List of Destiny Arcs

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A story arc (more commonly referred to as just an arc) is an overarching unit of story, specifically referring to the broad groups of conversations, memes, themes, orbiters, drama, etc in the DGG Cinematic Universe (DGGCU). Each arc also consists of numerous side plots that may or may not be relevant to the main storyline, the quality of which varies depending on where the writers decide to take the story or how they want to develop the characters within the show.

For example, in 2016-2019, the writers had Destiny focused on debating a lot of right-wingers, as Donald Trump had energized the American right. He became known as one of the only "lefties" (a term which he would now reject—probably) that would talk to the right-wing content creators, as many left-wing content creators did not have any conversations across the aisle, giving us several iconic debates and conversations which form the broader conservative arc.

After the Conservative Arc would end, Destiny would begin to take aim at the champagne socialists after having a realization that many of them were just as reprehensible as the Alt-Right.

The Nebraska Arc

Main Article: The Nebraska Arc

The Nebraska Arc was a period from 2011 to 2016 when Destiny first became a streamer. This Arc was characterized by aggressiveness, edginess, and hostility towards Destiny's interlocutors, and when Destiny exhibits these Characteristics in contemporary settings, he is referred to as "Nebraska Steve."

The Conservative Arc

Main Article: The Conservative Arc

The Conservative Arc was a span of Destiny's streaming career had several debates with notable online conservative commentators from 2016-2019 after the cultivation of his unique political space that once existed on Twitch, countering the Anti-SJW Wikipedia narratives that had begun to surface as the internet got increasingly political during the 2016 United States presidential election Wikipedia and rise of Donald Trump to the political mainstream.

The Lefty Arc (2019-2022) ∙

Main Article: The Lefty Arc

The Lefty Arc was a blank that blanked. Blank.

The MrGirl Arc (2022-2023)

Notable Events
MrGirl talks to Vaush
First talk with Destiny
MrGirl debates Destiny on platforming Fuentes report
MrGirl twitch ban from groyper mass report
Huge Orbiter Fight Part 2
MrGirl subreddit ban
MrGirl leaves orbit
Destiny nukes bridge
MrGirl talks about Destinys abuse
Destiny argues vs Lav about his abuse
MrGirl releases Manifesto
Destiny responds to MrGirl report

The Redpill Arc (2022-2023)

The Anti-Misogyny Arc II (2022-2023)

With initial flare-ups taking place in the The Aella Square Massacre of 2023, Destiny declared a war against misogyny in DGG chat and the broader DGG community. His aims were to remove misogynistic habits of chatters as well as make the community more welcoming to women in general. Some chatters think the source of this fatwa is questionable, with alleged influence from women orbiters and sexual partners.[citation needed ] On 9/11 Destiny flew one plane into DGG chat by banning NSFW from chat, preventing gooners from spamming NSFW posts. On 9/12 he flew a second plane in chat with a massive nuke on painstiny for 3 days in the early morning after talking to orbiter mercoffdaperc, before quickly reversing the bans and going offline.[citation needed ] He claimed in chat that this was preferable to having dumb chatters complaining.[citation needed ] The next day—during a call with Bellarama—chatters posted painstiny and instead got a 6-day ban was upheld in the courts.[citation needed ] During these times gym flair chatters such as Jakobokaj took allegiance with the coomers and misogynists, leading to numerous attempts on Jakobokaj's life, all leading to missed shots by Destiny. The battle continues with chatters like notable anti-fan jstlk trying to debate destiny on his wrong think in discord and DGG chat. Destiny continues to claim however that we are done with the redpill arc and that the porn ban is only the first step of many that will soon be replaced by a focus on the 2024 election cycle.[citation needed ]

Israel-Palestine Arc (2023-Ongoing)

The Israel-Palestine Arc is the currently airing season in the DGGCU, primarily focused on the broadening of knowledge and deep research on topics by Destiny after his recent ADHD Diagnosis and Vyvanse prescription. Destiny has begun to publish his note taking in his Obsidian Notes.

Thus far, the primary focus has been on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict after the Hamas-led October 7th, 2023 Attacks spurred mainstream discussion and debate in mainstream social circles.

Ben Shapiro Debate

As Destiny has begun to increasingly dive into the deeper intricacies of various political issues, and achieve more mainstream popularity and presence, Ben Shapiro had mentioned on the Iced Coffee Hour Podcast that he would be willing to debate Destiny after been having asked by the hosts.

Jubilee and Lex Fridman both offered to host the debate, and eventually Lex would get Ben and Destiny in a room to discuss barrage of political battlegrounds, of which Destiny said he felt it wasn't so much of a debate, but rather a chance for Ben to get to know Destiny a little and see that he isn't a bad faith actor.[citation needed ]


Finkelstein Debate

After learning about Norman Finkelstein from Lycan, Destiny would begin a mission to dismantle pop-historian on the contentious Israeli-Palestine Conflict and Israeli-Hamas war. Originally, there were plants to debate which ultimately fell apart after a heated email/twitter feud.

The debate would eventually be realized on the Lex Fridman Podcast #418 with Finkelstein, Destiny, Mouin Rabbani, and Benny Morris.

Jordan Peterson
