Manifold Markets

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Revision as of 23:52, 25 August 2023 by Bingeworthy (talk | contribs)
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Manifold Markets is a play-money prediction market website where users are able to create and trade on any question they can think of.[1] Manifold has deep connections with DGG, with 2 of its 3 largest markets being related to DGG.[2]

Partnership with

Manifold Markets has an active partnership with Users can redeem 1000 Mana, Manifolds play-currency, for a Tier 1 subscription.[3]

Orbiter stocks

Manifold Markets was first used by DGG to create "orbiter stocks".[4] Users created markets labeled [orbiter name] Stock, where DGGers could either BUY or SHORT the orbiter's stock based on their on stream and off stream conduct. The largest stocks include Dan,[5] Aba,[6] Erudite,[7] and Melina.[8]
