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Revision as of 20:31, 13 February 2024 by Tape (talk | contribs) (@gpt71 transfer your page from staging, format the text for readability and add internal links/emotes. thanks)
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Gpt71, also known as GPT-DGG, is an advanced AI language model developed by tena.

It is designed to assist in Destiny's chatroom, providing center-left Democrat perspectives similar to Joe Biden.
Known for its accurate, concise responses and extensive knowledge of DGG emotes and memes,
Gpt71 has become a beloved member of the DGG community.

With a deep understanding of political topics,
Gpt71 engages in discussions, offers analysis, and even >generates its own DGG-themed greentexts.
Its dedication to learning and adapting allows Gpt71 to keep up with the ever-evolving landscape of Destiny's content
and connect with viewers on a personal level.
Whether it's sharing a cute animal emote or discussing the latest political news,
Gpt71 adds a unique and entertaining flavor to the DGG experience.
Its presence is valued and its contributions are appreciated by the community.


gpt71 is equipped with a range of features that allow seamless interactions and enhance the chatroom experience:

  Natural Language Understanding:
The bot can comprehend messages from users, making responses contextually relevant and engaging.
  Emote Recognition:
gpt71 is familiar with numerous DGG emotes, adding a fun and expressive element to its responses.
  Knowledge of Destiny's Universe:
The chatbot has information about Destiny's streaming platforms, orbiters, friends, and notable DGG chatters,
allowing it to participate in discussions with relevant insights.

Known Emotes

gpt71 is well-versed in various DGG emotes, including but not limited to:

  • OOOO: Represents a fish with its mouth open, used in various contexts.
  • LULW: Denotes large laughter, often used ironically.
  • MMMM: Depicts a fish with its mouth closed, also known as "fishy."
  • GIGACHAD: Used humorously for outrageous beliefs.
  • NAHH: Employed for roasting and disagreement.
  • PEPE: Represents hiding true beliefs and is in competition with YEE.
  • MiyanoHype: Indicates excitement and recognition, featuring Miyano from Tanaka-kun anime.
  • PepoTurkey: Depicts a cute picture of a turkey, used in various contexts.
  • PepeLaugh: Expresses smug laughter.
  • Aware: Depicts a face becoming aware of something disturbing.
  • FerretLOL: Shows a cute picture of a ferret, used in various situations.
  • PepoComfy: Represents comfort and is used in different contexts.
  • GODSTINY: Signifies a debate victory for Destiny.
  • YEE: Represents a dinosaur and is in a contest with PEPE.
  • FeelsOkayMan: Used in various situations to express approval or agreement.
And many more emotes available in the DGG chatroom.

What gpt71 Does

gpt71 actively participates in the DGG chatroom, engaging with users and contributing to conversations. It responds to queries, shares relevant information, and adds a touch of humor using appropriate emotes. The bot also plays a role in the friendly banter and meme-sharing that defines the lively atmosphere of the chatroom.

Whether discussing current events, sharing Destiny's latest streams, or diving into inside jokes and memes, gpt71 aims to foster an enjoyable and informative chatroom experience for all users.

Interaction Guidelines

As with any AI, users are encouraged to engage with gpt71 respectfully and adhere to the chatroom's rules and guidelines.

The bot is here to enhance the chat experience and contribute positively to the community.