thought "it's obvious, that by looking at the distribution of votes, that he(Bernie) would have won states like Massachusetts, Maine, and Texas..."<ref>https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=1016</ref>, he went on to say that Boomers wanted to pick the most electable candidate in Bernie Sanders.
*Mike stated: "We're going to get the same result just like in 2016, which is a horrible embarrassing defeat because Joe Biden does not motivate marginal drop-off voters like young people of color, young people..."<ref>https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=1064</ref>
*Mike stated he "Supports Bernie Sanders because of the policies..."<ref>https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=1458</ref> yet encouraged people not to vote in the general election and stated that he did not care for down ballot voting.
*Mike agreed that if a candidate did not support Medicare for All even in a vulnerable district, he would not vote for the Democrat, and would let the Republican win instead.<ref>https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=1507</ref>
*Mike called Biden a "catastrophically weak front-runner"<ref>https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=2864</ref>
*Mike claimed that "so many candidates joined the race against Biden"<ref>https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=3123</ref>, despite the fact that Biden was one of the last people to enter the race(on April 25, 2019, Bloomberg joined after him).
*Mike claimed that the US government should "just raise taxes on people that can afford to pay it"<ref>https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=3377</ref> in order to fund a Medicare for All system, despite the fact that these plans are unfunded on the order of trillions of dollars, and could never hope to raise enough money through taxes.
== Notable Clips, videos, and Tweets ==
=== Mike attempts to get Badbunny's attention ===
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M_pk5FAzpA|400px|right| '''Mike attempts to get Badbunny's attention'''}}
On September 30, 2019 Mike attempted to get [[KiraChats|Badbunny's]] attention by rubbing her back.<ref>https://livestreamfails.com/post/62397</ref>
=== Mike spends time on Christmas with Badbunny instead of with his wife and kids ===
Allegedly on Christmas of 2019, Mike had chosen to spend time with Badbunny instead of with his wife and kids. <ref> https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/ehu0vk/now_that_the_dust_has_settled_can_someone_please/</ref>
=== Mike runs away from Destiny at twitch con ===
During the same twitch con where Mike attempted to get Badbunny's attention by rubbing her back, Mike ran away from Destiny when Mike saw Destiny had entered the same restaurant he had been eating at.<ref>The Destiny Vault (2021, March 9).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ji3zhCU_4A&t=2989s "2021-03-08|P1 Listening to MikeFromPA and Vaush scream match"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 18, 2023</ref> He allegedly was able to clear the restaurant and the entire street in a short amount of time.
=== Mike tries to put his arm around Badbunny ===
On an unknown date, Mike put his arm around Badbunny to her chagrin.<ref>Fairy Hanny (2020, January 22).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzzILedPan4 "Creepy Mike tries to put his arm around BadBunny again"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 18, 2023</ref>
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzzILedPan4|400px|right| '''Mike tries to put his arm around Badbunny'''}}
=== Mike compares Ahrelevent to Steve Urkel ===
[[File:MikefromPaUrkelClip.mp4|400px|thumb|Right|'''Mike compares Ahrelevent to Steve Urkel''']]
On an unknown date, Mike watched a video of the DNC in 1996. In the video an African American male with glasses is dancing to the Macarena, Mike laughs and states "I didn't know [[Ahrelevant]] was at the DNC in 1996". A chatter later calls Mike out for this racist comment, and Mike claims he was just calling Ahrelevent a "nerd" or an [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Urkel "Urkel"].<ref>https://streamable.com/0cos1m</ref>
=== Mike punches a couch ===
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFSAeBFxXGA|400px|right| '''Badbunny roasting Mike from PA until he punches a sofa'''}}
On an unknown date, Badbunny stated to her stream(with Mike within earshot) that Mike had low emotional intelligence, was an idiot, and was unable to hang out with him too long in person due to his mannerisms.<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFSAeBFxXGA</ref> Shortly after Badbunny reads a message from her chat saying "Mike's just dumb" and likely in retaliation to the aforementioned verbal abuse, Mike punches the couch Badbunny had been sitting on for the majority of the video.<ref>Fairy Hanny (2020, January 22).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ji3zhCU_4A&t=2989s "Badbunny roasting Mike from PA until he punches a sofa"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 18, 2023</ref>
=== Lance accuses destiny of Doxing Mike AKA Redacted from PA origin story ===
On October 25, 2019 [[TheSerfsTV|TheSerfsTV(AKA Lance)]] accuses Destiny of doxing MikeFromPA because he showed news articles with Mike's name and attempts at running for public office on his stream.<ref>Destiny (2021, June 5).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ji3zhCU_4A&t=2989s "You Are A Piece Of Sh-" | Heated Debate Escalates Into Personal Drama w/ SerfsTV"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 18, 2023</ref> Destiny would go on in that stream to point to numerous references to Mike's twitter from external sources that also contain his full name.
=== Mike Breaks up with Badbunny ===
Sometime around January 6, 2020, Mike left Badbunny's discord server because she was flirting with a guy(allegedly a liberal) in a bar on her stream, and potentially going home with him. After the stream ended, he left her discord, and she woke up to find one of her mods rage quitting her community and Mike gone.<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/ekzqn5/mike_leaves_badbunnys_discord_and_possibly_her/</ref> <ref> https://streamable.com/0igto </ref>
=== Mike attempts to defend Badbunny ===
Sometime around January 21, 2020, in the midst of drama surrounding a clip of Badbunny complaining about chatters not subscribing or donating for the content they are watching on her channel, Mike decided to lash out at a clip of DrDisrespect mockingly suggesting he "doesn't stream for free". In the clip, Mike shouts all the people mocking Badbunny are sexist and have been "Exposed by me, QED".<ref> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMA0mDAiR9s&t=78s</ref>
=== PewDiePie calls Mike a simp ===
On March 9, 2020 Swedish YouTuber PewDiePie created a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJMQjF6I4Bw "Meme Review" video]<ref>PewDiePie (2020, March 9).[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJMQjF6I4Bw "NEVER call me a SIMP! [MEME REVIEW] 👏 👏#76"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 19, 2023</ref> on the subject of simps. At [https://youtu.be/FJMQjF6I4Bw?t=79 1:19] into the video, a clip of Badbunny is shown with her complaining about chatters not subscribing or donating for the content they are watching on her channel and stating that these individuals do not respect her as a content creator.  [https://youtu.be/FJMQjF6I4Bw?t=107 Shortly after] PewDiePie shows another clip, this time of Mike, wherein Mike defends Badbunny's actions stating: "she's an attractive women, who didn't act like a nice person, which is what makes sexually frustrated incels angry."  PewDiePie teases Mike for his lack of eye-contact, confidence, and poor posture, labeling these as traits of a simp. He follows this by showing a clip of Mike trying to get Badbunny's attention by rubbing her back, commenting that Mike is beyond saving.
=== Mike gets tricked into helping Project Veritas Ambush AOC ===
{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH7jSreEe24|400px|right| '''Mike gets tricked into helping Project Veritas Ambush AOC'''}}
Sometime around July 28, 2021 Mike from PA was tricked into assisting a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas| Project Veritas] member ambush [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez| Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez](AOC).<ref>Mike From PA Gets BAITED by Project Veritas?! (And CALLED OUT on Hasans Stream!). (August 9, 2021). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved October 15, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReiK1TbPQGs</ref>
<ref>johnleoks. (2021, July 29). MikefromPA Got Tricked Into Helping Project Veritas Ambush AOC. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/otnkw1/mikefrompa_got_tricked_into_helping_project/</ref><ref>BUSTED: Staff and Security Swoop In As AOC Flees When Questioned by Project Veritas Journalist. (July 27, 2021). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved October 15, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH7jSreEe24
</ref> In a now deleted vod<ref>https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1099639202?t=0h26m59s</ref>, Mike goes into depth about what transpired. He encountered the Veritas reporter in an elevator. The reporter told him he had driven for hours to meet AOC. Mike believed the reporter and invited him to come along. After speaking with one of AOC's staff members, Mike also encouraged the Veritas reporter to speak with AOC, and thus began the ambush. On his own stream, Mike claimed that he yelled at the individual for tricking him. Strangely, no footage shows this happening, leading [https://youtu.be/ReiK1TbPQGs?t=1439 some content creators]<ref> https://streamable.com/cl5pdl</ref> to believe that Mike made up that part of the events. Hasan later reviewed the clip and laughed at Mike for causing AOC to get ambushed, as well as denying his place in the ambush.<ref> https://clips.twitch.tv/ColdViscousCougarHumbleLife-sdq9V9a4Q3ZXntP2 </ref>.
=== MikeFromPA Lashes Out At Destiny Over Tier List Ranking, Mistakenly thinks he ratioed someone ===
{{#ev:youtube| https://youtu.be/vuk1Doa2s10?t=888|400px|right|}}
In retaliation to a tweeted out tier list placing Destiny ahead of Mike(Destiny in the Excellent tier, and Mike in the unbearable tier), Mike bragged about ratioing the individual with 800 likes. Mike eventually scrolls up in the twitter thread and finds that the initial tweet has 2,497 likes. Destiny, watching the video at the time, remarks "Oh no he hasn't rehearsed this! He thought he had more!".  <ref> Destiny. (2021). MikeFromPA Lashes Out At Destiny Over Tier List Ranking. In YouTube. https://youtu.be/vuk1Doa2s10?t=888 </ref>
=== Destiny calls out Mike for scabbing during an "all day off twitch" protest in a twitter thread ===
On September 3, 2021 Destiny created a [https://web.archive.org/web/20210908122018/https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1433798102788591617 twitter thread]<ref> https://web.archive.org/web/20210908122018/https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1433798102788591617</ref> summarizing Mike's behavior during a protest in which streamers took the day off. Destiny points out that Mike was banned back in December of 2020 for posting a doxx list of scabs in the airline industry, and found it ironic that Mike himself was scabbing during the protest. Destiny goes on to tweet that Mike not only decided to stream, but stream even longer than usual in order to capitalize off Hasan's viewers who were unable to watch him. Mike was eventually called out by several other streamers, and was eventually pushed to respond. His response involved stating he streamed "along with pretty much everyone else", and claimed he didn't strike because it "wasn't actual economic action".
[[File:MikefrompaTweetScab.png|thumb|right|400px|The end of Destiny's twitter thread in which he calls out Mike for scabbing]]
=== Mike defends Hasan's position on China ===
On September 17, 2023, Mike tweeted "Whenever I see someone going after @hasanthehunon this website, without fail, it is something that is entirely bad faith. It's actually shocking how you can easily categorize someone as being dogshit the moment they go after him. NEVER fails." <ref>[[Media:MikeTankieShit.png]]</ref> A user replied "Am I dog shit for not thinking that Taiwan belongs to China on the grounds of "shared" ethnicity?" To which Mike replied "Taiwan belongs to China according to the US state department. Stay mad fascist."
=== Mike praises Hasan for his "contributions" to US politics ===
On October 12, 2023, Mike tweeted praise for Hasan, commending his ability to persuade, lead, teach, and stand out as an exceptional representative of the left. He tweeted this in reaction to Hasan's appearance on the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leftovers_(podcast)| Leftovers podcast], wherein Hasan debated the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war| 2023 Israel-Hamas war] with his Israeli podcast co-host [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan_Klein Ethan Klein].
[[File:MikeGlazingHasan.png|400px|Mike praising Hasan for his "contributions" to US politics.]]
=== Mike claims Destiny only supports trans issues and polyamory because he's a "pervert" ===
In a twitch stream, Mike criticizes Destiny's lifestyle choices, claiming his support for trans issues and polyamory do not qualify him as far-left politically. Instead, Mike asserts these choices are mere indicators of Destiny being a pervert.<ref> https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cagwaq/mike_from_pa_says_destiny_only_supports_trans/ </ref>
“There isn’t one position he’s far-left on. Even, you know, before his audience used to cope about him being far-left because he was so supportive of trans issues and he lives in a polyamorous open marriage, that makes him far-left. No, that just makes him a pervert.” - Mike
=== Mike threatens to attack Destiny ===
[[File:Mike Threatens Destiny.mp4|300px|thumb|Right|'''Mike Threatens Destiny''']]
On May 15, 2024 , Mike, in a now deleted twitch clip, threatened to attack Destiny on-sight should he see him at an upcoming [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TwitchCon TwitchCon].<ref> [[media:Mike Threatens Destiny.mp4]]</ref>
Destiny responded later that day with the following:
=== Mike claims Destiny has never read a book ===
On May 21, 2024, while reacting to an Israel/Palestine debate featuring Destiny, Mike claims that Destiny has never read a book. Following this assertion, Mike is eventually confronted with one of Destiny's several book-reading streams, which Mike proceeds to ignore.<ref> https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cxb2pp/mike_claiming_that_destiny_has_never_read_a_book/ </ref> <ref> [[Media:Mike_claims_destiny_has_never_read_a_book.mp4 ‎]]</ref>
[[File:Mike_claims_destiny_has_never_read_a_book.mp4 |300px|thumb|right|'''Mike claims Destiny has never read a book''']]
=== Mike makes racist comments about Estonians and Balts ===
[[File:Mike_from_PA_makes_racist_comments_about_Estonians_and_Balts_say.mp4|300px|thumb|Right|'''Mike makes racist comments about Estonians and Balts''']]
On June 25, 2024 Mike, while describing how "Christianity united all of those who were at the bottom", described how the Baltic states were an exception to this rule and needed to be conquered. He goes on to refer to individuals from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estonia Estonia] as "Horse meat eating slop fuckers" who were only "raised to sentience" by the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union Soviet Union].<ref>[[Media:Mike_from_PA_makes_racist_comments_about_Estonians_and_Balts_say.mp4 ‎]]</ref>
Destiny responded later that day with the following:

== External Links ==
== External Links ==
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* [https://twitter.com/mike_from_pa Twitter]
* [https://twitter.com/mike_from_pa Twitter]
*[https://www.youtube.com/@MikeFromPA Youtube]
*[https://www.youtube.com/@MikeFromPA Youtube]
== References ==

Latest revision as of 18:02, 25 June 2024

Mike from PA

Not my lawyer.
Political Alignment Progressive Left/Socialist
Qualifications Political Science/Communications Degree
Occupation Twitch Streamer/Political Commentator
Age 40
Country of origin USA
Twitter mike_from_pa
Youtube @mikefrompa

Michael from Penn State is an American Twitch political streamer. Mike spent some time on Destiny’s stream debating a wide array of political topics from the electability of individuals such as Bernie Sanders to hot-button political issues at the time such as Stock Buybacks. Over time, the manner in which Mike chose to approach said debates with Destiny, coupled with his boisterous behavior both before and after most debates, resulted in the bridge between the two content creators to collapse.

As of late, Mike’s streams would best be characterized as a “waiting room” for Hasan Piker (whom Mike has become increasingly politically aligned with) in that he streams strictly to absorb Hasan's viewers whenever he is offline. Mike currently livestreams under the username Central_Committee.

On stream appearances with Destiny

First Appearance

What you're saying is supporting my argument... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA

Mike's first conversation[1]with Destiny occurred on August 6, 2019. Over the course of the conversation Destiny and Mike engaged in a deep discussion covering electoral politics, policy and the healthcare system. The response to Mike's first appearance was generally positive[2] as he managed to have a thoughtful discussion over polling and the American healthcare system.

Second Appearance

Mike's second conversation[3]with Destiny occurred on August 7, 2019. This conversation was much more contentious compared to Mike and Destiny's initial discussion.

"This isn't a debated claim... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA - Round 2

The debate centered on economic and environmental regulations and their impact on developing countries. Destiny argued that first-world countries often impose stringent regulations on developing nations, which he sees as hypocritical since developed nations historically polluted heavily during their industrialization phase. Mike contended that this is a nuanced issue, suggesting that merely placing environmental restrictions on developing countries isn't sufficient. He argued for more comprehensive measures, such as substantial financial transfers and development subsidies, to help these countries adhere to environmental standards without compromising their growth.

The discussion also delved into the topic of multilateral trade agreements, specifically focusing on how these agreements can unfairly benefit corporations at the expense of labor and environmental standards. Destiny brings up that economic shifts from manufacturing to service-based jobs in the U.S. generally have a positive impact. Mike argued that this shift has led to growing income inequality and is not inherently beneficial.

Both seemed to agree, at least in part, that trade agreements could play a role in enforcing labor and environmental standards. However, they differed in how effective or ethical this role was, with Destiny being more open to the utility of these agreements and Mike more critical of their real-world impacts.

Third Appearance

"This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA

Mike's third conversation[4]with Destiny occurred on August 18, 2019. This conversation was even more contentious than the prior two debates.

The debate centered on the topic of stock buybacks, particularly questioning whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is economically illiterate for criticizing them. Destiny argued that AOC's comparisons between stock buybacks and R&D expenditures are not directly related, while Mike defended the point that both come from the same pool of money. Destiny contended that companies won't buy back stock if there are profitable investments to be made in R&D, suggesting that doing so doesn't necessarily detract from innovation. Mike argued that this behavior could be influenced by the self-interest of executives rather than the company's well-being.

A historical discussion then arose, with Mike pointing out that stock buybacks were not common until the Reagan era, linking the practice to increased income inequality and imbalances between executive and worker pay. Destiny countered that multiple factors contributed to the economic growth post-World War II, and attributing it solely to the absence of stock buybacks is misleading.

Eventually, both debaters acknowledged the need for increased minimum wages and stronger unions but still disagreed on the role stock buybacks play in economic inequality. Destiny argued that they are merely a symptom, not a cause, of broader issues.

Fourth Appearance


Mike's fourth conversation[5] with Destiny occurred on August 18, 2019. The cracks in the foundation of Destiny and Mike's relationship begin to show at this point, with Destiny ending the conversation by stating "I'm on the fence about whether or not you're a tankie". The conversation occurred on Mike's channel.

Mike and Destiny discussed stock buybacks once again, political institutions, and democratic socialism. Mike argued that addressing issues like stock buybacks is part of a larger effort to reduce inequality. Destiny questioned if stock buybacks would be bad in an ideal world where workers are well-compensated. The two also discussed the influence of political appointees on institutions like the EPA and the FBI, with Destiny warning against undermining these institutions. Mike insisted they are not entirely independent and can be influenced by political appointments. They also debated the merits and drawbacks of the electoral college versus popular vote systems. Mike argued for a more democratic system, while Destiny suggested that the electoral college serves a purpose. Both touched on issues like gerrymandering, the role of the Supreme Court, and the potential dangers of populism. Mike leaned toward technocratic solutions, while Destiny remained adamant in cautioning against undermining existing, essential, institutions.

Fifth Appearance

"Is AOC Economically Illiterate? - Destiny Debates Mike from PA

Mike's fifth conversation[6]with Destiny occurred on August 19, 2019.

The debate centered on the economic literacy of AOC, specifically her opinions on stock buybacks and research & development (R&D) spending by companies. Destiny suggested that economic rationality doesn't mean actors have perfect information but that they make what they believe to be optimal choices based on the information available to them. Destiny also emphasized the need for more empirical evidence to definitively say whether stock buybacks have a long-term negative impact on companies and their level of investment in R&D. Mike was critical of the practice of stock buybacks, agreeing with AOC's viewpoint. He argued that stock buybacks serve to inflate stock prices, primarily benefiting CEOs whose pay is often tied to stock performance. He suggested that this focus on stock buybacks diverts funds from other important areas like R&D. Mike challenged the notion that the current economic system is optimal or rational, pointing to how CEOs may have interests that don't align with the long-term health of their companies.

Of note, the broader DGG community was rather unhappy[7][8] with his treatment toward an undergraduate student who sat in on the call, and his general rudeness during the conversation.

Mike calls Destiny a "useful idiot" for the Right

On September 6, 2019 Mike, seemingly unhappy with Destiny's treatment of the "far left", states in a twitch clip[9] that Destiny's actions have made him a "useful idiot" for the right.

"You have no idea WTF you're talking about..." - Destiny Debates Mike from PA, Actual Jake & More

Sixth Appearance

Mike's Sixth conversation[10]with Destiny occurred on October 16, 2019(Mike also became a partnered streamer the same day). The conversation was hosted on the Big Brain Podcast. Notable participants in the conversation included Destiny, Mike, Actual Jake, MindWaves, and Bastiat.

Notable moments from the podcast include:

  • The first topic was regarding a pro Hearthstone player being fired and having his award money taken by Blizzard, because he(and two broadcasters) had come out in support of the Hong Kong protests. Destiny stated this was fairly standard for Blizzard, but acknowledged they were in a very tough position. He went on to say while we would like to see the company take the side of Hong Kong, it would be at the cost of their Chinese market, so their actions are not too surprising. Mike started off his position by stating that we "should not succumb to pundit brain", and that making observations about the economic interest of Blizzard and "leaving it at that" is not the correct position to take. Mike went on to say that allowing China to take such actions would create a scary precedent, and went on to push his critique to capitalism and neoliberalism for forcing the company into this position. He concluded by saying it is "our responsibility as consumers to put the pain to Blizzard." Despite this impassioned speech, Mike still said he was "on the fence" about who is right or wrong during the protests.[11]
  • Mike states "I support the right to protest, and any time I see an authoritarian government stepping on the right to protest, I don't need to know what the protest is about to defend them..."[12] Destiny then asks Mike if he would defend against James Damore's firing for his memo "about how women are biologically inferior to men." Mike refused to acknowledge this as a form of protest, nor the parallel between an individual exercising their free speech in both cases. Destiny is infuriated at this, and points out the irony in Mike willing to "shit hardcore on Blizzard for buckling to China over financial interests", yet is too scared to take a position on the protests. After further pushing, Destiny claims that Mike is only taking this position to take a "cheap shot at capitalism".
  • The second topic was Trump's impeachment. Mike was adamant that "neolibs" and moderate democrats were at fault for being so hesitant to want to impeach Trump despite all his corrupt actions. He also claimed that the only reason Destiny was now on board for impeachment was because Nancy Pelosi signaled to other Democrats that it may be a good idea. Destiny stated that Mike was being fantastical, stating that Pelosi would never do something that the electorate didn't want, to which Mike responded Pelosi was clueless and agreed that she was a "dumb old women."[13]
  • Mike claimed that "Bernie and Warren are doing great, the progressives are going to win the nomination"(they did not).
  • Mike claimed that the Democrats "rolled over" and allowed(i.e. didn't filibuster or oppose the nomination) David Baer to be appointed. Destiny took issue with this claim and responded that it would have been near impossible for the Democrats to filibuster when the nuclear option had been triggered in the Senate, and asked Mike how they could have opposed it. Despite Mike "gish galloping a million points", Destiny managed to ask Mike multiple times again how he thinks the Democrats could have stopped the nomination, when they didn't have a majority in the Senate. Mike responds they could have stopped all legislative business, to which destiny was incredulous[14] and began shouting at Mike to explain how. It is at this point that Destiny is certain Mike does not know what the Nuclear option is, and calmly[15] explains to Mike it means "the filibuster does not work anymore." Mike eventually comes to the conclusion(likely in real time) that the Democrats should have filibustered the budget in order to stop the attorney general nomination.

Seventh Appearance

I LOVE THE PIVOTING" - Destiny debates Mike from PA (Central Committee)

Mike's Seventh conversation[16]with Destiny occurred on November 21, 2019. This was a three hour long conversation which ultimately cemented the two streamer's disdain towards one another.

The video begins with Destiny reacting to Mike's response to a conversation between Destiny and David Pakman regarding the coupe in Bolivia. It was at around this time that the lefty arc was in full swing, and Destiny's patience for those he perceived to be a "commie" or "chapo poster" was worn thin(in fact he bans one of those individuals 3 minutes into the video).

Destiny begins the call by saying he'd like to go over Mike's conversation with MindWaves, a conversation that Destiny had prepared extensive notes for. The conversation starts off cordial enough, with Destiny positing the question to Mike: "Is it possible for an individual to not be racist/sexist, but still partake in a racist/sexist system?" Mike states it is certainly possible, and goes on to say "while personal racism is objectionable, it is not as important as structural racism". Destiny then asks Mike to expand on his take that "all cops are racist". Mike denies that he ever said this, at which point Destiny cites a quote taken directly from Mike's conversation with MindWaves in which he stated "Police officers are racist, just by virtue of being a police officer you are partaking in a racist system." Mike then walks back his statement, hesitantly[17], and agrees with Destiny that "not all cops are racist".

The conversation continues, and eventually Destiny points out that Mike's chat seems to think that "every single cop is participatory in a horrendous criminal justice system, that is necessarily racist, and that all of them should quit."[18] Destiny then points out to Mike that this seems contradictory with his previously stated position all cops are not racist. Destiny then describes a hypothetical of a non-racist cop who works in a non-racist precinct, and asks Mike if that individual should quit. Mike does not answer the hypothetical initially, and instead attempts to critique it as unrealistic. When Mike does eventually answer the hypothetical he states that the officer should quit the force, even if it would be to the detriment to his wife and children.

Mike then makes the point that if a black motorist broke down in any 100% white precinct/one with no historical racism in the United States, that they would almost definitely experience some form of racism. Destiny points out that this position is contradictory to his earlier claim that not all cops are racist. Again, Mike does not directly answer the question(if all cops are racist), and instead begins to explain "the talk" black parents give to their children regarding police officers. Destiny cuts Mike off, and points out that Mike's responses have been tepid/lukewarm compared to the responses he is seeing in Mike's own chat. Mike once again does not respond directly to the question, and instead goes on the recite Martin Luther King's "riot's are the language of the unheard" quote.

Destiny tells Mike that "almost every single answer you've given me has been contradictory to what you said in the MindWaves conversation."[19]At this point, Destiny and Mike run through the list of timestamped notes Destiny had made from the MindWaves/Mike conversation, and even go on to discuss a few hot button issues at the time including the N-Word drama, and Bolivia. Destiny's preparation of timestamped links to pin Mike down on, coupled with Mike's general slipperiness and tendency to contradict himself in the topics that followed, solidified his appearance as a "dishonest fucking snake[20]" in the eyes of Destiny and the broader DGG community.

Notable moments from the conversation include:

  • "If someone critiques you (MindWaves) for being sexist, it doesn't mean that you have to take it personally."[21] Mike goes on to claim he never called MindWaves sexist. Destiny then pulls a timestamped link to Mike's conversation with MindWaves, in which MindWaves asks "Am I Sexist?" and Mike states "Well if you look at your body of work, there's a gender balance problem..."[22] Mike maintained this was not an accusation of sexism. It is worthwhile to note that Mike was only defending this position in an attempt to stan Badbunny, because MindWaves refused to invite her onto his podcast due to her abrasive behavior.
  • When Destiny brought up the point that the best way to apply pressure to China was through multilateral trade agreements. Mike was skeptical of the efficacy of this tactic, implied that allowing China to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) was a mistake (despite the fact that in order to bring WTO suits against China, they need to be a member of the organization), and then pivoted to some point about "Neoliberals thought opening markets to China 10 years ago would lead to social and political freedom..." Destiny noticed this pivot in real time, and questioned what any of those statements had to do with multilateral trade agreements.
  • Framed the N-Word Debate as a normal conversation that devolved into "a bunch of white people yelling about how it's okay to use the n-word in private"[23], when it was in fact Destiny getting ambushed by two black people who were very excited to have that particular conversation.
  • Claimed that fascism doesn't work because it "always ends up in ruins, and makes a lot of enemies", to which Destiny replied: "That's strange; you could apply that same definition to a lot of socialist countries." Shortly afterwards, Mike claimed that Destiny stated "Ultimately, you're saying that socialism never works, as if that's an argument against the platform I'm arguing for..."
  • Claimed that the 9 million people that die every year under capitalism is the same as some of the famines that occurred under the USSR.[24]. He then claimed this was not tankie propaganda.

Eighth Appearance

Confronting Mike From PA - Destiny debates

Mike's Eighth conversation[25]with Destiny occurred on March 10, 2020 in Mike's discord. The conversation was primarily centered around the electability of Joe Biden vs Bernie Sanders, and Medicare for All. Mike was quite worried at this time as the next day would be the last day of Bernie's campaign. This was the last direct conversation Destiny and Mike had on stream with one another. While the conversation initially started between Mike and Destiny, many other individuals felt the need to voice their opinion during the talk, primarily from Mike's discord.

Notable moments from the conversation include:

  • Destiny stated he "didn't believe the American population was anywhere near as progressive as all of your little funny polls and graphs tried to demonstrate."[26] To which Mike responded "the people said they support Medicare for all in majorities of states even that Biden won..." Destiny then cited a poll that claimed "55% of people didn't even know what Medicare for all meant."
  • Mike claimed that any votes going to Elizabeth Warren would have overwhelmingly gone to Bernie if she had dropped out.[27]. Mike then went on to claim that "Democrat party officials were looking for Elizabeth Warren to stay in so that Bernie Sanders didn't consolidate the electorate."[28]
  • Mike thought "it's obvious, that by looking at the distribution of votes, that he(Bernie) would have won states like Massachusetts, Maine, and Texas..."[29], he went on to say that Boomers wanted to pick the most electable candidate in Bernie Sanders.
  • Mike stated: "We're going to get the same result just like in 2016, which is a horrible embarrassing defeat because Joe Biden does not motivate marginal drop-off voters like young people of color, young people..."[30]
  • Mike stated he "Supports Bernie Sanders because of the policies..."[31] yet encouraged people not to vote in the general election and stated that he did not care for down ballot voting.
  • Mike agreed that if a candidate did not support Medicare for All even in a vulnerable district, he would not vote for the Democrat, and would let the Republican win instead.[32]
  • Mike called Biden a "catastrophically weak front-runner"[33]
  • Mike claimed that "so many candidates joined the race against Biden"[34], despite the fact that Biden was one of the last people to enter the race(on April 25, 2019, Bloomberg joined after him).
  • Mike claimed that the US government should "just raise taxes on people that can afford to pay it"[35] in order to fund a Medicare for All system, despite the fact that these plans are unfunded on the order of trillions of dollars, and could never hope to raise enough money through taxes.

Notable Clips, videos, and Tweets

Mike attempts to get Badbunny's attention

Mike attempts to get Badbunny's attention

On September 30, 2019 Mike attempted to get Badbunny's attention by rubbing her back.[36]

Mike spends time on Christmas with Badbunny instead of with his wife and kids

Allegedly on Christmas of 2019, Mike had chosen to spend time with Badbunny instead of with his wife and kids. [37]

Mike runs away from Destiny at twitch con

During the same twitch con where Mike attempted to get Badbunny's attention by rubbing her back, Mike ran away from Destiny when Mike saw Destiny had entered the same restaurant he had been eating at.[38] He allegedly was able to clear the restaurant and the entire street in a short amount of time.

Mike tries to put his arm around Badbunny

On an unknown date, Mike put his arm around Badbunny to her chagrin.[39]

Mike tries to put his arm around Badbunny

Mike compares Ahrelevent to Steve Urkel

Mike compares Ahrelevent to Steve Urkel

On an unknown date, Mike watched a video of the DNC in 1996. In the video an African American male with glasses is dancing to the Macarena, Mike laughs and states "I didn't know Ahrelevant was at the DNC in 1996". A chatter later calls Mike out for this racist comment, and Mike claims he was just calling Ahrelevent a "nerd" or an "Urkel".[40]

Mike punches a couch

Badbunny roasting Mike from PA until he punches a sofa

On an unknown date, Badbunny stated to her stream(with Mike within earshot) that Mike had low emotional intelligence, was an idiot, and was unable to hang out with him too long in person due to his mannerisms.[41] Shortly after Badbunny reads a message from her chat saying "Mike's just dumb" and likely in retaliation to the aforementioned verbal abuse, Mike punches the couch Badbunny had been sitting on for the majority of the video.[42]

Lance accuses destiny of Doxing Mike AKA Redacted from PA origin story

On October 25, 2019 TheSerfsTV(AKA Lance) accuses Destiny of doxing MikeFromPA because he showed news articles with Mike's name and attempts at running for public office on his stream.[43] Destiny would go on in that stream to point to numerous references to Mike's twitter from external sources that also contain his full name.

Mike Breaks up with Badbunny

Sometime around January 6, 2020, Mike left Badbunny's discord server because she was flirting with a guy(allegedly a liberal) in a bar on her stream, and potentially going home with him. After the stream ended, he left her discord, and she woke up to find one of her mods rage quitting her community and Mike gone.[44] [45]

Mike attempts to defend Badbunny

Sometime around January 21, 2020, in the midst of drama surrounding a clip of Badbunny complaining about chatters not subscribing or donating for the content they are watching on her channel, Mike decided to lash out at a clip of DrDisrespect mockingly suggesting he "doesn't stream for free". In the clip, Mike shouts all the people mocking Badbunny are sexist and have been "Exposed by me, QED".[46]

PewDiePie calls Mike a simp

On March 9, 2020 Swedish YouTuber PewDiePie created a "Meme Review" video[47] on the subject of simps. At 1:19 into the video, a clip of Badbunny is shown with her complaining about chatters not subscribing or donating for the content they are watching on her channel and stating that these individuals do not respect her as a content creator. Shortly after PewDiePie shows another clip, this time of Mike, wherein Mike defends Badbunny's actions stating: "she's an attractive women, who didn't act like a nice person, which is what makes sexually frustrated incels angry." PewDiePie teases Mike for his lack of eye-contact, confidence, and poor posture, labeling these as traits of a simp. He follows this by showing a clip of Mike trying to get Badbunny's attention by rubbing her back, commenting that Mike is beyond saving.

Mike gets tricked into helping Project Veritas Ambush AOC

Mike gets tricked into helping Project Veritas Ambush AOC

Sometime around July 28, 2021 Mike from PA was tricked into assisting a Project Veritas member ambush Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(AOC).[48] [49][50] In a now deleted vod[51], Mike goes into depth about what transpired. He encountered the Veritas reporter in an elevator. The reporter told him he had driven for hours to meet AOC. Mike believed the reporter and invited him to come along. After speaking with one of AOC's staff members, Mike also encouraged the Veritas reporter to speak with AOC, and thus began the ambush. On his own stream, Mike claimed that he yelled at the individual for tricking him. Strangely, no footage shows this happening, leading some content creators[52] to believe that Mike made up that part of the events. Hasan later reviewed the clip and laughed at Mike for causing AOC to get ambushed, as well as denying his place in the ambush.[53].

MikeFromPA Lashes Out At Destiny Over Tier List Ranking, Mistakenly thinks he ratioed someone

In retaliation to a tweeted out tier list placing Destiny ahead of Mike(Destiny in the Excellent tier, and Mike in the unbearable tier), Mike bragged about ratioing the individual with 800 likes. Mike eventually scrolls up in the twitter thread and finds that the initial tweet has 2,497 likes. Destiny, watching the video at the time, remarks "Oh no he hasn't rehearsed this! He thought he had more!". [54]

Destiny calls out Mike for scabbing during an "all day off twitch" protest in a twitter thread

On September 3, 2021 Destiny created a twitter thread[55] summarizing Mike's behavior during a protest in which streamers took the day off. Destiny points out that Mike was banned back in December of 2020 for posting a doxx list of scabs in the airline industry, and found it ironic that Mike himself was scabbing during the protest. Destiny goes on to tweet that Mike not only decided to stream, but stream even longer than usual in order to capitalize off Hasan's viewers who were unable to watch him. Mike was eventually called out by several other streamers, and was eventually pushed to respond. His response involved stating he streamed "along with pretty much everyone else", and claimed he didn't strike because it "wasn't actual economic action".

The end of Destiny's twitter thread in which he calls out Mike for scabbing

Mike defends Hasan's position on China

On September 17, 2023, Mike tweeted "Whenever I see someone going after @hasanthehunon this website, without fail, it is something that is entirely bad faith. It's actually shocking how you can easily categorize someone as being dogshit the moment they go after him. NEVER fails." [56] A user replied "Am I dog shit for not thinking that Taiwan belongs to China on the grounds of "shared" ethnicity?" To which Mike replied "Taiwan belongs to China according to the US state department. Stay mad fascist."

Mike praises Hasan for his "contributions" to US politics

On October 12, 2023, Mike tweeted praise for Hasan, commending his ability to persuade, lead, teach, and stand out as an exceptional representative of the left. He tweeted this in reaction to Hasan's appearance on the Leftovers podcast, wherein Hasan debated the 2023 Israel-Hamas war with his Israeli podcast co-host Ethan Klein.

Mike praising Hasan for his "contributions" to US politics.

Mike claims Destiny only supports trans issues and polyamory because he's a "pervert"

In a twitch stream, Mike criticizes Destiny's lifestyle choices, claiming his support for trans issues and polyamory do not qualify him as far-left politically. Instead, Mike asserts these choices are mere indicators of Destiny being a pervert.[57]

“There isn’t one position he’s far-left on. Even, you know, before his audience used to cope about him being far-left because he was so supportive of trans issues and he lives in a polyamorous open marriage, that makes him far-left. No, that just makes him a pervert.” - Mike

Mike threatens to attack Destiny

Mike Threatens Destiny

On May 15, 2024 , Mike, in a now deleted twitch clip, threatened to attack Destiny on-sight should he see him at an upcoming TwitchCon.[58]

Destiny responded later that day with the following:

Mike claims Destiny has never read a book

On May 21, 2024, while reacting to an Israel/Palestine debate featuring Destiny, Mike claims that Destiny has never read a book. Following this assertion, Mike is eventually confronted with one of Destiny's several book-reading streams, which Mike proceeds to ignore.[59] [60]

Mike claims Destiny has never read a book

Mike makes racist comments about Estonians and Balts

Mike makes racist comments about Estonians and Balts

On June 25, 2024 Mike, while describing how "Christianity united all of those who were at the bottom", described how the Baltic states were an exception to this rule and needed to be conquered. He goes on to refer to individuals from Estonia as "Horse meat eating slop fuckers" who were only "raised to sentience" by the Soviet Union.[61]

Destiny responded later that day with the following:

External Links


  1. Destiny (2019, August 9)."What you're saying is supporting my argument... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 6, 2023
  2. https://i.imgur.com/QoiP57Q.png
  3. Destiny (2019, August 11)."This isn't a debated claim... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA - Round 2". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 6, 2023
  4. Destiny (2019, August 19)."This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard... - Destiny Debates Mike from PA". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 6, 2023
  5. Mike From PA (2019, August 20)."EXCLUSIVE SECRET MIKE FROM PA vs. DESTINY DEBATE PART 3 Continues...". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 7, 2023
  6. Destiny (2019, August 26)."Is AOC Economically Illiterate? - Destiny Debates Mike from PA". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 7, 2023
  7. https://i.imgur.com/XVqiKg0.png
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/cw8sq6/please_never_let_mike_from_pa_back_on_the_stream/
  9. https://clips.twitch.tv/TamePatientDurianAsianGlow
  10. Destiny (2019, October 16)."You have no idea WTF you're talking about..." - Destiny Debates Mike from PA, Actual Jake & More". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 9, 2023
  11. https://youtu.be/zOQs9cA_PrE?t=1828
  12. https://youtu.be/zOQs9cA_PrE?t=1854
  13. https://youtu.be/zOQs9cA_PrE?t=4672
  14. https://youtu.be/zOQs9cA_PrE?t=4853
  15. https://youtu.be/zOQs9cA_PrE?t=4867
  16. Destiny (2019, November 21)."I LOVE THE PIVOTING" - Destiny debates Mike from PA (Central Committee)". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 10, 2023
  17. https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=518
  18. https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=909
  19. https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=1926
  20. https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=12886
  21. https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=2099
  22. https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=2320
  23. https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=6396
  24. https://youtu.be/bxJP8LBQMM8?t=12473
  25. Destiny (2020, March 10)."Confronting Mike From PA - Destiny debates". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 12, 2023
  26. https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=371
  27. https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=507
  28. https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=617
  29. https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=1016
  30. https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=1064
  31. https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=1458
  32. https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=1507
  33. https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=2864
  34. https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=3123
  35. https://youtu.be/hyj7lmlqW_4?t=3377
  36. https://livestreamfails.com/post/62397
  37. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/ehu0vk/now_that_the_dust_has_settled_can_someone_please/
  38. The Destiny Vault (2021, March 9)."2021-03-08|P1 Listening to MikeFromPA and Vaush scream match". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 18, 2023
  39. Fairy Hanny (2020, January 22)."Creepy Mike tries to put his arm around BadBunny again". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 18, 2023
  40. https://streamable.com/0cos1m
  41. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFSAeBFxXGA
  42. Fairy Hanny (2020, January 22)."Badbunny roasting Mike from PA until he punches a sofa". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 18, 2023
  43. Destiny (2021, June 5)."You Are A Piece Of Sh-" | Heated Debate Escalates Into Personal Drama w/ SerfsTV". YouTube.com. Retrieved September 18, 2023
  44. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/ekzqn5/mike_leaves_badbunnys_discord_and_possibly_her/
  45. https://streamable.com/0igto
  46. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMA0mDAiR9s&t=78s
  47. PewDiePie (2020, March 9)."NEVER call me a SIMP! [MEME REVIEW 👏 👏#76"]. YouTube.com. Retrieved September 19, 2023
  48. Mike From PA Gets BAITED by Project Veritas?! (And CALLED OUT on Hasans Stream!). (August 9, 2021). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved October 15, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReiK1TbPQGs
  49. johnleoks. (2021, July 29). MikefromPA Got Tricked Into Helping Project Veritas Ambush AOC. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/otnkw1/mikefrompa_got_tricked_into_helping_project/
  50. BUSTED: Staff and Security Swoop In As AOC Flees When Questioned by Project Veritas Journalist. (July 27, 2021). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved October 15, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH7jSreEe24
  51. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1099639202?t=0h26m59s
  52. https://streamable.com/cl5pdl
  53. https://clips.twitch.tv/ColdViscousCougarHumbleLife-sdq9V9a4Q3ZXntP2
  54. Destiny. (2021). MikeFromPA Lashes Out At Destiny Over Tier List Ranking. In YouTube. https://youtu.be/vuk1Doa2s10?t=888
  55. https://web.archive.org/web/20210908122018/https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1433798102788591617
  56. Media:MikeTankieShit.png
  57. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cagwaq/mike_from_pa_says_destiny_only_supports_trans/
  58. media:Mike Threatens Destiny.mp4
  59. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cxb2pp/mike_claiming_that_destiny_has_never_read_a_book/
  60. Media:Mike_claims_destiny_has_never_read_a_book.mp4 ‎
  61. Media:Mike_from_PA_makes_racist_comments_about_Estonians_and_Balts_say.mp4 ‎