Gavin McInnes

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Gavin McInnes

Status Active
Political Alignment Conservative
Occupation Political Commentator
Country of origin The United Kingdom
Awards Debate of the Year

Gavin McInnes is an Canadian Conservative political commentator, well known for his creation of VICE magazine Wikipedia and the Proud Boys. Wikipedia He is sometimes accredited as being the "Godfather of hipsterdom." Wikipedia

Within DGG, Gavin is famous for getting "Larry the Tomato red" (Destiny is likely referring to Bob the Tomato Wikipedia from Veggies Tales Wikipedia) during a debate with Destiny as he crashes out: screaming, flailing his arms in the air, and punching his own microphone over, saying:

Gavin: "And by the way, how many papers have you written!? Why are we constantly dealing with these people who have never contributed anything outside of playing some fucking video games!? A guy plays video games on Twitch, and he's talking to a Doctor about all the amazing things he's contributed! Do something! Do something besides letting people fuck your wife! Do something! The more we accomplish, the more you fucking inconsequential cunts trivialize our accomplishments! The less you accomplish, the more you trivialize other people's accomplishments! Do something! You're literally on your ass for a living! Get up! Get up!"

Gavin punches his mic over, then grabs it a moment after and sets it back up.

Gavin: "Fuckin'—Are you in sweatpants right now!?"

This debate was nominated for and won the 2022 Destiny Award for Debate of the Year.