Ben Shapiro Debate

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The Destiny vs Ben Shapiro Debate was a highly anticipated conversation hosted on the Lex Fridman Podcast and released on Jan 23, 2024 and has been viewed nearly 10 million times making it the 9th most popular video on his channel.


Liberalism vs Conservatism


Destiny argued for a multi pronged approach toward improving educational outcomes via things like A/C, and food plans while Ben Shapiro is of the belief that anything other than the total reconstruction of the nuclear family is waste of government spending and time.

Trump vs Biden

Foreign policy



January 6

Abuse of power


Institutional capture

Monogamy vs open relationships

Rapid fire questions


Both conservatives and center isle individuals praised the conversation for its civility and ability for both sides to express their opinions [citation needed ]

Progressives such as Hasan Piker were highly critical of Destiny for not going far enough in rebuking Ben Shapiro's argument. [citation needed ]