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The D.GG LORE Iceberg is filled with lore and memes that are relevant to dgg chat, Destiny, etc. Destiny has briefly reacted to this meme. [1]

For information on cataloged Arcs, see List of Destiny Arcs.

Notable items on the Iceberg

Entry Brief Description
Pokemon drama reviewer This is a combination of Events where Destiny covered drama that involved Pokimane. Mostly focussing on him going hard against Pokimane and other members of OTV for their treatment of TheAlbertChang (aka sleightlymusical) cheating on Lily Pichu and the covering of the drama between Pokimane and Fed Myster that started of with the firing of Fed of OTV for sexual assault and ended with Poki, needing to defend she was not manipulating the situation in her favor blaming Fed for more than he thought he was guilty of and Friendzoning Fed after they dated for a short 2 month period in 2018, but acting like there was a possibility that they could come back together. D
Entry Brief Description
JonTron debate An infamous debate between Destiny and JonTron where Jon exposes himself to be a white supremacist.
League of Legends Popular MOBA game by Riot, and Steven;s seccond big game after Starcraft 2. Famously Duo Qued with: [DariusIRL]], LilyPichu, MrMouton and Kelly_Jean.
Alt-right deradicalizer
Jesse Lee Peterson debate Famous appearance on the JLP (radio) Show. Spawning memes like AMAZIN and "Do you love Black People?". Inspired the Song Black lover and somewhat popularised the term "beta" on Twitch.
Atlanta, GA canvassing
Has a site (
PianoComposition challenges
D&D campaigns Destiny has played in multiple campaigns all led by Koibu as a DM. Including: "Gnomes, Tomes & Catacombs", "Of Dice And Men D&D" and "Tombs of Scoria".
Entry Brief Description
Edgy gamer past
Burnt bridges Destiny has a habit of choosing principles over friendships and thus many of his allies/friends have stopped being friends with him over some of his stances.
N-word manifesto also known as the Leftist Manifesto is a lengthy Reddit post about the behavior of several leftists who annoyed Destiny during the MindWaves Big Brain Podcast regarding use of the n-word in private.
Spoilergate Destiny would message people in the Livestreamfails subreddit spoilers of Game of Thrones in retaliation for their stupid comments.
The DT Podcast A podcast featuring Destiny and Trihex. It ran for 31 episodes despite nobody watching, at which point it was canceled as a result of their friendship struggling in the wake of the n-word crisis. This bridge was restored approximately one year later.
Slur usage
Leftie arc
Twitch bans
Weird childhood
Mark Gudgel canvassing
Startups Podcast Destiny and Dan hosted a short-lived podcast that covered start up businesses, originated the TonyW emote.[citation needed ]
Omniliberalism Destiny's political label. This is not traditional liberalism but rather a more rational, free thinking, and omnivorous form of liberalism.
Friend's Twitter Destiny was unbanned from Twitter in January 2023.[2] Prior to this, he would regularly ban evade by using "a friend's account." This would often keep him from being banned instantly, although he was regularly exposed and rebanned.
10.5g shroom trip
Controversial self-defense takes Destiny, when pushed by people like Pisco, has said he would defend blades of grass with lethal force[citation needed ]. The rationale being that any extension of property must all be treated the same otherwise it could lead to a slippery slope of being okay with infinite stealing of property. Destiny is in general more pro self-defense than the average person and gets into hot water with his takes.
Carpet cleaning
Bob7 drama + manifesto
Black Lover A song that was submitted to Destiny's Composition Challenge that ultimately lost early on in the culling process, but has since become a meme as many chatters believe it was unfairly dismissed[3].
Gamestonk coverage + manifest
Banned debate topics (veganism, abortion)
Methstiny Destiny once accidentally took methamphetamine in Amsterdam from a trusted source[4]. He and Melina stayed awake in their hotel room for hours, thinking the drug was really pure MDMA before gradually realizing their mistake after 38 hours. Destiny is now known as "Meth Guy" in various communities.
Starcraft 2 Semi-Pro
Entry Brief Description
Real talks
Baneling analogy Destiny once compared banelings to rape.[5]
PEPE vs YEE An eternal war between frogs and dinosaurs, chatters choose an allegiance and fight for their respective emote.
Middle guy Host of the Modern-Day Debate podcast, this well-endowed man often looms in the middle of the screen and does very little while ensuring the debates turn out fine.
Aslan Erisann's cat, a beautiful little cutiepie and an emote.
Meme squaring
The Harem Destiny must hang around many women due to his COOMER nature, and thus there is a fertile harem around him at all times to satisfy his ceaseless need to coom.
exskillsme A former chatter that no longer comes around thanks to threats from lefties like vaush. Started the "well well well" meme after trump was cleared by an investigation and Destiny has commonly used this phrase since [citation needed ]
"Destiny got destroyed in this debate"
Offline chat This is the chatroom on that is filled with chatters either waiting for Destiny to go live or watching something else.
nsfw links The offline chat described above is often filled with NSFW content, usually of sexual nature, spammed by a few particular chatters.
Visited by the FBI
Secret daughter
The Dark Triad
Denims/Littlefox incident
Rape analogies It seems to be a rule that as time goes on during a debate with Destiny, the likelihood of an analogy involving rape becomes more likely. This is usually an extreme example meant to test the principles of the opposing debater[s].
Rape reviews
Killstream appearances
Dono lady
"I'm swearing off all relationships..."
The execution of IrishLaddie
" a video game"
"Ohio State student makes thousands..."
Twitch chat rivalry
YouTube oilers (Scott Bradley, Ben MC)
1024 hour bans Destiny frequently bans people in chat for 1024 hours, originating from a system of an escalating ban timer. For example, the stream starts and the first chatter to get banned might 1 hour, then it would double to 2 hours. This would continue to an exceedingly high number, 128 hours, then 256 hours, then 512 hours and finally 1024 hours. What started out as a lenient system turned into a catastrophe of people being banned for long periods of time immediately.
"Lit, you say?"
2/7 Destiny regularly performed so poorly during games of League of Legends that he usually had a kill/death ratio of 2/7, which is an obvious sign of poor play. This ratio would become a meme as a reference to his evident lack of skill playing League.
Blue coat Destiny introduces the blue coat to chat, July 2014.[6]
MrMouton vs Destiny rap battle
Twitter squirrel (BibleThump)
He's still drunk (PepeLaugh)
"Cringer" incident
Notorious libel (abandoning son, CP/pedo allegations, etc.)
Related sites (,, RustleLogs, etc.)
The Portal Debate (Sean Carroll GODSTINY)
Shoe-tying photo
Ford Focus RS Destiny has a very particular Ford Focus model, that is very different from the base model. It is quite rare and he is very proud of his vehicle.
D.GG ripoff sites
The Morning Callβ„’
essay_writer Someone or something that would spam emoticons (not emotes) in chat with their every message. They were eventually put down as the automoderator had gotten so strict that it prevented them from flourishing.
MaxOff-screen sex while live
Naked Ape hit-piece
hi daddd nathanPepe
Full month of facecam-only YouTube streams (Twitch ban)
Father's pyramid scheme
Facebook Live boomer confrontation
Get the Glock
Doug of 8k
League with Sodapoppin
Cancer 5v5s
420 dongerhood
Doublelift coaching session
"you could've played that better"
Ministry of Win/Poland Trip/switch from SC2 to League
DJwheat incident
[REDACTED]'s couch abuse
Tinder Moot
cx tech support
-$74 PepeLaugh After calculating how much money MrMouton would have at the end of the month if he moved to Miami the resulting total was found to be -74$.
The Intelligence
"Where are Dan's logs?"
Leaked dick pics (BlueTea)
Ask Yourself/Discord debatelords (P = U + D)
Entry Brief Description
Dan's Hawaii story (BBB)
BasedGod OverRustle NoTears
The Day9 Story
MrMouton groomed MrMouton started appearing on stream with Destiny in his early teens, despite Destiny being quite a bit older. This has led some to speculate that grooming might have occurred in this relationship.
DDOS kid Destiny's internet was shut off by a kid DDOSing him back in the day when nothing could be done legally, or technically, and still be able to stream. Destiny created a novel solution to the problem and thankfully did not have to resort to violence in order protect his income.
COX threats
Lost emotes (AUTISTINY, Questiny, Jewstiny, etc.)
D.GG botnetDDOS vectors
Mentally ill emailers
Grandma's dogs Destiny lived with his grandparents for a time and his grandmother would take in tons of dogs, before killing them.
Planetary Annihilation catfish
Dominick the Donkey
Theresa's dump truck
Uncle car crash
Mia Rose
Roof repair stream
Bonnell family printer incident
Steve's siblings Despite rarely mentioning them, as Destiny is not close to any of his family, Destiny has many siblings that never appear on stream.
Kicked out of AP exam When in highschool Destiny was very proficient in his studies when he tried, and was prepared to take an AP exam for college credit, only to be interrupted as his parents had not paid fee to take the exam.
High school work-study
McDonald's job
nnn debates (DO NOT ENGAGE)
The Koibu story
MrMouton funeral bombing
Tony Dofat
Boobie time
Dog run over while carpet cleaning
Atlas rage clip
"I've always wanted to [REDACTED BY REDACT.DEV]"
Making out with high school ride
cane The most ignored chatter in DGG, and yet someone who appears in every corner of DGG lore.
Meta greentexting
Liberal usage of the word "meme"
WingNeoStar15 debate rivalry with Peter
Speeding ticket with Chris
paula Some random female chatter that Destiny would randomly ask questions of during stream, treating her as some sort of oracle. She has since appeared briefly on DariusIRL's stream
300 word essay due in 5 days monkaS People in DGG chat often like to exaggerate their problems, to mock them chat often posts this copypasta, expressing dread at doing a task that is trivial at best.
Gigabyte sponsor withdrawal and manifesto
Orb n-word drama
"g**k"-gate/Team Liquid drama
Starcraft dead game manifesto
Miasma's shit links Miasma is a chatter that always has a link, and it's always bad.
Polish streamer house drama
"I have foreseen" video
Infestor hit squad
Win against Bomber
Overlord retard magnet
"Destiny" by Ken Ashcorp
Quantic team drama
Root and Catz fallout
DAS keyboard
Diablo 3 launch with PhantomLord
Destiny is a Pokemon master
DesRow stories
Korean SC2 gaming house/Naniwa lost jacket
Naniwa/Tigerlily Matrix tweet
Deezer (RATZ STAY RATZ, e-spit)
Maximus black
remembertomorrow0 This references Destiny's original youtube channel, before he took youtube seriously as a platform.
Cammalleri / Forcefields
own3d TV drama/IRC chat
Bonsai Kitten email
The one thing Rem was wrong about (continental philosophy)
Ko names Derpstiny Ko names is in reference to chatters whose names begin with Ko. Kodaly and kosidius were the main targets of these insults, but others were quickly roped into the meme as more stupid people seemed to appear with ko at the start of their names. User Kogasa is a notable exception.
Monday Mail
Offline Chatter
Entry Brief Description
MrMouton soundalike incident
Post TC (Total Cum)
True knowledge of the secret memes (REE)
stank created PEPE vs YEE
Offline chat shared delusions (LIVE AngelThump) Sometimes someone in chat might start pretending Destiny is live and slowly chat will start reacting to imagined things. Things could vary from common orbiters joining the call to pretending Destiny clicked a link etc.
Incomprehensible Gleeb debate
Nathan exists because of Destiny's consistency
justin to Twitch transition
Guns'n Broaches/Gift of GabD
ebo ("Yahtzee" guy)
Homeless sandwich story
TalstepRevelatory dreams (abortion truth revealed)
Shavedstiny Destiny once shaved for a cosplay, creating a truly horrifying image.
Heroic Doser
Entry Brief Description
Carkinposting Posting "Carkin said x" in chat to bait a response from Destiny to respond to the claim.
nuke.sys MrMouton was wondering if DnD would be cancelled if "Iran nuked us." Which Destiny heard as "What if I ran nuke.sys?" A truly moment.
bullettrain's whereabouts (DO NOT RESEARCH) If you do decide to try and find bullettrain, be careful buddy.
Notfather MrMouton had his own moment when during DnD Koibu said to MrMouton (who was roleplaying as a preacher type figure) "Of course not, father." MrMouton heard "of course notfather" making him confused.
Steve's real height
Destiny died in Kenosha (April 24, 2021 Incident)
The Couch (ALWAYS HAS BEEN) It is theorized that we are actually just figments of Destiny's imagination after his first mushroom trip in which he was recorded expierencing ego-death on Reckful's couch.
The Two Mouton Theory It is theorized that there is actually
The true identity of Destiny's friend It's Destiny.
