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Steven Jason Williams, known online as Boogie2988, is an old-school YouTuber. He has interacted with Destiny on an episode of Kick or Keep.


Boogie is accused of faking cancer, is confronted by Destiny WIP

Destiny Confronts Boogie2988 For Faking Cancer And CRASHES Keemstar's Show

On July 10, 2024 Destiny confronted Boogie on the Lolcow Live podcast.[1] During this confrontation, Destiny accused Boogie of falsifying a Polycythemia Vera(blood cancer) diagnosis to manipulate and garner sympathy from his audience through the use of a GoFundMe campaign relating to the fake diagnosis. Destiny argued that all the leading symptoms and following treatments relating to Boogie's diagnosis are consistent with Secondary Polycythemia(the non-cancer form). He further explained that Boogie's claim of needing money for a bone-marrow biopsy, despite allegedly confirming the diagnosis two years ago with blood markers, was another scheme to extract more money from his audience under false pretenses.

During the show, Boogie2988 defended his claims, asserting that he indeed had markers of Polycythemia Vera in his blood tests. Boogie went on to describe how he underwent treatments consistent with this diagnosis, such as blood thinners and phlebotomy. Destiny was immensely skeptical of this

As Boogie continued to refuse to provide proof relating to this diagnosis, Destiny offered to pay $5,000 towards his medical treatment if he could provide a verifiable cancer diagnosis. Boogie refuses to do so, claiming he wishes to hold on to the "last vestiges of [his] privacy". Before departing Destiny states the following:

"I just want people to remember in the future then, if Boogie says "I have to do x-y-z scam to raise money because my medical bills are hurting so much", he can speak publicly about his medical issues to scam his fans for money, but he can't take five-thousand dollars to privately confirm a diagnosis that he already publicly said that he has. Doesn't make any sense." - Destiny
Discussion Highlights
  • 1:18:00 Destiny joins the lolcow live podcast to confront Boogie.
  • 1:21:10 Destiny provides a complete breakdown to substantiate his belief that Boogie is faking cancer.
  • 1:22:41 Destiny: "two years ago you said you had a cancer diagnosis... now you just said [that] now they're doing a biopsy to check for confirmation... are we treating a blood cancer without actually confirming it yet? For two years?"
  • 1:23:34 Destiny requests for Boogie to show a single document with his cancer diagnosis on it. Destiny goes on to explain that Boogie likely just has Polycythemia, an elevation of red blood cells, and not cancer. Boogie responds that Destiny can see his medical records when he dies.
  • 1:25:26 Destiny questions why Boogie would need to confirm his cancer diagnoses with a Biopsy if the cancer was evident in his blood markers.
  • 1:29:37 Destiny questions why Boogie would spend money on a biopsy he did not require if the diagnosis was already allegedly confirmed.
  • 1:30:47 Destiny lays out the entire story once more. He goes on to explain that all the leading symptoms and following treatments relating to Boogie's diagnosis are consistent with Secondary Polycythemia(the non-cancer form). Destiny further explains that Boogie's claim of needing money for a bone-marrow biopsy, despite allegedly confirming the diagnosis two years ago with bloodmarkers, is another lie for boogie to take more money from his audience under false pretenses. Destiny concludes that Boogie could simply disprove all these claims by providing a document showing the cancer diagnosis.

External Links


  1. Destiny. (2024, July 10). Destiny Confronts Boogie2988 For Faking Cancer And CRASHES Keemstar’s Show. YouTube.