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Status Poggers
Political Alignment Neo Liberal
Qualifications GED, Honorable Discharge
Occupation Tech Startups, Real Estate
Age 40
Country of origin USA
Website harknesslabs.com
Twitter dancantstream
Youtube dancantstream
Manifolds Market Dan Stock
Awards 2020 Buddy of the Year

2021 Buddy of the Year

Dan —also known by his online tag Dancantstream— is an avid Rust player with over 14,000 hours, CEO of redact.dev, co-host of the Anything Else? Podcast with Destiny & an avid cat enjoyer.

Dan was originally a fan of Destiny, Trying to recruit him off of ustream to Tinychat in 2009 and started chatting around this time. Dan was a frequent guest on Destiny's stream from 2016 to 2022—taking a hiatus during 2023 and later returning in late 2023/early 2024 to resume his prominent position in the stream as a frequent guest, before announcing that he and Destiny would be hosting the Anything Else? Podcast.

Dan's on-stream role has typically been being the foil of Destiny, orbiters, or other on-stream guests; as well as sometimes banning or nuking chatters.

Dan used to host the Startups Podcast with Destiny.


Buddy of the Year

Dan was nominated for the Buddy of the Year award for 4 years in a row, winning 2 times (2020 and 2021) and narrowly losing to Aba in 2022 by 2.6% of the vote. He was not nominated in 2023.

Spin-off Streamer of the Year

In 2020, (the only year the award was presented) Dan received 2nd place in the overall voting for Spin-off Streamer of the Year.


Dan poses for the camera to show that PEPE has achieved mainstream popularity, while YEE-posters flounder in their own anguish.
Main Article: Emotes

Dan has several emotes attributed to him and/or used in relation to him.

  • AngelThump
  • ATAB
  • ComfyDan
  • LOVE
  • Slumlord


Main Article: PEPE

To the chagrin of many chatters, Dan is a firm and unwavering PEPE poster, boasting an exceptionally rare 100% PEPE post rate, qualifying him as a pure PEPE Extremist, only referring to the competition as YE*

Notable on-stream appearances with Destiny

The Big Rust Memer Meeting

The Big Rust Memer Meeting was one of the first on-stream appearances in which Dan was present. Dan makes a minor appearance in the video as his performance in the Rust Group is reviewed by Destiny getting briefly verbally berated for "working" and not mining. Only level 13 .

Esportsbatman is also featured in the video.

Dan discusses Twitch TOS & Nudity with Destiny and Devin Nash

On February 8, 2018, Dan, Destiny and, Devin Nash engaged in an hour long discussion on the topic of Twitch's reformed terms of service.[1] During the discussion, the trio discussed updates to the rules regarding on-stream nudity, clothing, sexually suggestive content, and regulations regarding off-platform behavior. Destiny argued that the language in the new terms of service appeared "very precise," citing the "mall appropriate" stipulation in the rules as an example. In contrast, Devin felt much was still left up to interpretation by Twitch's moderators, especially with regards to what may be deemed "hateful" or "sexually suggestive".

Destiny and Devin eventually discuss the enformencent of Twitch's terms of service "off-platform". Destiny argues such regulations should warrant the establishment of Twitch partners as W-2 employees. While Devin agrees with Destiny "morally", he stipulates that everything action a content creator makes both on and off-platform, is a function of the platform. Devin cites the need for twitch to remove a content creator poorly conducting themselves off-platform in order to appease sponsors. Devin caveats this position, arguing that Twitch Moderation may be too quick to "pull the trigger" on certain individuals given this new rule.

A discussion on the "exclusivity" requirement for Twitch Partners arises, during which Devin and Destiny discuss the fairness of Twitch Partners being restricted to streaming on one platform. Devin argues that the challenges faced by other streaming services in attempting to "organically" foster a new platform are too steep, especially when faced with a heavily established one in Twitch. Devin goes on to state that no platform exists which offers a compelling enough competitive advantage for streamers to switch platforms. Dan joins the conversation, and asserts that Destiny could potentially capture a whole new audience with a move to another service such as YouTube.

The trio continue to review the new Terms of Service, and take particular issue with regards to the wording of the established harassment standards. While the standards maintain context and intent are key in determining whether moderation action should be taken, the following sentence of the stipulation makes it appear as if context is not a factor. Dan argues that the contract appears to be giving the moderation team much "weasel-room" to interpret situations as they please. Dan then provides the example of Destiny jokingly threatening a duo in a game, and potentially being clipped out of context. Dan later identifies that past content in VODs may be subject to these harassment guidelines, and warns Destiny that he may be forced to delete all VODs both on Twitch and YouTube.

Dan takes a trip to Hawaii with Destiny, MrMouton, and Melina

On June 20, 2019, Dan, Destiny, MrMouton, and Melina, IRL-streamed portions of a trip to Hawaii.

Highlights from the stream include:

  • 2:40 As the group walks to their hotel, Dan explains CBD to Destiny, describing it as some "hipster shit" that "doesn't get you high at all".
  • 6:15 A family of ducks walks by.
  • 7:05 The group enters a restaurant.
  • 13:55 Destiny is mocked for spilling something on his shirt.
  • 14:43 Dan expresses his frustration with Destiny consistently pointing the camera at him.

Dan discusses Investment, Real Estate and Stocks with Destiny and Devin Nash

On October 4, 2018, Dan, Destiny, and Devin Nash, held a brief debate on investment Real Estate and stocks.[2]

The video starts with Destiny expressing his gratitude for being surrounded by many successful people, crediting them for their positive influence on his life and specifically naming Dan and Devin. He attributes his increased reading and more efficient email management to Devin, and humorously mentions that Dan has made him consider investing in real estate. On the topic of real estate, Dan brings up a fellow streamer and securities trader, Reckful. Dan discusses Reckful's seemingly inaccurate belief that the rising stock price of Amazon indicates a poor time to purchase real estate. Destiny disagrees with Dan's view, arguing that considering the risky and undiversified nature of real estate compared to securities, Reckful's stance is understandable. Dan and Devin take great issue with Destiny's position, arguing that Real Estate is much more risk-averse than stocks, and proceed to spend the remainder of the call arguing against Destiny and Reckful's position.

Highlights from the debate include:

  • 3:28 Dan provides his primary arguments for real estate investments over stocks. Dan asserts how most stocks fail to give meaningful dividends, while Real Estates typically have an income stream tied to them, and may even see the asset itself appreciating over time. Destiny waves this line of argumentation off as Dan telling a "story", and proceeds to argue that the inability to quickly liquidate a Real Estate asset creates a massive risk. Dan counters, arguing that Destiny is overvaluing the ability to quickly liquidate an asset, and reiterates the value in generating passive income from a real estate asset, coupled with several governmental measures in place which incentives such investing.
  • 7:37 Dan provides the example of his apartment building in San Francisco, and details how his leveraged investment investment of less than one million dollars in 2010(including remodeling) have resulted in a property now worth over five million dollars. Destiny counters, asking Dan how much money he thinks he could have made investing that same amount into Amazon stock in 2010. Destiny performs a quick google search, and informs Dan he would be up 1,475%. Dan and Devin argue that one would have to know the stock of Amazon would rise to such a degree, while Real Estate is more of a "sure thing". Destiny takes issue with this point, arguing that many people felt the same during the 2007 housing crisis. Devin argues that an individual who held a piece of real estate through the housing crisis, would still likely see a profit today.
  • 10:20 Destiny pointedly states: "Dan is selling me a deal that's too good to be true... that I could just dump a ton of money into real estate and consistently outperform the markets...Then why doesn't everybody do it?" Devin informs Destiny that not everybody has "one hundred thousand dollars in free flow cash" in order to perform such investment maneuvers.
  • 16:04 Dan proposes that Destiny should invest in a rent controlled property in California. Dan goes on to describe how individuals in this area pay incredibly low rent, and how one could see an immense profit in performing such an investment(i.e. purchasing a property where the rent could feasibly increase from two-hundred dollars a month to five-thousand). Destiny once again questions why everybody doesn't make such financial maneuvers if they are such a "sure way" to invest. Devin reiterates that the financial barrier to such investments is quite steep, and there is plenty of "stupid money" out there. Devin goes on to provide Dan as an example of "smart money", pointing out that Dan has managed to keep a surplus of money and grow it in a sustainable way through smart investments.
  • 25:15 Destiny once again questions why such a sure way to invest in money isn't utilized more. Devin provides an example, arguing one could simply invest in the S&P 500 every month, and see a reasonable profit, yet nobody does it. Destiny asserts this example is incomparable, arguing real estate is a more competitive environment, and once again reiterating his uncomfortability with the fact that not none many individuals with a sizable income perform such investments. Devin then argues that Destiny is overestimating the intelligence of individuals with high net-worths.

Dan discusses Dating and Sex with Destiny and XQC WIP


Dan debates the Responsibility of Harm with Rem and Destiny WIP


Dan discusses the housing situation in the US with Destiny WIP


Dan debates flat taxes with Destiny WIP


Notable Memes

External Links


  1. Destiny. (2018, February 14). Twitch TOS & Nudity - ft. Devin Nash & Harkdan. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9ZC7v-P2Rc
  2. Destiny. (2018, October 9). Investment, Real Estate and Stocks ft. Mylixia and Harkdan. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB8u3x70B50