Last Week on Destiny

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Last Week on Destiny is a timestamped archive of almost all Destiny streams dating back to the 17th of February, 2020. It can be found here, a series of spreadsheets also featuring colour-coding based on the type of streamed content.

Host of Last Week on Destiny

Originally, LWOD was created by DGG chatter scoot301, from the 17th of February, 2020, until he decided to retire it in August of 2022[1].

After this, cantclosevim took over, updating the sheet starting from August 29th, 2022. This continued until the 11th of June 2023, with vim seeming to lose interest in DGG in general, instead dedicating his time to debating the morality of the Russo-Ukrainian war[2].

As of the 13th of September 2023, LWOD is being maintained by DGG chatter Valdebich[3].

As of April and May 2024 respectively, DGG chatters mif and hhhapz also maintain LWOD.


  1. The End of LWoD. Reddit Post. Retrieved 2023 Oct 25.
  2. cantclosevim Ukraine war logs. RustleSearch.
  3. Valdebich LWOD Post. Reddit Post. Retrieved 2023 Oct 25.