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Melina Goransson

Melina Goransson (born August 17th, 1998[1]) is a lifestyle streamer. She is well known for her Swedish Rock Washing, a ritual in which she will wait until Destiny goes live to charm DGG by smashing and cleaning all rocks collected during her daily jog. She had multiple emotes in DGG Chat, . Melina also had exclusive access to the emote and a Mel variant of the dggL emote.

Tax Issues

On the 24th of August, 2023, Destiny revealed that Melina had had her passport seized and is potentially facing indictment in Sweden for issues related to tax payments. As of October 13th, she has been given her passport back and, at least according to Destiny, is likely to be cleared of all suspicion soon[2].


On the 6th and 7th of December, 2023 Destiny removed and blocked Melina on his social media[3], said in chat that he "is out" and that she needs to pack up her belongings before he gets back to Miami on the 9th of December.[4]

December 19th Stream WIP

On December 19th, 2023 Destiny announced in DGG chat that he would be going into detail regarding the circumstances of their divorce.[5] Destiny was prompted to do this seemingly after finding out Melina and Memetix had said on stream that Destiny had been lying about things he said in chat on December 7th. Destiny's main goal with this discussion was to fight a few widespread impressions that irk him[6]:

  1. He is a horrible abusive one-sided terrible person that Melina escaped.
  2. He is unsure how many people have heard "insane" things about him behind the scenes as a result of Melina providing her one-sided perspective.
  3. He is not happy with the things Memetix and Melina accusing him of lying about the circumstances of their divorce and relationship. Destiny then points out that his claims are easily backed up by logs, and that it would be incredibly stupid of him to lie.
  4. He wants to give a very broad accounting of the things that happened.

Shortly after announcing his intentions in DGG chat, Destiny streamed for two hours and divulged much more information regarding the circumstances of the divorce.[7]. At the beginning of the stream, Destiny noted that at least five mutual friends had reached out to him, implying that he had been untruthful about many things and had been abusive towards Melina. He then provided a timeline of events since December 7th leading up to their divorce. He talked about Melina's tendency to exaggerate and emotionally rewrite the history of their interactions, and her practice of sharing personal details of their relationship with outsiders, which he likened to creating '50 Bob7s'. He expressed his frustration with people weaponizing their emotions against him and friends who try to find a middle ground in their disputes. Destiny highlighted that most of his arguments with Melina revolved around statements of fact, leaving little room for disagreement. Finally, he discussed the rules in their open relationship that, in his view, were designed to set him up for failure, and he mentioned Melina’s request for $100,000 for her apartment in Sweden.

Timeline of events

  • 2:21 October 20, 2023 Destiny and Melina get into a fight(while in Las Vegas) because Tim(memetix) was saying you can't raise children in a poly relationship, or with an American. The fight heats up, and she asks him if he's on his meds and implies that could be the cause of his poor mood.
  • 16:33 December 7, 2023 Destiny and Melina have a conversation which ended horribly. Destiny wanted her to be gone with all her shit by the the time he got home on December 9th. Later that night, Destiny had a short conversation with her in dms(Destiny admits he is fairly irate at this point, and the messages he sent could be perceived as "unhinged"). Melina's responses were described as loving yet cold and detached, and fairly logical. Destiny noted that she was denying things she had previously confessed to doing. Unable to sleep, Destiny started typing things about their relationship in the DGG chat that he later regretted. Destiny has a 15-page manifesto ready to go at this point. That day, Destiny appears as a guest on two shows, Jubilee and the Whatever podcast. Destiny and Melina are seperated for two days at this point, and he has solicited much feedback from many mutuals regarding their interaction. After these conversations, Destiny sends an apologetic message to Melina for his seemingly unhinged behavior, and messages in DGG chat(Destiny was blocked on all socials at this point so he sent it through a mutual).
  • 19:06 December 8, 2023 Destiny has a three hour conversation with his therapist, Stacy, regarding their relationship and his difficulty in comprehending some of Melina's behavior. Stacy recommends that Destiny aim for a certain outcome, instead of fucking everything up and doing x outcome. Later that day, Destiny has a two hour conversation with a friend.
  • 20:08 December 11, 2023 Destiny does the "cuck" stream, wherein he apologizes for his unhinged behavior, leaking details regarding his relationship in dgg, and leaves the door open for Melina's return.[8]
  • 20:32 December 12, 2023 Destiny notices a few passive aggressive tweets from Melina(which he viewed through dummy social media accounts). Destiny has his birthday party and notably did not receive a happy birthday form Melina :( . Destiny claims he is "chilling" at this point, and is happy where things are left.
  • 21:41 December 13, 2023 people start messaging Destiny about things Melina has been saying. Most of the mutual friends allegedly believe Melina, despite her tendency to not divulge the full story of any fight they may have.[9] Destiny believes Melina will never leak anything, because she knows everything about this makes her look like a "satanic demon"[10]. Notable messages include "I'm so glad I got out of that, I never want to go back to this horrible person, I realized how much of an abuser he is... I can't believe he lied and tried to make everybody sympathetic for him...". Destiny is taken aback by these messages, as they were in response to his "cuck-stream". Destiny begins to retrofit actions melina did in the past, and everything starts to make sense. Destiny says fuck everyone who made him walk back his initial assessment of things. Upon seeing the aforementioned messages from Melina regarding their relationship, Destiny rents an attorney, got the divorce papers, printed them up, sent them to melina to sign by monday. The papers were signed, notarized, and the court accepted everything.
  • 24:31 December 19, 2023 Melina reaches out to Destiny for the first time in twelve days(through a mutual). She states Destiny owes her money for her apartment in Sweden. Destiny suggest that Memtix get a job to pay off the amount due.

Darius Situation

  • 7:09 Destiny remarks that Melina was 100% unequivocally wrong, and exaggerated/lied about everything having to do with the situation. Because it ended up in a place she didn't like, she emotionally rewrote their interactions to make it seem like Darius was a clingy abusive loser the entire time.
  • 11:27 Destiny didn't want to intervene in their personal drama which is why he let Darius get "dragged", he did talk to the two behind the scenes individually.

Memetix chat logs during the stream

Memetix logs during the December 19th stream

Memetix appeared in chat while Destiny was recounting the events of his divorce and attempted multiple times to egg Destiny on.

Melina's request for $100,000

Melina reached out(through a mutual) to Destiny twelve days after blocking him on all platforms. She asserts Destiny owes her money for her apartment in Sweden, and if he wants to do what is morally right he should pay for her apartment in Sweden. Destiny responds that Melina is out of her mind, and suggests that Memetix get a job to pay off the amount due.

50 Bob7s

  • 10:11 Destiny maintains his position that Bob was a piece of shit, who was talking shit behind the scenes.
