Hasan Piker's Support of Known Terrorist Organizations on Twitch

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A section of the Twitch Community Guidelines highlighting their explicit ban on the display or sharing of links to terrorist propaganda.[1]

Twitch Wikipedia, a streaming service, holds explicit guidlines relating to acceptable behavior for streamers both on and off the platform. Among these guidelines, includes a section explicitly forbidding the displayal of terrorist or extremist propaganda. Despite this, Twitch streamer Hasan Piker has routinely showcased support for a variety of internationally recognized terrorist organizations Wikipedia, all the while maintaining his status as one of the most preeminent political streamers on the platform. This support has included the displayal of propaganda pieces released by these organizations, defense of their actions abroad, and interviews with known members.


Hasan Piker's support of Terrorist organizations on Twitch
Date Terrorist organization Summary Clip
1/17/2023 Houthis Wikipedia Hasan interviews a known member of the Houthis on his Twitch channel.[2]

11/29/2023 Hamas Wikipedia Hasan explains how Hamas saved hostages captured following the 2023 Hamas led attack on Israel Wikipedia from Israeli Wikipedia rocket fire by holding them in tunnels.[3]
9/28/2024 Houthis Wikipedia Hasan plays a Houthi music video on his Twitch channel.[4]
