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== Notable Clips, videos, logs, and tweets ==
== Notable Clips, videos, logs, and tweets ==
=== Denims and Atlas "talking shit" about Destiny to other creators ===
=== Denims and Atlas "talking shit" about Destiny to other creators ===
On January 26, 2021 Destiny suggested that Denims and Atlas were besmirching his name to other political content creators behind his back.
On January 26, 2021 Destiny typed in DGG chat  that Denims and Atlas were besmirching his name to other political content creators behind his back.
  "Denims/Atlas are running around behind the scenes talking so much shit about me and trying to get me fucking hated by other people in the little politics circles" - Destiny in DGG chat<ref></ref>
  "Denims/Atlas are running around behind the scenes talking so much shit about me and trying to get me fucking hated by other people in the little politics circles" - Destiny in DGG chat<ref></ref>

Revision as of 23:57, 26 September 2023

Jean 'Denims'

Denims aka Dennis, once a well known friend of the stream and destiny, is now a Hasan waiting room and onlyfans[1] content creator. Denims was the instigator of much turmoil and drama in the Dgg world, from the n-word drama where she leaked Destiny's private n-word use[2] to her attempts at getting Destiny to break up with Melina.[3][4]

On stream appearances with Destiny and dramas

First Appearance, Reverse King of The Hill

On July 26, 2019 Destiny met Denims during a Reverse King of the Hill episode[citation needed ] hosted by Austin Show, featuring Knut, Esfand, and Destiny. Denims was voted out after a deciding vote by Esfand[5]. DGG and Destiny, were impressed by her ability to debate a trump supporter she was competing with on the call (Primrozetv[6]). She would go on to make an account in DGG a day later[7], most likely after DGGers migrated to her stream shortly after the episode ended.

Second Appearance, Apex:Legends with Denims and Iman

On August 3, 2019 Destiny, Denims, and Iman(AKA Littleefox) played a few rounds of Apex: Legends.[8]

Third Appearance, Rajjchelor

On August 13, 2019 Denims competed on an episode of the Rajjchelor hosted by Austin Show.[9] She finished sixth in the competition, and ended up choosing Destiny for her love option over Zherka. At this point Denims was a full blown orbiter/friend of the stream, and would regularly appear in chat for some time.

Fourth Appearance, Big Brain Podcast

On September 18, 2019 Destiny joined a Big Brain Podcast panel hosted by Mindwaves[10], which Denims was a guest on. Unfortunately the vod has been deleted, and there is no clear indication what exactly had been discussed through chat logs.

"Beef" with MrMouton

On September 25, 2019 Denims(allegedly in a deleted vod[11]) had taken issue with some behavior by MrMouton. MrMouton offered to talk about it off stream[12][13], and the "beef" was supposedly resolved.[14]

TwitchCon Drama AKA the Coomer Saga Part 1

The TwitchCon drama, refers to the drama following Twitchcon involving Denims, Iman, a controversial chatter Atlasesque[15], and Melina. Destiny felt no ill-will towards any individuals involved in this drama, and chalked it up to a series of horrible misunderstandings.[16] Despite the name of the "saga", Destiny allegedly only had "one orgasm that entire weekend"[17], as he was very busy. Destiny's initial response to the drama was relatively tame, as he made sure to keep from leaking too many sensitive DMs and from revealing the identity of Atlasesque.

From September 27-29, 2019 TwitchCon North America took place in San Diego[18], Destiny was in LA at the time and decided to attend the event. Denims, and Iman were also present at this TwitchCon, and spent some time with Destiny for a week following the event.[19] Destiny informed the two that they would need to find other living arrangements for the week, since he did not want to host them. The plans were "up in the air" as Iman wanted to spend time with Destiny, Destiny was going to be busy that week, Melina needed to "find people to do things with", and Denims had her own work to take care of.

Destiny was quite busy during the first day of TwitchCon, he had just driven two hours out of LA, then back to LA after picking up Iman, Iman's mother, and Melina, and then drove an additional two hours to San Diego for TwitchCon. As soon as Destiny got to San Diego, he had a four hour podcast to record with PKA. In the middle of the podcast, a drunk Iman texted a very tired Destiny requesting to hang out, Destiny informed her he was unable to due to the podcast. Some time after the podcast had ended, Iman had texted Destiny saying she is at his hotel, to which Destiny responded he and Melina needed "to chill for like 10 minutes."[20] Shortly after this communication, a drunk Iman could be heard screaming in the hallway looking for Destiny and Melina. The two decide to get dressed and exit their apartment at that point to meet with the very drunk Iman and a slightly drunk Denims, to get dinner. Destiny was quick to forgive the "dramatic" Iman, however Melina had a "much harder time"[21] dealing with Iman's actions and was irked at her behavior, Denims was also upset at Iman's behavior. Destiny then told Melina that Iman's actions were likely just a result of her being drunk, and that the next day would be better.

Over the next 2-3 days, Iman and Melina went back and forth between making up and breaking up. Drama would occur with Iman, Melina would get exasperated at the drama and want nothing to do with Iman, and then the two would make up later. This allegedly happened 2-3 times, and by the end Melina hated Iman.[22] By the last day, Melina had decided she did not want to deal with the drama/Iman anymore, and wanted nothing to do with her. The "drama" with Iman included:

  • Needing a babysitter at TwitchCon for some days
  • flipping on that requirement other days and not wanting a babysitter
  • Iman wanting time alone with Destiny
  • Iman getting mad at Melina for going to the hotel to sleep instead of hanging out
  • Iman sending a very large text message to Melina stating she ruined this whole week.[23]

Following the Iman drama, more chaos ensued near the end of the week. Destiny, Melina and Denims realized that driving back to LA from San Diego would be fairly crowded. Denims offered to take a bus back, and Atlasesque offered to take Denims back to his apartment. Destiny was unsure what the relationship between the two exactly was, and offered Denims an "out" that his apartments was also open if she wanted to stay there a day before Destiny's return. Denims and Atlasesque do end up driving back to LA a day early, however they choose to stay at Destiny's apartment instead of Atlasesque's. Destiny, upon returning to his apartment and discovering the two in his bedroom, is very uncomfortable with the idea of a fan in his apartment for a full day, around his unlocked computer.[24] Destiny called this "the greatest info-sec mishap" he's ever had. Destiny then goes out to dinner with Katerino and Melina, and returns to discover that the two are still in his apartment, after which Denims and Atlasesque eventually left. Destiny is fairly annoyed at this point. He is unsure what Denims and Atlasesque were doing in his apartment while he was gone, and Denims had allegedly told Destiny and many others, multiple different stories about what had gone on in his apartment.[25] Destiny was convinced Denims was lying about a lot of the information she was sharing as a result of this. That night, Destiny and Melina slept in their bed and Katerino slept on the couch.

The next morning, Destiny awoke to a discord message[26] from Iman, wherein she asked if she could stay in Destiny's apartment. Destiny is worried once again that someone has entered his apartment, and calls Katerino(who was downstairs in the apartment at the time) to have her "investigate" what is going on. She does not find anyone, and informs Destiny that it is safe to leave his bedroom. Destiny eventually finds out that Iman had made a comment in DGG chat about Katerino sleeping on Destiny's couch[27], and Denims sleeping on the floor.[28] Destiny is very uncomfortable with the idea of multiple people leaving and entering his apartment uninvited and without his knowledge, and meets with Katerino and Melina to discuss how they should handle the situation. Ironically enough, Iman, Denims, and Atlasesque walk into Destiny's apartment once more while the meeting occurs. Destiny, being overwhelmed with work and drama with another individual at the time, tells Melina to take all their guests to breakfast to discuss the situation. Melina who was allegedly mean to Denims and Iman in messages, tells the two to "fuck off" at breakfast, and later goes to the beach with Katerino. While Destiny is streaming a debate with TreeOfLogic, and after Melina told the duo to "fuck off", Denims and Iman eventually make their way back to the apartment. Once the debate concludes, Destiny has a long conversation with Iman and Denims informing them that "this shit has gotten out of control", telling them everything that had happened, why their actions were not acceptable, and that they would talk further about it that night with Melina. Once Melina returns, the four have a chat, and conclude that the two should either stay with Atlasesque or a hotel. Iman, who was in chat while Destiny was recounting the event, typed " We said we wanted to fucking talk because of the drama. Youre making it a bigger deal...."[29] To which Destiny responded "you do this thing where you say hey i'm coming, and I either haven't responded or I say hey i'm not ready, and you just show up."

TwitchCon Drama Continued AKA the Coomer Saga Part 2

One day after Destiny’s recounting of the drama occurred, Denims decided to release her side of the story in a google doc.[30] In the document Denims provides a breakdown of the drama, including dms implying Katerino was sexually involved with Melina and Steven[31],calling Melina dishonest[32],and why Denims had thought Destiny had given Atlas permission to enter his apartment.[33]

Denim's recounting of the drama was the following:

"Atlas, Iman and I all meet up to get breakfast at a diner nearby. After we get food we drop by the apt, as Iman forgot her charger there. I wanted to initiate a conversation in person with Mel to clear things up because I had lied to her about whether or not I slept with Atlas. (In retrospect I realize I lied because Mel talks a lot about personal drama around her and I wanted things to remain private.) She refuses to speak to me at the apt and says her and Kate are going for breakfast. Atlas and I leave the apt and on the way down Atlas strongly suggests I should go to the breakfast, as the mood in the apartment was pretty tense. We walk to the restaurant to find Iman, Kate, and Mel, and Atlas leaves. Mel isn’t speaking to me but starts sending me instagram messages about her feelings on the matter. After the conversation ends I pay for my stuff and leave Mel Kate and Iman at the table." 
"I head to the Apt to speak to Steven about this ordeal. He finishes his debate and takes an hour break from streaming to talk to me and Iman about what he’s been upset about. He tells us that we’ll talk more later with Mel. At midnight Mel comes back, talks to Steven in private for 5-10 minutes, while me and Iman wait outside. We’re called in and  Steven essentially says we aren’t welcome in the apartment anymore and that I would have to grab my stuff. I pack my luggage and take it to Iman’s hotel."

On the way to her flight back home, Denims decides to message Steven about her regrets on the trip, and how disappointed she was they didn't have sex.[34]

Denim's primary contentions were the following with regards to permission to enter the apartment:

"Steven didn’t offer it to me, Atlas asked for permission outside the restaurant before we left. While it was possible to go to his house, it makes more sense to go to Steven’s instead, as I would be living there. We were leaving a day earlier than they were, so living out of Atlas’ with luggage, while fine, wouldn’t be as simple as just going straight there. This permission did not explicitly extend to Atlas himself, but because he was the one that asked, there was no indication that he is unwelcome, or Steven’s intentions behind saying “Yes”. (Obviously this is not permission to stay there together, even for a few hours, and that was a mistake.)"

And the following with regards to going in and out of the apartment, as well as a DM from Destiny:

"I had confirmed with Steven that I would be living there until Thursday and it was to my knowledge that I could enter the apartment without knocking or ringing the doorbell. The place was always unlocked. He also confirmed in other situations that I had free reign to enter his spaces; I was given a key card to his hotel at TwitchCon and explicitly invited to enter even when both Mel and Steven were asleep:"

Denims appearing visibly scared after hearing Destiny had recorded their conversations

Shortly after the release of this document, Destiny issued a response through his own stream.[35] Destiny first refutes the claims regarding Katerino's sexual involvement, stating he had purposely fabricated those messages to "make dennis feel like she's missing out on some shit" after she had left his apartment with Atlasesque that night. Destiny goes on to say that Iman pretty much confirmed no explicit sexual involvement on Katerino's part when she wandered into Destiny's apartment that night and commented on Katerino's sleep. Denims then says(on her stream) that Destiny is lying, to which Destiny responds that "Denims didn't have fuck all to say" and that he had a discussion with Denims and Iman regarding these events. During the discussion, Denims was allegedly crying and said: "Oh man, i'm so fucked..". Destiny says that Denims can say he's lying if she wants, but he recorded every portion of both conversations(totaling around two hours). During the conversations, Destiny then goes on to say that neither Denims or Iman "had shit to say" during either of the conversations(chatters then point out that Denims is visibly scared on her stream).

Destiny goes on to elaborate why he hated Denims so much by the end of their time together, stating "she was trying to imply, at the end of our last conversation... that somebody was gonna destroy my life." Destiny pulls up a sound-bite from one of his recordings where Denims says "just so you know, I hope you be careful." Destiny claims that the reason Denims was upset was because she requested to have sex on the last day of their time together, and Destiny didn't want to because he did not trust her. Destiny then explains that sometime after Denims left his apartment, she begins to message Destiny saying Melina is gonna backstab and leave him, that Melina was just after Destiny's money and a visa, which is why Destiny had chosen to fabricate a threesome story with Katerino.

At 13:03 Destiny decides to recount his entire history with Denims up until this drama occurred:

  • Destiny met Denims on a Rajj show.
  • The two started talking in DMs.
  • Denims eventually introduced Destiny to Iman(initially to help her resolve some political discussion).
  • Destiny started talking to Iman.
  • Destiny became friends with Iman and Denims.
  • Over the course of their conversations, Destiny started to get a little closer to Iman, while Denims remained fairly distant(with regards to her sexual interest).
  • Iman started talking to Melina, and started to gravitate more towards her.
  • Eventually have a conversation about Denims coming up to LA so they could all "hang out"
  • Denims tells Melina and Destiny that she is in an open relationship, however her and her boyfriend have never "done anything" before outside of the open relationship.
  • Denims says she can't do anything outside of a threesome, which leads Destiny to believe that she's more interested in Melina than himself. Which Destiny is fine with, but makes him feel left out, so they invite Iman as well.

Destiny pauses the timeline to describe the personality differences between Iman and Denims. Destiny describes Iman as slightly immature but honest and straightforward with her feelings. He then says Denims is more challenging to understand because she often lies, mocks Iman behind her back, and never expresses her feelings directly.

The timeline continues:

  • Melina and Iman hang out in Texas to make sure they're on good terms.
  • Destiny and Denims have been talking quite a bit during this time, yet they still haven't said anything sexual towards one another(which Destiny states once again he is fine with)
  • The four go to TwitchCon, and problems begin to arise(i.e. Iman getting drunk, fighting with Melina)
  • Destiny notices that Atlasesque has joined almost all of his friend groups, which strikes him as very strange. He sees Atlas at a political dinner for streamers, observes him getting close to Denims, and notices him trying to get really close to some of his other friends.
  • Two days before everyone departs, Denims mentions the difficulty of returning with Destiny and Melina in the crowded car they took to the convention. She suggests taking a bus back, but Destiny thinks that's unnecessary and seeks an alternative. Atlas then steps in, offering to drive Denims to his place. From this, Destiny infers that Denims and Atlas might have a relationship or Atlas is making bold moves. Destiny tells Denims she's welcome to stay at his apartment and that Atlas can drop her off there, giving her an option since he's uncertain about their relationship.
  • Atlas takes Denims to Destiny's apartment, however he does not drop her off and instead enters his apartment. Destiny can see this as Atlas sends Destiny some "cheeky-texts" regarding the lack of cups in Destiny's apartment. Destiny at this point is uncomfortable, as he never gave Atlas explicit permission to enter his house, nor have sex with Denims on his bed.

Destiny states that there are two issues at this point: Denims did not explicitly ask for permission to let Atlas enter his house, and Denims DMd three different stories to three different individuals about what was occurring with the status of her relationship.

Denims Three Messages:

  1. Denims told Destiny that she had broken up with her boyfriend because she asked him if she could fuck Atlas.
  2. Denims told Melina that she had broken up with her boyfriend because she had asked him if she could fuck another guy, and she explicitly said it was not Atlas.
  3. Denims told Iman that she had fucked Atlas, and then tried to ask her boyfriend for permission afterwards, and that's why they broke up.

At this point, Destiny concludes that Denims told so many different stories to various people because she knew he would disapprove of Atlas staying at his apartment. Destiny then goes on to describe Denims as a "younger dumber version" of himself, due to her ability to weave lies and make up stories.

The timeline continues:

  • Destiny, Katerino, and Melina all return to the apartment and see Denims and Atlas in Destiny's loft(where his bedroom is located).
  • Destiny and Melina leave Katerino at their apartment, and drives to another individual's house to retrieve Katerino's luggage.
  • Denims texts the pair while they're driving to see if they will pick up food for them.
  • When Destiny and Melina return, they find Katerino sleeping on their couch (without a blanket) and Atlas and Denims still in his bedroom upstairs. Destiny wonders why the two haven't left. He wakes up Katerino, and they go out to eat.
  • Destiny, Melina, and Katerino return to find Denims and Atlas on the couch(cuddling), still in the apartment. Destiny notes that the two respond nervously like a pair that had just been interrupted mid sex.
  • Destiny and Melina decide they are done with this week, and do not want to deal with Iman or Denims anymore
  • Denims messages Destiny and asks "Are we 'going to do anything' with Katerino? Does Katerino care if you and I 'do anything'?"
  • Destiny hates Denims at this point, and as revenge decides to fabricate a story to Denims in DMs:"we were planning on having a big threesome with Katerino, we could've had you but Katerino doesn't trust Atlas...".
  • Destiny then points out that Iman had found Katerino sleeping on the couch with her glasses on when she entered the apartment that night, indicating that she had not been truly involved with the two sexually.
  • The next day, Denims, Iman, and Atlas walk into Destiny's apartment, Destiny tells Melina that she needs to "get these people the fuck out of here" as he has a debate with TreeOfLogic coming up.
  • Melina takes Iman, Denims, and Katerino to breakfast.
  • During the debate with Tree, Denims returns to the apartment and sits on the couch, and then Iman comes back and goes upstairs to the loft.
  • Destiny is forced to shut off his stream(at the time had ~8,000 viewers) to have a conversation with Denims and Iman
  • Destiny begins secretly recording and lays out everything that happened, everything that went wrong, and states they will have another chat that night when Melina returns.
  • Denims and Iman leave
  • Melina, Denims, and Iman eventually return
  • Destiny begins recording again, gives a summary of the events, and states that he and Melina are not comfortable with the two being in their apartment anymore. Denims remains silent, and Iman was noticeably sad.
  • Before Denims departs, she states "You (destiny), should be careful, I can't really say anything right now, but you should be careful."

Destiny states at 41:30 he predicted Denims would start trying to stir drama between he and Melina, and even says as much to Melina.

Destiny goes on to transcribe the logs at 43:23 (unfortunately the individual who recorded the vod thought it was more important to display their Oxygen Not included gameplay instead of Destiny's screen) Destiny notes that her goal is to isolate Melina and push all the blame onto her:

"I know you don't trust me, and I'm a dumbass for lying, but I can promise you Atlas won't do anything. You're gonna get really burned in the future though, and I feel bad and there's literally nothing I can do to help you out"- Denims
"Wait what? Really? Burned by what?:o" - Destiny
"Look, do you care about getting dicked over financially? Or is it not that big of a deal?"- Denims
"I mean of course I do, but nobody is in a position to fuck me over financially atm"- Destiny
"I think there's too much loss aversion for you to stop yourself from getting fucked over, and I know what I say won't change anything, I just feel really bad for you because you're actually a good friend to me.. Look I could be completely off base and I could be in the wrong, but I really don't think Atlas has any prerogative to have touched your stuff. I mean ffs, he's the one who told me not to touch anything, and warned me against lying." - Denims
"Yeah sure, but what does this have to do with me getting fucked over? What could this be an allusion to? :o" - Destiny
"Despite Atlas and Iman telling me not to share this, I'm really worried that Mel is just passing the time from things she said, and I think that's why she got really defensive when I said what I did. Which would be fine if it wasn't fucking you over so bad financially." - Denims
"Pass the time?:o Do you think she was just looking to move on and upgrade or something?" - Destiny
"That's what she said or close to it, she doesn't think you two will last, maybe she told you this already I have no clue, but I think only time will tell on this one honestly.. I know you have a tendency to make the same mistakes over and over again and that's why I wanted to tell you" - Denims
"All I know about it at this point, and that's why I'm staying friends at a distance, I understand why Melina hates me and that's fine i guess, even though it really sucks." - Denims
"Yeah I understand what you mean with everything" - Destiny
"Yeah idk, i'm really worried about you bud, and if/when you approach her about this be subtle about it bud, because she'll blame it on me trying to lie again. I'm not a spiteful person I actually do want the best for you and her, which is why I tried to listen to the complaints about your relationship" -Denims

Denims eventually apologized sometime around November, and claimed in DGG chat that she and Destiny no longer trusted each other, but they were still "cool."[36]

The N-word Drama and Denim's Involvement

Sometime around October 20th, 2019,to divert attention away from her involvement in the TwitchCon drama and to make good on a threat made to Destiny before leaving his apartment, Denims threatened to leak private logs showing Destiny's use of the n-word.[37][38] Destiny responded by stating: "Whatever, I say it in private all the time"[39]. The clips(both now deleted) were posted by twitter power user and Destiny antifan zei_squirrel AKA The Squirrel, and subsequently posted to livestreamfails, effectively beginning the N-Word drama. Of note, Destiny allegedly only said the N-word to Denims because she had said it first.[40]

Fifth Appearance, political panel hosted by Pxie and Denims

On November 23, 2019, Destiny appeared on a political panel with MindWaves, TruMalma, EvaUnaLove, hosted by Pxie, and Denims. Unfortunately, no link or reference to the vod of this panel can be found outside of a reddit post[41] saying when the panel would occur.

Sixth Appearance, Tomfoolery panel

On March 11, 2021 Destiny appeared on a political panel[42] hosted by TomFoolery. Guests on the panel included Denims, Ahrelevant, Rily Grace Roshong,and Dylan Burns. Topics on the panel included cancel culture, streamers using their platform for change, $15 per hour minimum wage, and abolishing gender.

Denims announces her own website, a DGG clone

Sometime around April 10, 2021 Denims announced the launch of her own website. Some DGGers[43] took notice that the layout for her website looked quite similar to DGG's own format, and upon further evaluation found that the source code had references to DGG and StarCraft(shown below).

Seventh Appearance, Denims debates Destiny over his performance in a prior debate with Richard Wolff

On April 23, 2021 Denims and Destiny engaged in a fairly heated debate regarding an equally heated debate Destiny had with Richard Wolff[44] over socialism/Marxism vs capitalism a few days earlier. Denims claimed that Destiny did well in the first half, but did poorly in the Second half when investments/capital markets were discussed, so Destiny decided to bring Denims on stream to discuss. This was the last, and most frustrating, direct conversation the two had with one-another on stream. The majority of the conversation was spent discussing whether Destiny actually believed "all companies must pay out dividends".

At 1:00, Denims initiated the conversation, suggesting that Destiny's main flaw in the debate was saying that companies must pay out dividends. Denims argued that, at least for public companies, this isn't how they operate. Destiny replied that he had already addressed this during the debate, noting that there are other methods besides dividends to give returns to shareholders. Denims initially agreed but clarified she was only challenging Destiny on the dividend assertion. Destiny retorted that it was a "non-point," and he had already made clear in his debate with Wolff that companies must return value to shareholders, with dividends being just one instance. When Denims inquired about other ways companies can return value to shareholders, Destiny listed options like stock buybacks, increasing the company's valuation, and other potential "exotic ways" he admittedly wasn't familiar with.

At 1:56, Denims shifts the conversation to worker co-ops and cites Wolff from the debate, saying, "A co-op can pursue various goals, including profit. A worker co-op might still aim for profit and expansion, which aligns with shareholders' interests, but it's just one of many objectives." Destiny counters this, arguing that workers in a co-op aim to maximize benefits for themselves and not to generate profit for external investors. He adds that while other co-op models might work, they would still entail some "worker-exploitation" and capitalism. Denims responds by emphasizing that even if the profit motive isn't for the shareholders, it doesn't imply workers don't seek more profit. She posits that if the company earns more profit, all the workers receive higher pay. Destiny identifies a flaw in this perspective, asserting that while a "privately-run" firm requires profit, a "worker-run" firm can provide value to its workers without necessarily focusing on profit. He cites raising worker wages and reducing work hours as means to enhance value for worker-owners, which might inadvertently disadvantage private investors.

At 3:45, Denims proposes that workers might vote to allocate "extra profits" from a quarter to branch out into a "new sector." She goes on to say they would do this knowing that it would yield profitability, ultimately benefiting the investors. Destiny questions how someone would use "profit to expand." Trying to clarify her point, Denims says, "you generate profit from the businesses and then distribute it as dividends to entice more investors..." Interrupting her, Destiny asks once again how co-ops can produce profits and then grow. Denims uses an example of a co-op selling cranberry juice where the production cost of the juice is lower than its selling price. She mentions that the additional profits from the juice sales can either be reinvested in the company or to finance "more investments." Destiny interrupts Denims again, pressing his question: In a regular company, if there's more capital and a desire to expand, they just hire more employees. But in a co-op, workers must buy in; they aren't simply hired. He emphasizes that co-ops don't pay workers a salary; instead, workers receive a share of the company. He again expresses his uncertainty about how a co-op can profit and then use that profit to hire more workers or expand.

At 5:10, Denims asks Destiny, "Do you believe in automation?" Destiny responds that their current conversation doesn't concern automation. Denims then explains that workers in a co-op could use extra profits to automate tasks such as sealing cranberry bottles, which would replace the workers previously responsible for that task and allow for expansion. Destiny concedes the possibility but highlights that investors might hesitate to fund a business where they could potentially lose everything due to the decisions of the co-op. Denims counters by saying investors can make choices based on the co-op's financial statements. Destiny quickly retorts, stating that the smart choice would be to avoid investing in worker-run businesses since they aren't obligated to give anything back to shareholders.

At 6:26, Denims argues that both the co-op and it's workers share aligned interests with the shareholders since they all want their companies to turn a profit. Destiny challenges this, asking Denims to clarify the term "profitable." Denims defines it as "when a business generates more revenue than costs." Destiny counters that Denims fundamentally misunderstands profit and points out that labor constitutes a business expense. He emphasizes that shareholders' interests don't always align with labor's because labor aims to raise the business's operational costs, which detracts from the profits — the main priority for shareholders. In response, Denims states, "that's not true." She points to startups that reinvest in their business to expand operations, suggesting co-ops could do the same. However, Destiny stresses that while co-ops could follow this path, they might also choose not to. He warns that the potential always exists for a company to award themselves a hefty payout at the investor's expense.

At 8:16, after some more debate, a frustrated Destiny tells Denims he doesn't know how to make her understand that she's mistaken. Denims counters, suggesting that Destiny didn't have a basic grasp of dividends, at least earlier on. Destiny questions whether Denims truly holds this belief, if she missed parts of his conversation with Wolff, or if she has never listened to his arguments about stock buybacks. Denims then highlights Destiny's previous belief that "all public companies must distribute dividends" in his debate with Wolff. Destiny concedes he misspoke and meant to say "returning value to shareholders", instead of using the term "dividends" in that some conversation. Destiny further presses the point by stating he has investments of his own, and he understands that they make money on their own without dividends, and that Denims is being uncharitable.

At 9:07, Destiny questions Denims' intentions, asking, "Are you arguing in bad faith?" after she challenges his understanding of dividends and implies that he believed the only way a private company could offer value to shareholders was through dividends. Destiny defends himself further, stating he had debates on stock buybacks for months. Denims describes his exaggeration as "extreme", and clarifies that she never thought he was stupid enough to believe dividends were the sole method for companies to reward shareholders. Destiny then asks why she implied he held that belief earlier. Denims reasons it's because he expressed it during their debate. Destiny counters, asking whether it's more probable that he misspoke or was echoing Wolff's words. Denims then suggests that they could go back into the debate vod to see what he had said, to which Destiny claims that Denims might be retarded.

At 10:33 Denims decides to cite directly from a transcript of Destiny's conversation with Wolff:

Wolff: A public company does not have to pay out dividends to it's shareholders
Destiny: No no no, absolutely not, this is markets 101.

Destiny then asks Denims what she thinks Wolff meant in this quote, to which Denims voice drops a few octaves and a legendary DGG soundbite can be heard. Destiny suggests that Denims reviews an earlier part of the debate where Wolff claims that private companies don't owe it to shareholders to return value. In the instance Denims mentioned, Wolff chose to use the word "dividends," so Destiny responded using the same term. Shortly after the point in the debate of Denims' example, Destiny clarifies that companies don't necessarily use dividends to return value to shareholders

At 11:47 Denims offers to "suck the meat off" Destiny's cock if he can get Richard Wolff to say he didn't mean dividends, to which Destiny responds that Wolff literally said as much during the debate and questions if Denims even watched the conversation. The two decide to watch that point of the conversation together, and will see(seconds after the dividends comment is made) Destiny make a statement regarding the "returning of capital" to shareholders, and Wolff saying "not at all". Denims denies outright that Wolff says this, they rewatch this portion of the video again, Denims then flips to agreeing with Wolff and states "this is not the case". Denims then argues that Wolff believes people buy company stocks because they anticipate capital gains. Destiny interrupts Denims, and points out this is exactly his point of returning value to shareholders. Denims says she doesn't disagree with that point, and Destiny throws his hands into the air and asks what she even disagrees with him about. Denims then claims that Destiny brings up "dividends" sometime earlier in this conversation, and Destiny decides they should watch back further in the debate.

At 17:25, the two get sidetracked once again on a discussion over the competing interests between shareholders and workers, and Destiny repeats some of the same arguments he made earlier verbatim. Destiny then provides the example of an individual looking at the financial statements of two companies, one a co-op the other a private company. If this individual has $10,000,000 and invests the money in the private company, that company would have a fiduciary responsibility to manage that money and to manage their business in such a way that returns a profit to the individual. If this same individual invests their money in the co-op, there is a likelihood that the co-op could just pay themselves out in bonuses and "walk" on the investment, to the detriment of the individual. Denims then claims that the co-op would still be held in court for that as they have a fiduciary responsibility to the investors, to which Destiny replies "THAT'S NOT A FUCKIGN CO-OP".

At 24:54, Destiny rewatches the portion of the debate where Denims had initially cited Destiny misunderstanding what dividends meant. After the two view the timestamp and debate some more, Destiny reflects on how he wishes he could get people to listen to his opinions on politics just because he was a cute girl. Destiny goes on to state that he respects it more than the "hot-tub" model, and wishes Denims "good luck with her shit" while he plays his spaceship games.

Notable Clips, videos, logs, and tweets

Denims and Atlas "talking shit" about Destiny to other creators

On January 26, 2021 Destiny typed in DGG chat that Denims and Atlas were besmirching his name to other political content creators behind his back.

"Denims/Atlas are running around behind the scenes talking so much shit about me and trying to get me fucking hated by other people in the little politics circles" - Destiny in DGG chat[45]

Denims at a TwitchCon meeting with Melina

Sometime around October 12, 2022 Denims and Melina found themselves in the same TwitchCon meeting to discuss ways to make the platform better for IRL streamers. Melina was seated at a table with several other smaller lefty political streamers, including Denims. Melina alleged that the entire time of the meeting was spent discussing how to make political content better on twitch. Melina noted the irony in the meeting, as she was listening to several twitch staff and content creators who essentially booted her husband off the platform, despite carving out the political space on twitch several years ago.[46]

Tom Foolery Video Essay

On January 1, 2023 TomFoolery released a video essay[47] breaking down misinformation from the far left. The very first content creator introduced in this video was Denims.

Denims calls FroggyFresh a Nazi

Sometime around May 15, 2023 Denims alleged that content creator Froggy Fresh was a nazi after he had trained for a boxing match under Sam Hyde.[48]

Destiny discusses Denims trying to clout shark

On July 9, 2023, Destiny reacted to a tweet from Denims, who was trying to gain clout from a drama involving The Young Turks (TYT). As TYT faced inner turmoil due to a clash between Ana Kasparian(a TYT content creator) and some radical left members, Denims chose to ride the wave of criticism directed at Ana by sharing a two-year-old clip of her joking about Hasan's success.[49]

Denims reacts to news of Destiny potentially debating Ben Shapiro

On September 10, 2023 Denims reacted [50] to a Jubilee video. The intro to the video includes a paid promotion where Destiny calls out Ben Shapiro for a debate. Denims is not impressed by the promotion, and even appears visibly disgusted upon seeing it(shown below).

Denims Today

Much like her male counterpart Mike from PA, Denims has dedicated her streaming career to being a Hasanabi waiting room. Similarly to Mike, Denims shares a Commensalistic relationship with Hasan. A relationship that exists purely to her benefit, with no impact, positive or negative, to Hasan. She will react to the same hot button topics that she may have seen on Hasan's stream or anticipates him reacting to, and then end her stream once Hasan goes online. If there is a major disagreement with Hasan on media or by other streamers, she will be among the first to jump to defend him on twitter or through her stream. She will attempt to cement this"relationship" by appearing in Hasan's twitch chat every so often. However unlike Mike, Denims has devised a means of attracting viewers to her stream through her physical appearance and will regularly show off her cleavage, while performing what is essentially the same content as Mike. She found so much success through this that she eventually became an OnlyFans content creator, likely to segue into fulltime once the Twitch Political sphere she's contributing to murdering has fully died off.

External Links


  26. Media:ImanDiscordMessage.png
  31. Media:DenimsDestinyDMs1.png
  32. Media:DenimsMelinaDms1.png
  33. Media:DenimsDramaContentions.png
  34. Media:DenimsDestinyDMs3.png
  35. DGG Archives(2020, May 2).COOMER SAGA: Denims Part 2.
  37. The Destiny Vault (2022, October 14)."2022-10-11|P2 Piers Morgan interviews Andrew Tate; Tucker interviews Kanye West; trans man regrets". Retrieved September 22, 2023