Still mad PepeLaugh

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On January 6th, 2019, Destiny spent a night out with his friends Andy Milonakis and Hasan Piker, indulging in some heavy drinking. As they were preparing to head home, Andy Milonakis recognized that Destiny was in no condition to drive and bravely prevented him from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.[1][2]

The following day, Destiny resumed his streaming activities and attempted to provide various explanations for his behavior. However, DGG remained skeptical, further fueling Destiny's frustration. This, in turn, led to numerous bans and a great deal of obfuscation by Destiny.

This series of events gave rise to the popular meme "still mad PepeLaugh." Whenever the stream discussion veers towards topics related to drinking or being drunk, his chat becomes inundated with messages bearing that signature phrase: "Still mad PepeLaugh". Remarkably, even to this day, Destiny maintains the stance that he was not overly intoxicated on that particular night in 2019.[3]
