Twitch Terms of Service Enforcement Inconsistencies

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On June 27, 2024, Dan created a reddit post calling for examples of Twitch's inconsistencies when it comes to enforcing their Terms of Service on political streamers, especially instances where left-wing streamers avoided punishment in instances where a right-wing/centrist streamer was punished.[1]

The following is the body of the post:

Twitch is known for several things, but two of the main ones are this:

Far Left streamers receive protections that other users do not

Streamers who are seen as 'enemies' of the far left (centrists, conservatives, far right) are punished more aggressively.

This thread is looking to compile a list of events showcasing a pattern of twitch's behavior on these matters. See the pinned comment for some examples. In general, this thread is looking for times where the far left is not punished for breaking the TOS (with clips/articles/etc.. of the incident) as well as times where anyone who isnt far left being punished for the same event.

This doesnt[sic] have to just be violent threats against Destiny. Is someone tacitly engaging in supporting legally designated terrorist groups? Post it. Is someone openly supporting or calling for a behavior which is illegal? Post it. Absolutely insane things tankies sometimes say (israel should be nuked, irradicated, etc..) post it.

Calling someone a Cuban Slur openly and without worry? Post it. Calling someone a 'saltine'? Post it.

ALSO- If you have reported these users and have a copy of the email saying you reported them post that as well, as a imgur screenshot. Twitch loves to say "we can only investigate issues reported to us" and might handwave any criticism away by saying "nobody reported this" - You can blur out your twitch username if you wish. Unfortunately the report confirmation email will not have the users name in the screenshot, but the ID of the report is enough. Just make sure you get the correct report email.

Why collect these links? The Florida Attorney General has made it a priority to investigate social media sites that specifically censor one political viewpoint over the other. To be clear, this is not talking about Twitch banning boobie streamers / movie streamers, which is unrelated to this. This IS talking about extreme favortism[sic] when it comes to leftist streamers and extreme uncharitability towards anyone who is even remotely to the right of stalin himself.

The List

TOS Inconstancies list
User Offense Punishment Clip
Denims Offering $30k to anyone who can make Asmongold "disappear". NONE
Denims Reading Osama Bin Laden's letter to America (Bin Laden's motives during the 9/11 attack) in full and agreeing with/echoing the sentiment that America deserved 9/11. One day ban.[2] Destiny's reaction
Dylan Burns Making content involving a banned streamer(Destiny) his primary focus on-stream at a time when doing so was against the Twitch Terms of Service. Of note, other streamers(Hasan) engaged in similar content at the time, and did not receive a ban. Three day ban.[3] Dylan confirming the ban on twitter, r/destiny thread discussing Dylan's ban, YouTube video Dylan made discussing the ban
Fr0gan Saying Ludwig had a "cracker ass take" for not doing a charity stream for Palestine. NONE
Fr0gan Telling a chatter to kill themselves. NONE
Gremloe Calling for violence against Destiny. NONE
Hasan Piker Calling for the assassination of a sitting US senator. NONE

New Tolerance campaign link

Hasan Piker Supporting Racism on minorities/Justifying slurs (gusano). NONE
Hasan Piker Supporting/Endorsing terrorism on twitch. NONE
Hasan Piker Making content involving a banned streamer(Destiny) his primary focus on-stream at a time when doing so was against the Twitch Terms of Service. NONE
instability01 Calling for the 'cleansing of furrys'. 14 day ban for "encouraging / glorifying extreme violence". [4][5]
instability01 Making fun of a user for using trans flags as a spoiler. 30 day ban. Eventually overturned.[6][7]
instability01 Saying "people from the EU are mentally ill". 14 day ban for racism.[8][9]
Michael Beyer AKA CentralCommittee Threat of violence against Destiny NONE
Sanchovies Calling for violence against Destiny. NONE
SeanDaBlack Calling for violence against Destiny. NONE
