List of Destiny Debates

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This is a list of debates destiny has been in. Debates used in a loose term, for any conversation destiny appears in (regardless of number of participants, i.e. debating with just chat) where countering viewpoints are exchanged. This list includes non-formal discussions and conversations, but should not include talks were ideas are simply explored. Unless otherwise impossible, a full version of the debate should be linked. Please refrain from submitting heavily edited/cut versions or multiple versions of the same debate. Full debates uploaded to the main channels are ideal, but if necessary a timestamped vod will suffice.

General Formatting (check before editing)

  • Use the Template:Episode_Table to add new entries
  • Date
    • Dates should be in dd/mm/yyyy format exclusively
  • Title
    • Titles should be a short, accurate description of the debate. Do not simply use the video's direct title for entry here. While sometimes it may suffice, clickbait headlines are extremely common and unhelpful.
  • Topic
    • Topics should cover the general or broad thing discussed during. Extreme specificity is undesirable, while overly broad is as well.
      • Examples
        • Too Specific: A debate over if Israel committed war crimes categorized under "2023-2024 Israel/Gaza War Crimes".
        • Too Broad: A debate over socialism vs. capitalism categorizes as "morality", or a debate on taxes categorizes under "money".
    • If four or more distinct, unique topics are discussed then "various" should be used in lieu of individual topics.
    • Alternatively, if a topic has an entry within the wiki, then the topic should direct there - without consideration of the "specific/broad" rules.
  • Participants
    • Destiny should not be included in the participants column. All entries should include him by default.
    • or should be tagged and linked. However, this list should not be used as a list to determine notability. I.e. don't link to/create pages for every single participant.
{{Episode Table
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{{Episode list|
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{{Episode list|
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Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
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26/06/2024 Destiny debates Ben Burgis on Modern Day Debates Israel/Palestine Ben Burgis, Modern Day Debates
22/06/2024 Destiny Politics Discord Q&A Various Various, Politics Discord, Dooby
17/06/2024 Kelly Jean Baldur's Gate 3 Drama Extravaganza Drama Kelly Jean, Jstlk, Dan, Wolfgand, WickedSupreme
This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text. This is filler text.
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Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
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Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
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Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
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Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
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Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
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Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
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Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
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Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
02/09/2016 A friendly discussion on abortion Abortion Chatters
02/16/2016 A long rant about politics and economics Politics, Economics Chatters
02/16/2016 The Insanity of the "Tea Party" Republican Party Chatters
02/21/2016 Discussing Donald Trump with my viewers and on Skype Donald Trump, Republican Party Chatters
03/06/2016 Common Core (and Trump) Education, Donald Trump Chatters
08/03/2016 AtheneWins defends his charity operation Scammers Athene
04/09/2016 A discussion with a few callers about flat taxes Taxes, Economics Chatters
04/16/2016 Discussions about welfare and welfare abuse Welfare, Economics
16/05/2016 Discussing regulation and minimum wage with a viewer Minimum wage, Economics exskillsme
20/05/2016 Talking about fat acceptance with a viewer call in Obesity, Health Chatter
21/05/2016 When does joking become bullying? Chatters
09/06/2016 Is gaming a waste of time? Video Games
11/06/2016 Talking about abortion and overpopulation Abortion
16/06/2016 Discussing Trump's racist Mexican judge comments Donald Trump
20/06/2016 Is really overcrowded with "boobie streamers"? Twitch drama
08/07/2016 How would aliens understand our periodic table of elements? Science, Physics
15/07/2016 Discussing the Alton Sterling police shooting with Teamspeak Police
26/07/2016 Is BMI a good metric for measuring healthy weight? Obesity, Health
01/08/2016 Responding to Youtube comments on Brexit Brexit
04/08/2016 Martin Shkreli and runaway capitalism Martin Shkreli esportsbatman
25/09/2016 Destiny talks politics with his right wing mom (with chatsync) Politics Destiny's Mom
28/09/2016 Game of Thrones - "Battle of the Bastards" skype debate Game of Thrones
30/09/2016 Skype debate: Islam versus nuance Islam, Religion
11/10/2016 Destiny teaches some financial literacy Finance
18/10/2016 Destiny debates a female Trump supporter from 4chan's /pol/ board Politics
26/10/2016 Destiny argues with Ice Poseidon Ice Poseidon
08/11/2016 Debate with Ryan Dawson on Trump vs. Hillary Politics, Foreign Policy, 2016 Election Ryan Dawson
22/11/2016 Talking with Athene about his "Logic Nation" concept Athene
28/11/2016 Going HARD on Athene and his "logic" Athene
02/12/2016 Debating @Sargon_of_Akkad Politics Sargon
04/12/2016 President-elect Trump and his insane tweets Donald Trump
05/12/2016 The epic and insane portal debate - Part 1 Physics, Portal Debate
07/12/2016 The epic and insane portal debate - Part 2 Physics, Portal Debate
16/12/2016 Debating a 15 year old "Avid" Trump Supporter Donald Trump
21/12/2016 The Three Way Debate Politics, race, immigration
25/12/2016 A heated debate on Russian interference in the US 2016 presidential election Russia, 2016 Election
27/12/2016 A quick debate on marriage
28/12/2016 A short debate on economic growth Economics


Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
21/06/2015 Conversations with Irish Laddie Various Vaush
05/08/2015 A Condemnation of Coddling Parenting Reddit
14/08/2015 Rationality and Religiosity Religion


Date Title Topic(s) Participants Link
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