Michael Beyer

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Michael 'Mike from PA' Beyer

Prolific couch-beater Michael from Penn State is a well-known beta male in the Twitch streaming space. In recent years, Mike has resigned himself to life as an extra testicle for Hasan Piker, streaming strictly to gobble up Hasan's viewers whenever he is offline. Much like the socialists he idolizes, Mike is a parasite. He briefly attended law school, after which he never passed the bar.


History with Destiny

First Appearance

Mike's first conversation[1]with Destiny occurred sometime around August 6th, 2019. Over the course of the conversation Destiny and Mike engaged in a deep discussion covering electoral politics, policy and the healthcare system. The response to Mike's first appearance was generally positive[2] as he managed to have a thoughtful discussion over polling and the American healthcare system.

Second Appearance

Mike's second conversation[3]with Destiny occurred sometime around August 7th, 2019. This conversation was much more contentious compared to Mike and Destiny's initial discussion.

The debate centered on economic and environmental regulations and their impact on developing countries. Destiny argued that first-world countries often impose stringent regulations on developing nations, which he sees as hypocritical since developed nations historically polluted heavily during their industrialization phase. Mike from PA contended that this is a nuanced issue, suggesting that merely placing environmental restrictions on developing countries isn't sufficient. He argued for more comprehensive measures, such as substantial financial transfers and development subsidies, to help these countries adhere to environmental standards without compromising their growth.

The discussion also delved into the topic of multilateral trade agreements, specifically focusing on how these agreements can unfairly benefit corporations at the expense of labor and environmental standards. Destiny brings up that economic shifts from manufacturing to service-based jobs in the U.S. generally have a positive impact. Mike from PA argued that this shift has led to growing income inequality and is not inherently beneficial.

Both seemed to agree, at least in part, that trade agreements could play a role in enforcing labor and environmental standards. However, they differed in how effective or ethical this role was, with Destiny being more open to the utility of these agreements and Mike from PA more critical of their real-world impacts.

Third Appearance

Mike's third conversation[4]with Destiny occurred sometime around August 18th, 2019. This conversation was even more contentious than the prior two debates.

The debate centered on the topic of stock buybacks, particularly questioning whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is economically illiterate for criticizing them. Destiny argued that AOC's comparisons between stock buybacks and R&D expenditures are not directly related, while Mike defended the point that both come from the same pool of money. Destiny contended that companies won't buy back stock if there are profitable investments to be made in R&D, suggesting that doing so doesn't necessarily detract from innovation. Mike argued that this behavior could be influenced by the self-interest of executives rather than the company's well-being.

A historical discussion then arose, with Mike pointing out that stock buybacks were not common until the Reagan era, linking the practice to increased income inequality and imbalances between executive and worker pay. Destiny countered that multiple factors contributed to the economic growth post-World War II, and attributing it solely to the absence of stock buybacks is misleading.

Eventually, both debaters acknowledged the need for increased minimum wages and stronger unions but still disagreed on the role stock buybacks play in economic inequality. Destiny argued that they are merely a symptom, not a cause, of broader issues.

Fourth Appearance

Mike's fourth conversation[5]with Destiny occurred sometime around August 19th, 2019. The cracks in the foundation of Destiny and Mike's relationship begin to show at this point, with Destiny ending the conversation by stating "I'm on the fence about whether or not you're a tankie". The conversation occurred on Mike from PA's channel.

Mike from PA and Destiny engaged in a debate covering various topics, such as stock buybacks once again, political institutions, and democratic socialism.]

Mike from PA argued that addressing issues like stock buybacks is part of a larger effort to reduce inequality. Destiny questioned if stock buybacks would be bad in an ideal world where workers are well-compensated. The two also discussed the influence of political appointees on institutions like the EPA and the FBI, with Destiny warning against undermining these institutions. Mike from PA insists they are not entirely independent and can be influenced by political appointments.

They also debated the merits and drawbacks of the electoral college versus popular vote systems. Mike from PA argued for a more democratic system, while Destiny suggested that the electoral college serves a purpose.

Both touched on issues like gerrymandering, the role of the Supreme Court, and the potential dangers of populism. Mike from PA leaned toward technocratic solutions, while Destiny remained adamant in cautioning against undermining existing, essential, institutions.

Fifth Appearance

Mike's fifth conversation[6]with Destiny occurred sometime around August 19th, 2019.

The debate centered on the economic literacy of AOC, specifically her opinions on stock buybacks and Research & Development (R&D) spending by companies. Destiny suggested that economic rationality doesn't mean actors have perfect information but that they make what they believe to be optimal choices based on the information available to them. Destiny also emphasized the need for more empirical evidence to definitively say whether stock buybacks have a long-term negative impact on companies and their level of investment in R&D. Mike from PA was critical of the practice of stock buybacks, agreeing with AOC's viewpoint. He argued that stock buybacks serve to inflate stock prices, primarily benefiting CEOs whose pay is often tied to stock performance. He suggests that this focus on stock buybacks diverts funds from other important areas like research and development (R&D). Mike challenges the notion that the current economic system is optimal or rational, pointing to how CEOs may have interests that don't align with the long-term health of their companies.

Of note, the broader DGG community was rather unhappy[7][8] with his treatment toward an undergraduate student who sat in on the call, and his general rudeness during the call.

Mike calls Destiny a "useful idiot" for the Right

On September 6, 2019 Mike from PA, seemingly unhappy with Destiny's treatment of the "far left", states in a twitch clip[9] that Destiny's actions have made him a "useful idiot" for the right.

Bridge degradation

Sometime around October 19th, 2019 the bridge between Destiny and Mike from PA had officially been destroyed[10] over twitter[citation needed ] and various snipes taken by Mike in clips. Thus began Mike's descent towards madness.

External Links
