List of Destiny Arcs

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Revision as of 20:51, 12 September 2023 by RiN LuX (talk | contribs) (started an entry for the second anti-misogyny arc)
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Arc is the socially constructed word for each season within the DGG Universe (DGGU). Each arc consists of entirely different tones, memes, orbiters, chatters, purpose, drama, and overall story direction. Below is a finely cataloged List of All Destiny Arcs. Though each arc is different, all arcs focus around the streamer Destiny, also known as Steven Kenneth Bonnell II, and his perspective and characterization throughout the show.

Each arc also consists of side plots that may or may not be relevant to the main storyline.

Nebraska Steve Arc (2011-2016?)

The Conservative Arc (2016-2019?)

The Lefty Arc (2019-2022?)

The MrGirl Arc (2022-2023)

Notable Events
MrGirl talks to Vaush
First talk with Destiny
MrGirl debates Destiny on platforming Fuentes report
MrGirl twitch ban from groyper mass report
Huge Orbiter Fight Part 2
MrGirl subreddit ban
MrGirl leaves orbit
Destiny nukes bridge
MrGirl talks about Destinys abuse
Destiny argues vs Lav about his abuse
MrGirl releases Manifesto
Destiny responds to MrGirl report

The Redpill Arc (2022-2023)

The Anti-Misogyny Arc II (2022-2023)

With initial flare ups taking place in the The Aella Square Massacre of 2023, Destiny declared a war against misogyny in DGG chat and the broader DGG community. His aims were to remove misogynistic habits of chatters as well as making the community more welcoming to women in general. Some chatters think the source of this fatwa is questionable, with alleged influence from women orbiters and sexual partners[citation needed ]. On 9/11 Destiny flew one plane into DGG chat by banning NSFW from chat, preventing gooners from spamming NSFW posts. On 9/12 he flew a second plane in chat with a massive nuke on painstinys for 3 days in the early morning after talking to orbiter mercoffdaperc, before quickly reversing the bans and going offline[citation needed ]. He claimed in chat that this was preferable to having dumb chatters complaining[citation needed ]. The next day, during a call with Bella, chatters posted painstinys and instead got a 6 day ban the was upheld in the courts[citation needed ]. During these times gym flair chatters such as Jakobokaj took allegiance with the coomers and misogynists, leading to numerous attempts on Jakobokaj's life, all leading in missed shots by Destiny. The battle conitues with chatters like notable anit-fan jstlk trying to debate destiny on his wrongthink in discord and DGG chat. Destiny continues to claim however that we are actually done with the redpill arc and that the porn ban is only the first step of many that will soon be replaced by a focus on the 2024 election cycle[citation needed ].